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United States - Articles

Photo: Video shows California cops punching unarmed woman in brutal arrest - for a seatbelt violation Video shows California cops punching unarmed woman in brutal arrest - for a seatbelt violation
Raw Story - Sun Oct 4, 2015
A woman in Carlsbad, California is suing police after an officer punched her in the face while arresting her over an alleged seatbelt violation. More»

Photo: Gunman, 20, killed after mass shooting at Oregon college that left up to 13 dead and 20 injured Gunman, 20, killed after mass shooting at Oregon college that left up to 13 dead and 20 injured
Daily Mail - Wed Sep 30, 2015
Police responded to reports of shots fired at Umpqua
Gunman, described only as a 20-year-old male, was shot in a gunfight with police. More»

Teen Dies In Police Custody After He Says He Can't Breathe
Complex - Tue Sep 29, 2015
Authorities are investigating the death of 18-year-old Terrell Day, who died in police custody in Indiana after suffering a fatal heart attack after complaining that he couldn't breathe. More»

Photo: Aliens DO Exist, Says Top Secret FBI Memo Found By UFO Researchers Aliens DO Exist, Says Top Secret FBI Memo Found By UFO Researchers
Yahoo! - Mon Sep 28, 2015
Aliens do exist, according to a top secret FBI memo found by researchers into UFOs. More»

Photo: Alabama puts stickers in biology textbooks telling students to question 'unproven' evolution Alabama puts stickers in biology textbooks telling students to question 'unproven' evolution
Raw Story - Thu Sep 17, 2015
This week, Alabama made headlines for revising its state science education standards. More»

Photo: Texas cop fires gun into wall in anger after server tells him to stop groping her Texas cop fires gun into wall in anger after server tells him to stop groping her
Raw Story - Wed Sep 9, 2015
A Texas police officer was arrested this week after he allegedly fired his gun into a wall in anger because a server rejected his sexual advances. More»

Cops Raid Wrong House, Shoot Dog, Shoot Man, Then They Even Shot Another Cop
Counter Current - Tue Sep 1, 2015
Recently Georgia police carried out a home invasion of a house they never had a warrant to enter. More»

Photo: National Cancer Institute Finally Concedes: 'Cannabis Kills Cancer' National Cancer Institute Finally Concedes: 'Cannabis Kills Cancer'
Addicting Info - Sat Aug 22, 2015
For far too long we have been told about the "dangers" of cannabis: that it is an illegal drug that can cause us harm. More»

Photo: Bernie Sanders Just Promised To End The For-Profit Prison Industry Bernie Sanders Just Promised To End The For-Profit Prison Industry
Counter Current - Wed Aug 19, 2015
At a Nevada rally for Bernie Sanders last night, the Democratic hopeful focused on issues of police brutality and civil rights. More»

Photo: Pennsylvania's top prosecutor arraigned on criminal charges Pennsylvania's top prosecutor arraigned on criminal charges
Associated Press - Sat Aug 8, 2015
NORRISTOWN, Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania's top prosecutor barely spoke at her arraignment Saturday on charges including a felony count of perjury, but her attorney stressed afterward that she has no plans to resign, despite growing pressure even among her fellow Democrats. More»

Photo: Texas judge orders young man to marry girlfriend & write Bible verses to avoid jail time Texas judge orders young man to marry girlfriend & write Bible verses to avoid jail time
Raw Story - Thu Aug 6, 2015
A Texas man facing jail time for getting into a fight with his girlfriend's old boyfriend was given two choices by an East Texas judge: go to jail or marry his girlfriend in 30 days, reports KLTV. More»

7-year-old quizzed on religion, ordered to sit alone at lunch for telling classmates he didn't believe in God
Washington Post - Mon Aug 3, 2015
A lawsuit recently filed against a teacher at Forest Park Elementary School in Indiana alleged that a 7-year-old student was "banished" from sitting with other students at lunch after he revealed that he did not believe in God. More»

Sheriff's Deputy Handcuffed Two Third Graders For Having ADHD
Counter Current - Mon Aug 3, 2015
A Sheriff's deputy in Kentucky is being sued after handcuffing two third graders for nothing other than them displaying the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD). More»

Photo: LAPD Detective Arrested for String of Bank Robberies LAPD Detective Arrested for String of Bank Robberies
Daily Mail - Thu Jul 23, 2015
Authorities in California say a retired Los Angeles Police Department detective is the so-called Snowbird Bandit who's responsible for a string of Orange County bank robberies. More»

Photo: Possible Bipolar Tea Party Member Kills 2, Injures 9 in Louisiana Possible Bipolar Tea Party Member Kills 2, Injures 9 in Louisiana
Daily Mail - Thu Jul 23, 2015
John Russel Houser was both a supporter of the far-right Tea Party and the extremist Christian Westboro Baptist Church, web accounts connected to the 59-year-old Louisiana theater shooter reveal. More»

Photo: How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power
The Guardian - Mon Jul 20, 2015
Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. More»

Photo: Cancer patient evicted after Atlanta church cancels lease to demolish affordable housing Cancer patient evicted after Atlanta church cancels lease to demolish affordable housing
Raw Story - Sun Jul 19, 2015
Ehsam Beroukhim was forced to move out of his apartment on Sunday even though he still had months on his lease after the church that owned the property decided to demolish five buildings that provided affordable housing in the Buckhead area of Atlanta. More»

US psychology group colluded with govt torture program
AFP - Fri Jul 10, 2015
Washington - The US's top psychology association colluded with the Pentagon and the CIA to devise ethical guidelines to support post-9/11 interrogation techniques that have since been labeled as torture, a report said Friday. More»

Photo: VA to Iraq war vet: 'We're not accepting any new patients' VA to Iraq war vet: 'We're not accepting any new patients'
USA Today - Wed Jul 1, 2015
Iraq war veteran Chris Dorsey figured that no one would believe he had been turned away from a US Department of Veteran's Affairs clinic when he sought an appointment for post-traumatic stress disorder. More»

Photo: U.S. to Pay Benefits to Vets Exposed to Agent Orange in C-123s U.S. to Pay Benefits to Vets Exposed to Agent Orange in C-123s
NBC - Wed Jun 17, 2015
Ending years of wait, the government agreed Thursday to provide millions of dollars in disability benefits to as many as 2,100 Air Force reservists and active-duty forces exposed to Agent Orange residue on airplanes used in the Vietnam War. More»

Photo: CIA Engaged in Human Experimentation in Its Torture Programs CIA Engaged in Human Experimentation in Its Torture Programs
The Guardian - Tue Jun 16, 2015
The Central Intelligence Agency had explicit guidelines for "human experimentation" before, during and after its post-9/11 torture of terrorism detainees, the Guardian has learned, which raise new questions about the limits on internal oversight over the agency's in-house and contracted medical research. More»

Photo: CIA sex abuse and torture went beyond Senate report disclosures, detainee says CIA sex abuse and torture went beyond Senate report disclosures, detainee says
The Guardian - Tue Jun 16, 2015
The US Central Intelligence Agency used a wider array of sexual abuse and other forms of torture than was disclosed in a Senate report last year, according to a Guantánamo Bay detainee turned government cooperating witness. More»

Photo: Donald Trump insults wheelchair-using columnist: He's a 'jerk' who just 'sits there' Donald Trump insults wheelchair-using columnist: He's a 'jerk' who just 'sits there'
Raw Story - Tue Jun 16, 2015
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump may not have chosen the best insult on Wednesday for a wheelchair-using conservative columnist who he said would just "sit there" and do nothing but be a "jerk". More»

Photo: Police sniper shoots dead gunman who opened fire on Dallas Police HQ and planted EXPLOSIVES in a nine-hour stand off Police sniper shoots dead gunman who opened fire on Dallas Police HQ and planted EXPLOSIVES in a nine-hour stand off
Daily Mail - Fri Jun 12, 2015
Police in Dallas have shot dead a ranting gunman who attacked their headquarters after cornering him in a nine-hour stand-off. More»

Man Threatens Suicide, Police Kill Him
Daily Beast - Wed May 27, 2015
Justin Way was in bed with a knife. His girlfriend called a non-emergency number to try to get him into a hospital. Minutes later, cops shot him dead. More»

Photo: Texas SWAT breaks 81-year-old man's hip, leave without calling paramedics Texas SWAT breaks 81-year-old man's hip, leave without calling paramedics
Raw Story - Mon May 25, 2015
An 82-year-old Texas man alleged this week that officers in military gear stormed his home, broke his hip and then left him without calling for medical assistance. More»

Photo: The California Oil Spill Is Even Worse Than We Thought The California Oil Spill Is Even Worse Than We Thought
Think Progress - Thu May 21, 2015
Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency in California on Wednesday, after oil spill estimates soared from 21,000 gallons to more than 105,000 gallons. More»

Photo: Georgia police chief, wife get 25 weekends in jail for Child Molestation Georgia police chief, wife get 25 weekends in jail for Child Molestation
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Wed May 20, 2015
Richard Scott Burton, the former police chief of the tiny northwest Georgia town of Mt. Airy, was staring down 31 felonies - two counts of aggravated child molestation, one of child molestation and 28 of first-degree cruelty to children. More»

Photo: Transformer Failure At Indian Point Nuclear Plant In New York Sends Smoke Into The Air Transformer Failure At Indian Point Nuclear Plant In New York Sends Smoke Into The Air
Huffington Post - Sat May 9, 2015
A transformer failure and fire at Indian Point Energy nuclear power plant in Buchanan, New York sent smoke into the air and prompted the plant operator to shut down the impacted unit on Saturday evening. More»

Sheriff Shoots Real Estate Agent as She Shows House, Then Walks Away Because 'He's the Sheriff'
AlterNet - Mon May 4, 2015
Gwinnett County, GA - Clayton County Sheriff, Victor Hill, has not been charged with a crime and was allowed to leave the scene after shooting a woman in the stomach on Sunday. More»

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