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Photo: Mueller Report Did Not Exonerate Trump, Mueller Says Mueller Report Did Not Exonerate Trump, Mueller Says
Huffington Post - Wed Jul 24, 2019
Despite President Donald Trump’s repeated insistence that former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report was a “total exoneration,” Mueller on Wednesday confirmed it was not. More»

Photo: Trump Lies About Congresswomen Of Color Referring To 'Evil Jews' Trump Lies About Congresswomen Of Color Referring To 'Evil Jews'
Huffington Post - Fri Jul 19, 2019
President Donald Trump on Friday continued his attack on four progressive congresswomen of color by falsely claiming they had talked about “evil Jews”. More»

Photo: Trump claims 'there's a lot of talk' about Ilhan Omar being 'married to her brother' Trump claims 'there's a lot of talk' about Ilhan Omar being 'married to her brother'
Daily Mail - Thu Jul 18, 2019
Donald Trump suggested Representative Ilhan Omar was married to her brother on Wednesday, ratcheting up his attacks on the four Democratic women of color known as the squad. More»

Photo: Trump continues attack against congresswomen while crowd chants "send her back" Trump continues attack against congresswomen while crowd chants "send her back"
CBS News - Wed Jul 17, 2019
President Trump at a campaign rally on Wednesday doubled down on his racist remarks about four progressive congresswomen of color, casting them as an existential threat to modern American society and saying "let them leave. More»

Photo: Kellyanne Conway Asks Reporter’s Ethnicity As She Defends Trump’s Racist Remarks Kellyanne Conway Asks Reporter’s Ethnicity As She Defends Trump’s Racist Remarks
Washington Post - Tue Jul 16, 2019
Kellyanne Conway, responding to a reporter’s question Tuesday about President Trump’s racist tweet directed to four Democratic congresswomen, asked the journalist: “What’s your ethnicity?”. More»

Photo: Trump Says Troops ‘Took Over Airports’ During Revolutionary War, In Rainy Fourth Of July Speech Trump Says Troops ‘Took Over Airports’ During Revolutionary War, In Rainy Fourth Of July Speech
Rolling Stone - Thu Jul 4, 2019
“The Continental Army… manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do,” the president said. More»

Photo: This is the week it became accurate to compare Trump to Hitler This is the week it became accurate to compare Trump to Hitler
Salon - Wed Jul 3, 2019
The presidency of Donald Trump has been one horror after another - the endless lying, the coddling and worship of dictators, the rank incompetence and corruption of the people he has chosen to run government departments, the saber-rattling and about-facing with various enemies, the repeated attacks on voting rights and free speech and a free press, the countenancing of rank racism and white supremacy in Charlottesville and elsewhere, the personal corruption and grifting at his resorts and golf clubs, the reverence for a celebration of ignorance, the disdain for science and expertise, the constant tweeting and spewing of hate and stupidity and racism and misogyny and xenophobia - the list goes on. More»

Photo: Knife-wielding cultist defends Trump's honor by stabbing giant Trump balloon in the diaper Knife-wielding cultist defends Trump's honor by stabbing giant Trump balloon in the diaper
Daily KOS - Wed Jun 5, 2019
You really cant make this stuff up: A Trump cultist, armed with a "pointed or bladed" weapon, decided that the best way to defend the dignity of Donald Trump was to stab a balloon in the ass. More»

Photo: Trump orders Navy not to use 'electric' because 'nobody knows' how it works Trump orders Navy not to use 'electric' because 'nobody knows' how it works
ShareBlue - Sat Jun 1, 2019
Trump wants to scrap an electric launch system for Navy ships, despite the cost savings for taxpayers and increased military power they would allow, because he thinks its too much modern technology. More»

Photo: 11-year-old asylum seeker ordered to return to El Salvador without family 11-year-old asylum seeker ordered to return to El Salvador without family
WSB-TV - Fri Apr 12, 2019
HOUSTON, Texas - An immigration court in Texas has ordered an 11-year-old girl to be deported to El Salvador alone, and now her family is fighting to have the order suspended. More»

Photo: Georgia lawmakers consider bill that takes aim at the state's journalists Georgia lawmakers consider bill that takes aim at the state's journalists
The Guardian - Thu Apr 11, 2019
In a move slammed by proponents of press freedom, Georgia politicians are considering a law that would create a journalism board to oversee the work of journalists in the state. More»

Photo: Trump claims noise from windmills "causes cancer" Trump claims noise from windmills "causes cancer"
The Hill - Wed Apr 3, 2019
President Trump on Tuesday stepped up his attacks against wind power, claiming that the structures decrease property values and that the noise they emit causes cancer. More»

Photo: Michael Cohen Disbarred Michael Cohen Disbarred
The Hill - Tue Feb 26, 2019
Michael Cohen, President Trumps former personal attorney, has reportedly been disbarred. More»

Photo: Trump Declares National Emergency To Fund U.S.-Mexico Border Wall Trump Declares National Emergency To Fund U.S.-Mexico Border Wall
Huffington Post - Fri Feb 15, 2019
President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency at the southern US border in an effort to unilaterally seize funding to begin building his long-promised wall between the US and Mexico. More»

Photo: Report: Missing Migrant Children Being Funneled Through Betsy DeVos Adoption Agency Report: Missing Migrant Children Being Funneled Through Betsy DeVos Adoption Agency
Patheos - Thu Feb 7, 2019
The Trump administration says it cant reunite missing migrant children with their families; instead, many of the children are being shipped to a Christian adoption agency with ties to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. More»

Photo: Trump Orders FEMA To Cut Off Aid For California Wildfires Trump Orders FEMA To Cut Off Aid For California Wildfires
Huffington Post - Tue Jan 8, 2019
The president said the fire-ravaged state will receive no more money until "they get their act together". More»

Photo: Trump Threatens To Continue Government Shutdown For 'Months Or Even Years' Trump Threatens To Continue Government Shutdown For 'Months Or Even Years'
Huffington Post - Thu Jan 3, 2019
WASHINGTON, DC - Continuing negotiations over the government shutdown and funding for his border wall, President Donald Trump on Friday threatened to withhold funding for multiple government agencies "for a very long period of time - months or even years," according to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). More»

Photo: Russia's Putin Accuses US Of Raising Risk Of Nuclear War Russia's Putin Accuses US Of Raising Risk Of Nuclear War
Reuters - Wed Dec 19, 2018
President Vladimir Putin on Thursday accused the United States of raising the risk of nuclear war by threatening to spurn a key arms control treaty and refusing to hold talks about another pact that expires soon. More»

Photo: Trump Lashes Out After His Foundation Shuts Down Over Claims of a 'Shocking Pattern' of 'Illegality' Trump Lashes Out After His Foundation Shuts Down Over Claims of a 'Shocking Pattern' of 'Illegality'
Time - Tue Dec 18, 2018
President Donald Trump defended his embattled personal foundation after it agreed to shut down amid allegations the nonprofit misused funds on political and business purposes. More»

Photo: Russia 'meddled in all big social media' around US election Russia 'meddled in all big social media' around US election
BBC - Mon Dec 17, 2018
Russia used every major social media platform to influence the 2016 US election, a report claims. More»

Photo: National Enquirer admits to hush-money payments made on Trump's behalf National Enquirer admits to hush-money payments made on Trump's behalf
Washington Post - Wed Dec 12, 2018
The National Enquirers parent company acknowledged paying hush money to a woman who alleged an affair with Donald Trump to "suppress the womans story" and "prevent it from influencing the election. More»

Photo: Cohen gets 3 years, says Trump's 'dirty deeds' led him to 'choose darkness' Cohen gets 3 years, says Trump's 'dirty deeds' led him to 'choose darkness'
NBC News - Tue Dec 11, 2018
An emotional Michael Cohen, President Donald Trumps former lawyer and fixer, was sentenced Wednesday to three years in prison after pleading guilty to nine federal charges stemming from his failure to report millions of dollars in income and making secret payments to women who claimed they had affairs with Trump. More»

Photo: Federal Prosecutors Recommend Substantial Prison Sentence For Michael Cohen Federal Prosecutors Recommend Substantial Prison Sentence For Michael Cohen
Huffington Post - Fri Dec 7, 2018
Federal prosecutors and special counsel Robert Muellers office filed court documents on Friday that revealed new details about the governments cooperation with Michael Cohen, President Donald Trumps former personal lawyer, ahead of his sentencing next week. More»

Photo: Trump says he doesn't believe in climate change because 'air and water is at a record clean' Trump says he doesn't believe in climate change because 'air and water is at a record clean'
The Independent - Tue Nov 27, 2018
Donald Trump has said he does not believe in manmade climate change because Americas water and air is "right now at a record clean". More»

Photo: Trump says he is thankful for HIMSELF this holiday Trump says he is thankful for HIMSELF this holiday
Daily Mail - Wed Nov 21, 2018
President Donald Trump said hes thankful for himself and the difference he made in this country along with his family. More»

Photo: Trump Insists 'Raking' Will Help Stop Forest Fires Trump Insists 'Raking' Will Help Stop Forest Fires
Huffington Post - Sat Nov 17, 2018
With 76 people dead and nearly 1,300 unaccounted for and feared dead in California wildfires, President Donald Trump had a word of advice about stopping future blazes: "Raking. More»

Photo: Inside Trump's Paris temper tantrum, election woes and staff upheaval Inside Trump's Paris temper tantrum, election woes and staff upheaval
Washington Post - Tue Nov 13, 2018
As he jetted to Paris last Friday, President Trump received a congratulatory phone call aboard Air Force One. More»

Photo: Matthew Whitaker: Acting Attorney General Said Judges Should Be Christian Matthew Whitaker: Acting Attorney General Said Judges Should Be Christian
The Guardian - Thu Nov 8, 2018
Donald Trumps new attorney general once said that judges should be Christian and proposed blocking non-religious people from judicial appointments. More»

Photo: Jeff Sessions Forced Out As Attorney General After Constant Criticism From Trump Jeff Sessions Forced Out As Attorney General After Constant Criticism From Trump
NPR - Wed Nov 7, 2018
Jeff Sessions, the presidents earliest and most fervent supporter in Congress, resigned under pressure as attorney general on Wednesday after brutal criticism from the president, bringing an abrupt end to his controversial tenure as the nations top law enforcement officer. More»

Photo: White House Uses Doctored Video To Support Claim Against Reporter White House Uses Doctored Video To Support Claim Against Reporter
N&G - Wed Nov 7, 2018
The White House is standing by its decision to revoke the press credentials of CNN correspondent Jim Acosta. More»

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