Trump tells supporters they won’t have to vote in the future: ‘It’ll be fixed!’
The Guardian - Sat Jul 27, 2024
Donald Trump has ignited alarm among his critics after telling a crowd of supporters that they won’t “have to vote again” if they return him to the presidency in November’s election. More»
Anti-Vax Radio Host Who Called Fauci a ‘Power Tripping Lying Freak’ Dies of COVID
Daily Beast - Mon Aug 9, 2021
An anti-vaccine right-wing radio host in West Palm Beach, Florida died Wednesday from COVID-19 complications. More»
Trump slaps GOP with cease and desist order so that they'll stop using his name
Raw Story - Sat Mar 6, 2021
On Saturday, POLITICO reported that former president Donald Trump sent cease-and-desist letters to key Republican Party fundraising arms warning them to stop using his name and likeness. More»
Trump says he is thankful for HIMSELF this holiday
Daily Mail - Wed Nov 21, 2018
President Donald Trump said he's thankful for himself and the difference he made in this country along with his family. More»