Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo   
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Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo - Articles (4 items)

Photo: San Luis Obispo police chief accused of coverup over stolen gun San Luis Obispo police chief accused of coverup over stolen gun
California Coast News - Mon Jul 29, 2019
The search for the pistol that San Luis Obispo Police Chief Deanna Cantrell lost in a bathroom stall resulted in an apparently illegal search of a home without a warrant and the arrest of a couple on charges of child neglect for having a messy house. More»

Photo: The California Oil Spill Is Even Worse Than We Thought The California Oil Spill Is Even Worse Than We Thought
Think Progress - Thu May 21, 2015
Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency in California on Wednesday, after oil spill estimates soared from 21,000 gallons to more than 105,000 gallons. More»

Flag-waving gunman closes California highway for hours
Associated Press - Mon Nov 3, 2008
SANTA BARBARA, California - A man in a ski mask waved an American flag and a handgun on a freeway overpass for about three hours Monday morning, forcing a massive traffic shutdown before he surrendered. More»

Photo: Fire-Starting Hotspot in California Fire-Starting Hotspot in California
GEOTIMES - Fri Jan 13, 2006
In August 2004, a mysterious patch of hot soil triggered a forest fire in Southern California's Los Padres National Forest. More»