Fatberg Weighing 30,000kg is Pulled from a Sewer in Western Australia
The Guardian - Sat Mar 15, 2025
The biggest ever fatberg found in Western Australia has been pulled from a sewer, weighing in at 30,000kg. More»
Mississippi Lawmaker introduces ‘Contraception Begins at Erection Act’ with Fines for Masturbation
WFLA-TV - Fri Jan 24, 2025
A Democratic Mississippi state senator introduced legislation this week that makes it unlawful for men to masturbate “without the intent to fertilize an embryo,” with the lawmaker criticizing anti-abortion measures that only “focus on the woman’s role. More»
San Diego Bans Yoga on the Beach
KUSI-TV - Mon May 20, 2024
SAN DIEGO, California — Local yoga instructors are now considering legal action against the City of San Diego as the city cracks down on free classes along the coast. More»
Alabama House Advances Bill Allowing Arrest of Librarians
Alabama Political Reporter - Sat Apr 27, 2024
MONGTOMERY, Alabama - A bill allowing librarians to be arrested for the content they allow on shelves advanced out of the Alabama House of Representatives Thursday along party lines. More»
Governor Sanders Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Eclipse
KNWA-TV - Sun Apr 7, 2024
LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas — Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders declared a state of emergency on Friday ahead of the solar eclipse, according to a news release. More»
Marjorie Taylor Greene Thinks The Solar Eclipse Is God Telling Us Something
Huffington Post - Fri Apr 5, 2024
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene said Friday’s 4. More»
Florida Education Officials Reject 54 Math Textbooks for ‘Attempts to Indoctrinate Students’
WKMG-TV - Sat Apr 16, 2022
TALLAHASSEE, Florida – Dozens of math textbooks were rejected by the Florida Department of Education after officials said their publishers were attempting to indoctrinate students. More»
'Nuclear Detonation' Response Simulation to be Held in Atlanta
WXIA-TV - Thu Mar 10, 2022
ATLANTA, Georgia — Atlanta-Fulton County Emergency Management Agency is participating Thursday in a "nuclear detonation" simulation with US Northern Command. More»
Golden Corral Buffet Riot in Bensalem PA - "ran out of steak"
Heavy - Tue Feb 1, 2022
BENSALEM, Pennsylvania - A fight broke out at the Golden Corral buffet restaurant in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, and it was caught on a video that has gone viral. More»
Two Men Take Corpse into Irish Post Office to Claim Dead Man’s Pension
The Guardian - Sat Jan 22, 2022
Gardaí have launched an investigation after two men carried a dead body into an Irish post office in an apparent attempt to claim his pension. More»
Turkmenistan's leader wants 'Gates of Hell' fire put out
Associated Press - Sat Jan 8, 2022
ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan — The president of Turkmenistan is calling for an end to one of the country’s most notable but infernal sights — the blazing natural gas crater widely referred to as the “Gates of Hell”. More»
Michigan Sheriff Wants Charges Filed Against Woman Who Criticized Anti-Maskers
Detroit Metro Times - Thu Dec 16, 2021
A Trump-adoring sheriff in Michigan is pursuing criminal charges against a Howell woman who called out anti-maskers on Twitter, drawing sharp criticism from legal experts. More»
Pizza Hut hits back after diner’s complaint about its ‘sexualised’ tomato sauce bottle
news.com.au - Tue Nov 2, 2021
Diner Adrian Shann complained last month about a tomato sauce bottle’s wording he believed to be too ‘sexual’ for the family friendly restaurant. More»
What the Actual Fuck? Kentucky high school investigated after students appear to give teachers & principal LAP DANCES during homecoming week festivities
Daily Mail - Wed Oct 27, 2021
HAZARD, Kentucky - Photos that appear to show students giving teachers and the principal - who is also the mayor of their town - lap dances during a homecoming week man pageant have shocked a Kentucky town. More»
Oregon County Declares "State of Emergency" for Having Too Much Weed
Associated Press - Thu Oct 14, 2021
SALEM, Oregon — A county in southern Oregon says it is so overwhelmed by an increase in the number and size of illegal marijuana farms that it declared a state of emergency Wednesday, appealing to the governor and the Legislatures leaders for help. More»
Far-Right Proud Boys Attack Three Schools
Daily Beast - Sun Sep 5, 2021
VANCOUVER, Washington - Three schools in Vancouver, Washington went into lockdown Friday after a group of anti-mask protesters that included the Proud Boys attempted to gain entry and disrupt the school day. More»
Anti-vaxxers forced a mobile COVID-19 vaccine site in Georgia to shut down after threatening health workers
Business Insider - Wed Sep 1, 2021
Georgias health department chief said workers at state COVID-19 vaccination events have been the victims of "threats" — and that one mobile inoculation site had to shut down due to "bullying". More»
A Nest Of Nearly 1,500 Asian Giant 'Murder Hornets' Has Been Eradicated
NPR - Fri Aug 27, 2021
SPOKANE, Washhington — Officials in Washington state said Thursday they had destroyed the first Asian giant hornet nest of the season, which was located near the town of Blaine along the Canadian border. More»
Albuquerque Mayor's Race Roiled By DONGCOPTER
Wonkette - Sat Jun 5, 2021
The big political news in New Mexico this week was Tuesdays landslide-isnt-adequate-to-describe-it win by Democratic state Representative Melanie Stansbury in the special election to fill Interior Secretary Deb Haalands congressional seat. More»
Trump 'is telling people he will be reinstated as president by August'
Daily Mail - Tue Jun 1, 2021
Former President Donald Trump is telling people that he will be reinstated as president by August according to a report, after his original National Security Advisor Michael Flynn said a Myanmar-style coup should happen. More»
Utah protest against ‘medical tyranny’ includes burning a giant effigy of a vaccine syringe
Salt Lake Tribune - Fri May 7, 2021
A cheering Utah crowd burned an effigy of a giant vaccine syringe in Moroni, according to a May 1 video posted on YouTube. More»
Fox host Larry Kudlow rages that Biden's climate plan will force Americans to drink 'plant-based beer'
The Insider - Tue Apr 27, 2021
Larry Kudlow, a Fox Business host and former Trump economic advisor, raged against the idea of "plant-based beer" on his Friday-night show and falsely claimed that President Joe Bidens climate plan would require Americans to give up meat. More»
Dodger Stadium's COVID-19 vaccination site shut down after protesters gather
Los Angeles Times - Sat Jan 30, 2021
Dodger Stadiums mass COVID-19 vaccination site was shut down Saturday afternoon as dozens of protesters gathered at the entrance, stalling hundreds of motorists who had been waiting in line for hours. More»
Inflated ego: Trump baby blimp joins Museum of London collection
The Guardian - Sun Jan 17, 2021
The the Donald Trump baby blimp, a 6-metre-high inflatable caricature that became a symbol of UK protest against the US president, has secured its place in history at a leading museum. More»
Whatever It Is, It's Probably Not Hair Dye
New York Times - Thu Nov 19, 2020
Rudolph Giuliani gave a news conference on Thursday in which, as he continued to cast doubt on the results of the presidential election, it appeared he was starting to melt. More»
The explosive physics of pooping penguins: they can shoot poo over four feet
ArsTechnica - Thu Jul 9, 2020
Nature is a brutal place, so during brooding, chinstrap and Adélie penguins are reluctant to leave their eggs unguarded in the nest - even to relieve themselves. More»
Massive Horde Of Goats Runs Amok In California Neighborhood
Huffington Post - Wed May 13, 2020
This is the craziest thing to happen all quarantine” a resident said about 200 goats running free in San Jose. More»
Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment
BBC - Fri Apr 24, 2020
US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. More»
Alabama Bill May Lift Yoga Ban In Public Schools But Prohibit 'Namaste' Greeting
The Guardian - Sun Mar 8, 2020
Alabama could takes steps to lift a decades-old ban on yoga in public schools this week, but would keep a ban on the greeting “namaste” in place. More»
National Weather Service warns of falling iguanas in Miami
UPI - Wed Jan 22, 2020
The National Weather Service on Tuesday warned people in South Florida of the possibility of falling iguanas in advance of cold weather. More»