Torture by Taser: Fort Worth Man Dead Because He Was Too Terrified to Come Out of a Closet
Fort Worth Weekly - Wed Jun 22, 2005
Robert Guerrero may have died because he wouldn't come out of a closet. More»
Another Death by Taser: Woman Says Officers' Action Killed Son
WIBW-TV - Wed Jun 22, 2005
A Kansas City woman says Independence police caused the death of her teenage son. More»
FBI Investigates: Police Tasered 82 Year Old Handicapped Man
WTOV-TV - Wed Jun 22, 2005
MARTINS FERRY, OHio - The Federal Bureau of Investigation is looking into accusations of police brutality in one local community. More»
Grand Jurors Clear Halliburton Protesters
KPRC-TV - Wed Jun 22, 2005
HOUSTON, Texas - Three men who were arrested during a protest at Halliburton's shareholders meeting were cleared by a Harris County grand jury Wednesday, Local 2 reported. More»
Police: "It's Taser time" to 105-lb Woman
WTHR-TV - Sun Jun 5, 2005
Hamilton County, Indiana - Police car video of a traffic stop late one night in November of 2003 shows two officers questioning a suspected drunk driver at a gas station at 116th Street and Brooks School Road. More»
Bartender Tasered in Breast for Raising Her Voice
Palm Beach Post - Mon May 30, 2005
As the music thumped at Club Prestige one night in September, a man stepped from the crowd and asked the bartender for a cup of water. More»
Teen Tasered After Complaining that Father's Ambulance was Late
Palm Beach Post - Fri May 27, 2005
Josh Welch is no teen angel. More»
Police Used Taser on 8-Month Pregnant Driver
Seattle Post-Intellengencer - Sun May 8, 2005
She was rushing her son to school. More»
Childhood UFO Sighting And Persisting Intrigue Brought Me To Roswell, N.M., UFO Capital Of The World
Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star - Fri May 6, 2005
I MILL AROUND MY BEDROOM, sorting books and clothes for the next school day. More»
Area 51: UFOs
KLAS-TV - Fri May 6, 2005
It's hard to believe now, but not too many years ago, few people outside of Nevada had ever heard of Area 51, the secret military base that turns 50 years old this month. More»
Alabama Bill Targets Gay Authors
CBS - Mon Apr 25, 2005
A college production tells the story of Matthew Sheppard, a student beaten to death because he was gay. More»
ChoicePoint Wins Big Brother Award
Wired - Sun Apr 17, 2005
A data broker that sold personal information to identity thieves, an elementary school that tried to track students with radio-frequency ID tags and a consulting firm that helped orchestrate an invasive traveler-monitoring system all received honors this week from privacy rights advocates. More»
O'Reilly Calls the ACLU a Terrorist Organization
Media Matters - Thu Apr 14, 2005
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly labeled the American Civil Liberties Union a "terrorist group" for filing a lawsuit against Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and for opposing Bush administration anti-terrorism measures that the group believes are unconstitutional. More»
Federal Law Protects Battered Women From Housing Discrimination, Court Rules
ACLU - Thu Mar 31, 2005
The ACLU Women's Rights Project hails the first federal court ruling that the Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination against domestic violence victims. More»
Police Pull Guns on Mom who Gave Birth in Car
AP - Wed Mar 30, 2005
KETTERING, Ohio - A woman rushing to a hospital to give birth hit a few stops along the way - first at a gas station where she delivered the baby herself, then when confused police ordered her out of the car at gunpoint. More»
Police Defend Use of Taser on Girl, 13, 65 lbs
Florida Times Union - Tue Mar 1, 2005
Jacksonville police are defending the decision to use a stun gun on a 13-year-old girl at least twice and perhaps more because she wouldn't follow orders, but the state attorney said the incident raises "serious concerns". More»
50 Years On, UFO Interest Still Intense
ABC News - Fri Feb 25, 2005
Aliens and UFOs have been such a staple of American pop culture it's hard to believe the fascination only began about 50 years ago. More»
The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing
ABC - Sat Feb 19, 2005
Almost 50 percent of Americans, according to recent polls, and millions of people elsewhere in the world believe that UFOs are real. More»
U.S. Scientists Say They Are Told to Alter Findings
Los Angeles Times - Wed Feb 9, 2005
More than 200 Fish and Wildlife researchers cite cases where conclusions were reversed to weaken protections and favor business, a survey finds. More»
They are out there: UFO reported over Billerica
Wilmington Advocate - Wed Feb 9, 2005
Whatever it was that appeared in the cold skies over Billerica on December 12, at least one observer was concerned enough to seek answers. More»
Judge faces charges for masturbating during trials
Houston Chronicle - Tue Feb 8, 2005
OKLAHOMA CITY - Jurors and others in Judge Donald Thompson's courtroom kept hearing a strange whooshing noise, like a bicycle pump or maybe a blood pressure cuff. More»
ACLU Announces Online Complaint Form For Airline Security Groping, Warns That Women Are Still Vulnerable
ACLU - Tue Dec 21, 2004
NEW YORK - As Americans head into the holiday travel rush, the American Civil Liberties Union today warned that women still remain susceptible to sexual harassment at airline security gates, and announced that it has posted an online complaint form that travelers can use to describe any abuses that take place. More»
US Cops Taser 74 year old Granny
The Register - Wed Oct 20, 2004
ROCK HILL, South Carolina - A South Carolina police officer is under investigation for zapping a 75-year-old granny with a Taser. More»
Police Accused Of Firing Taser At Pregnant Bride - Mon Sep 27, 2004
EVERGREEN PARK, Illinois - A man and his daughter have filed a lawsuit alleging a couple of Evergreen Park police officers assaulted them with a Taser gun at the woman's backyard wedding reception. More»
Skateboarding Children Arrested in Massachusetts
UPI - Tue Aug 10, 2004
WHITMAN, Massachusetts -- The parents of two boys in Whitman, Massachusetts, are upset their kids were arrested and shackled by police for illegal skateboarding. More»
The Madness of Our Mad Cow Policy
Jim Hightower, AlterNet - Tue Mar 9, 2004
Two-thirds of infected cows couldn't be tracked and presumably had ended up in our lunches and dinners. More»
Mad Cow Beef Recall 4 Times Larger Than Reported
Seattle Post-Intelligencer - Wed Mar 3, 2004
The amount of meat subject to recall from the nation's first case of mad cow disease was nearly four times larger than previously reported and as much as 17,000 pounds may have been eaten, the US Agriculture Department said. More»
Government ends search for more mad cows
Associated Press - Mon Feb 9, 2004
WASHINGTON - The Agriculture Department is ending its search for additional cases of mad cow disease even though officials have not found several animals suspected of having eaten the potentially infectious feed believed to have caused the only known US case. More»
Bush Administration Nixes Wider Mad Cow Testing
WFIE-TV - Fri Jan 30, 2004
The Bush Administration says it has no plans to expand testing of cattle for mad cow disease, citing -- in the words of unnamed administration officials -- the "gargantuan" cost of testing the 35 million cattle slaughtered each year in the United States, the McClatchy newspaper chain reports. More»
A Worker from the Mad Cow Meat Plant Speaks Out - Mon Jan 19, 2004
MOSES LAKE, Washington - My name is Dave and I work at Vern's Moses Lake Meats. More»