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United States - Articles

Half of Americans Still Believe In WMDs - They Saw Them on TV
PR Watch - Mon Aug 7, 2006
A recent Harris Poll reports found that while "the US and other countries have not found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, surprisingly more US adults (50%) think that Iraq had such weapons when the US invaded Iraq. More»

Photo: Bush Sets Up Domestic Spy Service Bush Sets Up Domestic Spy Service
BBC - Thu Jun 22, 2006
US President George W Bush has ordered the creation of a domestic intelligence service within the FBI, as part of a package of 70 new security measures. More»

Photo: Emergency Medical System In Crisis, USA Emergency Medical System In Crisis, USA
Medical News Today - Wed Jun 14, 2006
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) says the American emergency medical system is in crisis - it is seriously short of resources, fragmented and splitting at the seams. More»

Area UFO expert Dr. Harley Rutledge, 80, dies
SE Missourian - Mon Jun 5, 2006
In 1980 he published "Project Identification," which took a scientific approach to cataloguing UFO activity. More»

CDC forming Morgellons task force
KENS-TV - Mon May 22, 2006
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has launched an investigation into the skin condition called Morgellons disease. More»

Ex-VP aide, FBI Analyst Admits Spying
CNN - Wed May 3, 2006
NEWARK, New Jersey - A former vice presidential military aide and FBI analyst pleaded guilty Thursday to supplying documents to unnamed individuals in the Philippines on how to orchestrate a coup attempt against Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. More»

VA apologizes for investigating nurse on 'sedition'
Associated Press - Tue Apr 18, 2006
ALBUQUERQUE - The Veterans Affairs secretary has acknowledged his agency was wrong to investigate a nurse at the Albuquerque VA hospital on an accusation of sedition. More»

Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room
Wired News - Tue Apr 11, 2006
AT&T provided National Security Agency eavesdroppers with full access to its customers' phone calls, and shunted its customers' internet traffic to data-mining equipment installed in a secret room in its San Francisco switching center, according to a former AT&T worker cooperating in the Electronic Frontier Foundation's lawsuit against the company. More»

US Ambassador Pelted with Tomatoes and Eggs in Venezuela; Feds are in a Snit
BBC - Thu Apr 6, 2006
The US has accused city officials of the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, of complicity in an attack on the car of US Ambassador William Brownfield. More»

Fascism in the Classroom
The Guardian UK - Wed Apr 5, 2006
University professors denounced for anti-Americanism; schoolteachers suspended for their politics; students encouraged to report on their tutors. More»

Report Faults Video Reports Shown as News
New York Times - Wed Apr 5, 2006
Many television news stations, including some from the nation's largest markets, are continuing to broadcast reports as news without disclosing that the segments were produced by corporations pitching new products, according to a report to be released today by a group that monitors the news media. More»

Patient's Survival is Bad for Business
CNN - Mon Apr 3, 2006
When M Smith learned she had AIDS in the early 1990's, she figured it was a death sentence. More»

Judge Blames ADHD for Causing Him to Wrongfully Arrest 11 People
Associated Press - Fri Mar 31, 2006
SANFORD, Florida - A judge who had 11 people arrested for accidentally going to the wrong courtroom told an ethics board he was "horrified" by what he had done and blamed the problem on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. More»

The US propaganda machine: Oh, what a lovely war
The Independent UK - Thu Mar 30, 2006
The Lincoln Group was tasked with presenting the US version of events in Iraq to counter adverse media coverage. More»

Happy Doomsday to You!
Washington Post - Thu Mar 23, 2006
Washington was about one horseman short of an apocalypse yesterday. More»

Calf from Alabama 'mad cow' being tested
CNN - Thu Mar 16, 2006
One of at least two calves born to an Alabama cow with mad cow disease will be tested for evidence of the fatal, brain-wasting disease, the state's agriculture commissioner said Friday. More»

Amnesty Says Iraq Abuses Continue
BBC - Sat Mar 4, 2006
Thousands of detainees held in Iraq are still being denied basic human rights with reports of torture rife, Amnesty International has said. More»

Pay Too Much On Your Card Debt & DHS Notified!
The Providence Journal - Thu Mar 2, 2006
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island - Walter Soehnge is a retired Texas schoolteacher who traveled north with his wife, Deana, saw summer change to fall in Rhode Island and decided this was a place to stay for a while. More»

The CIA's 'Black Sites'
Village Voice - Tue Feb 28, 2006
The CIA's top counterterrorism official [Robert Grenier] was fired last week because he opposed detaining Al Qaeda suspects in secret prisons abroad, sending them to other countries for interrogation, and using forms of torture such as "waterboarding," [making a prisoner believe he is about to be drowned] intelligence sources have claimed. More»

Gulf War Veteran Gets Placebos Instead Of Real Medicine
WSOC-TV - Tue Feb 28, 2006
A Gulf War veteran undergoing medical treatment said he was given placebos -- or sugar pills -- instead of real medicine. More»

37 Million Poor Hidden in the Land of Plenty
The Observer UK - Sun Feb 19, 2006
Americans have always believed that hard work will bring rewards, but vast numbers now cannot meet their bills even with two or three jobs. More»

Photo: "Deadeye" Dick Cheney Steps Up War on Lawyers - Shoots One "Deadeye" Dick Cheney Steps Up War on Lawyers - Shoots One
Canada.com - Sun Feb 12, 2006
Dick Cheney, the Vice-President of the United States, accidentally shot and wounded a 78-year-old hunting buddy while hunting at a Texas ranch this weekend. More»

UN inquiry demands immediate closure of Guantanamo
Telegraph UK - Sat Feb 11, 2006
A United Nations inquiry has called for the immediate closure of America's Guantanamo Bay detention centre and the prosecution of officers and politicians "up to the highest level" who are accused of torturing detainees. More»

CIA Chief Sacked for Opposing Torture
The Times Online UK - Sat Feb 11, 2006
The CIA's top counter-terrorism official was fired last week because he opposed detaining Al-Qaeda suspects in secret prisons abroad, sending them to other countries for interrogation and using forms of torture such as "water boarding", intelligence sources have claimed. More»

Photo: Cindy Sheehan: What Really Happened Cindy Sheehan: What Really Happened
Cindy Sheehan - Tue Jan 31, 2006
As most of you have probably heard, I was arrested before the State of the Union address last night. More»

Photo: Europe 'complicit over CIA jails' Europe 'complicit over CIA jails'
BBC - Sun Jan 15, 2006
A Swiss senator carrying out an inquiry into claims the CIA has run illegal secret detention centres in Europe has said he has no doubt they exist. More»

Photo: Fire-Starting Hotspot in California Fire-Starting Hotspot in California
GEOTIMES - Fri Jan 13, 2006
In August 2004, a mysterious patch of hot soil triggered a forest fire in Southern California's Los Padres National Forest. More»

New Claims of Guantanamo Torture
BBC - Tue Jan 10, 2006
Fresh claims of torture and abuse at Guantanamo Bay have been published by Amnesty International to mark the US detention centre's fourth anniversary. More»

Annoy someone online - two years in jail?
ZDNet - Sun Jan 8, 2006
It's no joke - Last Thursday, President Bush signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity. More»

Mysterious Horse Deaths Raise Theories About UFOs
Associated Press - Wed Jan 4, 2006
RUSH, Colorado - Cattle rancher Clyde Chess never learned who - or what - killed his heifer 11 years ago, removing its lips, tongue, ears, heart and reproductive organs with laserlike precision. More»

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