Hurricane Katrina 2005   
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Ex-cop says he helped cover up Katrina shootings
Associated Press - Mon Jul 11, 2011
NEW ORLEANS - A former police detective testified Monday that he participated in a plot to fabricate witnesses, falsify reports and plant a gun to make it seem police were justified in shooting unarmed residents on a New Orleans bridge after Hurricane Katrina. More»

NOPD Investigated In Post-Katrina Civil Rights Cases
WDSU-TV - Sat Aug 8, 2009
NEW ORLEANS - A federal investigation is being conducted into the New Orleans Police Department to determine if New Orleans police violated the civil rights of people killed and injured in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. More»

New Orleans Sanitation Director trashes FEMA in book
New Orleans Times-Picayune - Thu Apr 9, 2009
As City Hall continues to haggle with the Federal Emergency Management Agency over hundreds of millions of dollars for New Orleans' recovery, a top aide to Mayor Ray Nagin has published a how-to guide littered with cutting assertions about FEMA's competence and its employees' motives. More»

Ivor Van Heerden, Who Pointed Fingers In Hurricane Katrina Levee Failures, Fired By LSU
New Orleans Times-Picayune - Thu Apr 9, 2009
Ivor van Heerden, the outspoken coastal scientist who led the state's independent Team Louisiana investigation into Hurricane Katrina levee failures, has been notified by Louisiana State University that he will be terminated as a research professor in May 2010. More»

Photo: New Orleans Levees Squeezed By Congress' Demand For Cash New Orleans Levees Squeezed By Congress' Demand For Cash
Associated Press - Thu Jun 26, 2008
NEW ORLEANS - The goal to raise levees and build large-scale flood defenses around this flood-torn city could be delayed indefinitely because of congressional demands that Louisiana chip in almost $2 billion to the effort over three years. More»