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Vaccines - Articles (32 items)View More Articles »

Photo: Anti-vaxxers forced a mobile COVID-19 vaccine site in Georgia to shut down after threatening health workers Anti-vaxxers forced a mobile COVID-19 vaccine site in Georgia to shut down after threatening health workers
Business Insider - Wed Sep 1, 2021
Georgia's health department chief said workers at state COVID-19 vaccination events have been the victims of "threats" — and that one mobile inoculation site had to shut down due to "bullying". More»

Photo: Officials Find Antidote to Vaccine Hesitancy: Free Beer Officials Find Antidote to Vaccine Hesitancy: Free Beer
Buffalo News - Sun May 9, 2021
The idea of getting vaccinated had been rolling around in the back of Tyler Morsch's mind for weeks. More»

Photo: Utah protest against ‘medical tyranny’ includes burning a giant effigy of a vaccine syringe Utah protest against ‘medical tyranny’ includes burning a giant effigy of a vaccine syringe
Salt Lake Tribune - Fri May 7, 2021
A cheering Utah crowd burned an effigy of a giant vaccine syringe in Moroni, according to a May 1 video posted on YouTube. More»

Photo: Rural community in shock after Georgia raids clinic vaccinating teachers Rural community in shock after Georgia raids clinic vaccinating teachers
NBC News - Fri Feb 5, 2021
ELBERTON, Georgia - A small Georgia city was still in shock Friday, days after state health workers raided the busiest medical clinic in the county and seized its Covid-19 vaccine supply because staffers had given doses to teachers. More»

Photo: Dodger Stadium's COVID-19 vaccination site shut down after protesters gather Dodger Stadium's COVID-19 vaccination site shut down after protesters gather
Los Angeles Times - Sat Jan 30, 2021
Dodger Stadium's mass COVID-19 vaccination site was shut down Saturday afternoon as dozens of protesters gathered at the entrance, stalling hundreds of motorists who had been waiting in line for hours. More»