How US firms profited from torture flights
The Guardian, UK - Wed Aug 31, 2011
The scale of the CIA's rendition programme has been laid bare in court documents that illustrate in minute detail how the US contracted out the secret transportation of suspects to a network of private American companies. More»
Big agribusinesses that generate manure not properly inspected
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Sat Aug 13, 2011
A report blasting Georgia's environmental oversight of large livestock farms has raised concerns about potential contamination of Georgia waterways with chemicals from manure. More»
Bulldoze: The New Way to Foreclose
Time - Sun Jul 31, 2011
Banks have a new remedy for America's ailing housing market: bulldozers. More»
Vets with PTSD get benefits under settlement
CNN - Sat Jul 30, 2011
Washington - Anthony Koller's squad was ambushed in Iraq. More»
New Study Links Mountaintop Removal to 60,000 Additional Cancer Cases
AlterNet - Tue Jul 26, 2011
Among the 1.2 million American citizens living in mountaintop removal mining counties in central Appalachia, an additional 60,000 cases of cancer are directly linked to the federally sanctioned strip-mining practice. More»
Banks Still Robo-Signing
Reuters - Mon Jul 18, 2011
NEW YORK/IMMOKALEE, Florida - America's leading mortgage lenders vowed in March to end the dubious foreclosure practices that caused a bruising scandal last year. More»
TSA Pats Down Cancer-Stricken 95-Year-Old Woman, Removes Adult Diaper
CNN - Wed Jul 13, 2011
The Transportation Security Administration stood by its security officers Sunday after a Florida woman complained that her cancer-stricken, 95-year-old mother was patted down and forced to remove her adult diaper while going through security. More»
Oopsie! ATF loses track of 1,400 guns
CNN - Tue Jul 12, 2011
Federal agents can't account for more than 1,400 guns after a widely criticized operation aimed at tracing the flow of weapons to Mexican drug gangs, sources with knowledge of the investigation tell CNN. More»
Ex-cop says he helped cover up Katrina shootings
Associated Press - Mon Jul 11, 2011
NEW ORLEANS - A former police detective testified Monday that he participated in a plot to fabricate witnesses, falsify reports and plant a gun to make it seem police were justified in shooting unarmed residents on a New Orleans bridge after Hurricane Katrina. More»
When Prison Is Just Not Convenient for Rich People
Forbes - Mon Jul 4, 2011
Both former CEOs Jeff Skilling (Enron) and Bernie Ebbers (WorldCom) received 25 year sentences and were allowed to drive to prison as if it were a first day of work. More»
Man Buys House With Cash, Bank Of America Tries To Foreclose
Sacramento Bee - Thu Jun 30, 2011
Kamal Sharma almost lost his house in a foreclosure auction the other day. More»
Baggy pants lead to student's arrest at airport
Huffington Post - Wed Jun 15, 2011
SAN FRANCISCO - Police say a University of New Mexico football player's saggy pants led to his arrest at San Francisco International Airport. More»
Tech Indicted In Case Of Woman Dying In ER
CNN - Mon May 16, 2011
NEW YORK - A psychiatric technician was indicted Monday for reckless endangerment and falsifying hospital records, including those of a patient who died unattended on an emergency room floor, according to District Attorney Charles J. Hynes. More»
US knew Guantanamo detainees were innocent: WikiLeaks
AFP - Sun Apr 24, 2011
WASHINGTON - The United States held hundreds of inmates who were either totally innocent or low-risk for years and released dozens of high-risk Guantanamo inmates, according to leaked classified files. More»
TSA security looks at people who complain about ... TSA security
CNN - Thu Apr 14, 2011
Don't like the way airport screeners are doing their job? You might not want to complain too much while standing in line. More»
Staph Bacteria on Nearly Half of US Meat Supply
CNN - Thu Apr 14, 2011
Almost half of the meat and poultry sold at US supermarkets and grocery stores contains a type of bacteria that is potentially harmful to humans, a new study estimates. More»
FBI shut down three of largest poker sites
The Daily Mail - Thu Apr 14, 2011
Three of the largest online poker sites have been shut down by the FBI in a probe that could bring about the death of the internet gambling industry. More»
ANN COULTER: Don't Believe The Experts, Radiation Is Actually GOOD For You
Business Insider - Thu Mar 17, 2011
Last night, Ann Coulter came on to The O'Reilly Factor and said this: "There is a growing body of evidence that radiation in excess of what the government says are the minimum amounts we should be exposed to are actually good for you and reduce cases of cancer. More»
Military blocks access to popular video websites
Associated Press - Sun Mar 13, 2011
WASHINGTON - The Pentagon's Cyber Command has shut down Defense Department workers' access to popular streaming video websites including YouTube, Amazon, and Googlevideo. More»
Probe ordered over possible psy-ops used on senators
Associated Press - Wed Feb 23, 2011
WASHINGTON - The top US commander in Afghanistan is ordering an investigation into charges that an army unit trained in psychological operations was improperly told to manipulate American senators to get more money and troops for the war. More»
Wisc. Governor Threatens to Sic the National Guard on Union Workers
AlterNet - Tue Feb 15, 2011
Last week, the Wisconsin Republican governor Scott Walker threatened to use the National Guard if his state's public employees go on strike in response to his proposal to strip them of the right to bargain collectively. More»
Church of Scientology investigated by FBI
Telegraph, UK - Sun Feb 6, 2011
The Church of Scientology is being investigated by the FBI over allegations of human trafficking, it has been claimed. More»
Patient Dumping: Brain surgery patient put in cab
KOMO-TV - Sat Feb 5, 2011
SEATTLE - A brain surgery patient was left wandering lost and disoriented in an unfamiliar neighborhood on a rainy night in his hospital gown after the University of Washington Medical Center sent him home in a taxi. More»
Guantanamo Detainee dies after exercising
The Daily Mail - Sat Feb 5, 2011
A suspected Taliban commander collapsed and died at Guantanamo Bay prison after working out on an exercise machine, it emerged today. More»
Company recalls ground beef due to possible E. coli contamination
CNN - Sat Feb 5, 2011
Washington - A California company has recalled more than 3,000 pounds of fresh ground beef patties and other packages of ground beef products that may be contaminated with the E. coli bacteria, the US Agriculture Department said Saturday. More»
Ga. lawmaker Wants to 'Shoot to Kill' Mexicans
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Fri Jan 21, 2011
A state legislator who is spearheading efforts to curb illegal immigration in Georgia said US border authorities should be empowered to "shoot to kill" under certain circumstances, although he later softened that comment. More»
Rush Limbaugh's 'Straight Shooter' Tucson Billboard Is Removed
AOL - Wed Jan 12, 2011
In the wake of the Tucson, Arizona, shooting at an event hosted by Representative Gabrielle Giffords, talk radio host Rush Limbaugh has been emphatic in his assertion that he and other right-wing political figures in no way contributed to the mindset of suspected gunman Jared Loughner. More»
Tom DeLay Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison
Huffington Post - Sun Jan 9, 2011
AUSTIN, Texas - A judge ordered former US House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to serve three years in prison Monday for his role in a scheme to illegally funnel corporate money to Texas candidates in 2002. More»
Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, at least 5 killed
Associated Press - Fri Jan 7, 2011
TUCSON, Arizona - Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head Saturday when an assailant opened fire outside a grocery store during a meeting with constituents, killing at least five people and wounding several others in a rampage that rattled the nation. More»
Pa. allows dumping of tainted waters from gas boom
Associated Press - Mon Jan 3, 2011
The natural gas boom gripping parts of the US has a nasty byproduct: wastewater so salty, and so polluted with metals like barium and strontium, that most states require drillers to get rid of the stuff by injecting it down shafts thousands of feet deep. More»