Fire chief shot by cop in Arkansas court over tickets
Associated Press - Wed Sep 2, 2009
JERICHO, Arkansas - It was just too much, having to return to court twice on the same day to contest yet another traffic ticket, and Fire Chief Don Payne didn't hesitate to tell the judge what he thought of the police and their speed traps. More»
Man who threatened President Obama pleads guilty
WLBT-TV - Fri Aug 28, 2009
JACKSON, MS - A man who made internet threats in January to assassinate then President-Elect Barack Obama pleaded guilty Friday before US District Judge Henry Wingate. More»
Senator Edward M. Kennedy dies at age 77
Associated Press - Tue Aug 25, 2009
BOSTON - Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, the last surviving brother in a political dynasty and one of the most influential senators in history, died Tuesday night at his home on Cape Cod after a year-long struggle with brain cancer. More»
'Inhumane' CIA terror tactics spur criminal probe
Associated Press - Sun Aug 23, 2009
WASHINGTON - The Obama administration launched a criminal investigation Monday into harsh questioning of detainees during President George W Bush's war on terrorism, revealing CIA interrogators' threats to kill one suspect's children and to force another to watch his mother sexually assaulted. More»
New York: Debt collectors illegally threatened arrest, assault
CNN - Sat Aug 22, 2009
NEW YORK - Michele Minton was crying as she listened to a man tell her she'd be arrested within the hour if she didn't pay a $4,400 debt. More»
As vets await checks, VA workers get $24M bonuses
Associated Press - Thu Aug 20, 2009
WASHINGTON - Outside the Veterans Affairs Department, severely wounded veterans have faced financial hardship waiting for their first disability payment; inside, money has been flowing in the form of $24 million in bonuses. More»
CIA hired Blackwater to try to hit al-Qaida
Associated Press - Wed Aug 19, 2009
WASHINGTON - The CIA hired private contractors at Blackwater USA in 2004 as part of a secret program to kill top-level members of al-Qaida, a person familiar with the program said Wednesday. More»
Whistle-blower: Health care industry engaging in PR tactics
CNN - Wed Aug 12, 2009
WASHINGTON - Wendell Potter knows a little something about the health care industry's practices and is not afraid of to speak out as the health care reform debate heats up around the country. More»
Crow Chief Receives Medal of Freedom
Associated Press - Wed Aug 12, 2009
WASHINGTON - A 95-year-old Crow Indian who went into battle wearing war paint under his World War II uniform has been awarded the nation's highest civilian honor. More»
Rove involvement in US attorney firing detailed
Associated Press - Mon Aug 10, 2009
WASHINGTON - Former White House political adviser Karl Rove played a central role in the ouster of a US attorney in New Mexico, one of nine prosecutors fired in a scandal in 2006 over political interference with the Justice Department, according to transcripts of closed-door testimony released Tuesday. More»
NOPD Investigated In Post-Katrina Civil Rights Cases
WDSU-TV - Sat Aug 8, 2009
NEW ORLEANS - A federal investigation is being conducted into the New Orleans Police Department to determine if New Orleans police violated the civil rights of people killed and injured in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. More»
Burger King Kicks Out Baby for Not Wearing Shoes
Associated Content - Wed Aug 5, 2009
A Mother and Her Six-Month-Old Baby Were Asked to Leave a Missouri Burger King when Baby Wasn't Wearing Shoes. More»
Do the crime, pay for the time, as in $90 a day
Associated Press - Tue Aug 4, 2009
A one-night stay? Ninety dollars; Need to see a doctor? Ten bucks; Want toilet paper? Pay for it yourself. More»
Officers Run Background Check On Obama; Placed On Leave
WSB-TV - Tue Jul 28, 2009
DEKALB COUNTY, Georgia - Two DeKalb County police officers have been placed on paid administrative leave after an investigation revealed they ran a background check on President Barack Obama. More»
Man Charged In Threats Against Obama Says He's Messiah
WAPT-TV - Mon Jul 27, 2009
JACKSON, Mississippi - A man who is accused of posting online threats to assassinate President Barack Obama says he's competent to stand trial. More»
Bush mulled sending troops into Buffalo
Associated Press - Fri Jul 24, 2009
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration in 2002 considered sending US troops into a Buffalo, New York, suburb to arrest a group of terror suspects in what would have been a nearly unprecedented use of military power, The New York Times reported. More»
UW Hospital Says It Wasn't Negligent After Treating CJD Patient
WISC-TV - Thu Jul 23, 2009
MADISON, Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Hospital officials denied on Friday the hospital was negligent in any way regarding the possible transmission of a rare and fatal neurological disease to 53 people. More»
Florida hospital defends secretly deporting patient
Associated Press - Wed Jul 22, 2009
STUART, Florida - All sides agree on one thing in the strange case of a South Florida hospital that secretly repatriated a seriously brain injured patient back to Guatemala. More»
CDC: Teen Pregnancy and Disease Rates Rose Sharply During Bush Years
Georgia Public Broadcasting - Mon Jul 20, 2009
Teenage pregnancies and syphilis have risen sharply among a generation of American school girls who were urged to avoid sex before marriage under George Bush's evangelically-driven education policy, according to a new report by the US's major public health body. More»
Denver Officer Pulls Weapon Over Slow Service at Drive-thru
KMGH TV - Mon Jul 20, 2009
AURORA, Colorado - A Denver police officer assigned to Denver International Airport was on administrative leave Tuesday after employees at an Aurora McDonald's said he pulled a gun on them when his order wasn't filled fast enough. More»
Caught on camera: 40 prison guards kick and punch juvenile inmates... already handcuffed
Daily Mail, UK - Wed Jul 15, 2009
In shocking CCTV footage of a prison riot, guards kicked and punched young inmates who were already in handcuffs. More»
Package explodes at Toledo police HQ
Associated Press - Wed Jul 15, 2009
TOLEDO, Ohio - A package delivered to the Toledo Police Department downtown early Thursday afternoon exploded on the fourth floor. More»
Robert McNamara, Vietnam War architect, dies at 93
Associated Press - Mon Jul 6, 2009
WASHINGTON - Robert S McNamara, the brainy Pentagon chief who directed the escalation of the Vietnam War despite private doubts the war was winnable or worth fighting, died Monday at 93. More»
Georgia police have used Tasers on handcuffed suspects
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Sat Jun 27, 2009
Gwinnett County, GA - Gwinnett County police are increasingly shocking suspects with Tasers and have turned the weapons on people they have already handcuffed, according to reports obtained under Georgia's Open Records Act. More»
Cop Tasers Waiter "....because he thought it would be funny"
WXIA=TV - Tue Jun 23, 2009
Danny Wilson insists he never saw it coming: On February 16, the Waffle House waiter was chatting with two Gwinnett County police officers when a third officer approached, his taser set on stun. More»
S.C. Governor Mark Sanford goes AWOL for the Boink of the Century
Associated Press - Tue Jun 23, 2009
COLUMBIA, South Carolina - After going AWOL for seven days, Governor Mark Sanford admitted Wednesday that he had secretly flown to Argentina to visit a woman with whom he was having an affair. More»
Lisa McPherson: Scientologist had evidence destroyed
Associated Press - Sun Jun 21, 2009
CLEARWATER, Florida - A former high-ranking Scientology official who handled the case of a mentally ill member who died under church care ordered the destruction of incriminating evidence to cover up missteps, a newspaper reported Monday. More»
Nestle recalls Toll House cookie dough products
Associated Press - Thu Jun 18, 2009
NEW YORK - Federal authorities are investigating a new outbreak of bacteria-triggered illness related to a sweet treat treasured by the heartbroken and children-at-heart - packaged raw cookie dough. More»
Indian health care needs unmet
Associated Press - Sun Jun 14, 2009
CROW AGENCY, Montana - Ta'Shon Rain Little Light, a happy little girl who loved to dance and dress up in traditional American Indian clothes, had stopped eating and walking. More»
Feds Freeze Poker Champ's Winnings
Associated Press - Thu Jun 11, 2009
On the Sunday before Memorial Day, David made the big time: Winning $10,000 in an online poker tournament made him eligible for the upcoming World Series of Poker, the game's premier event, where hundreds of players - amateur and professional - descend on Las Vegas from around the world to play for a multimillion-dollar pot. More»