New Test Could Improve Diagnosis of Rare, Fatal Brain Disorder
Live Science - Fri Dec 16, 2016
A rare and fatal brain disorder called sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease can be challenging to identify, with patients needing to undergo a number of tests before a diagnosis can be made. More»
FBI Now Agrees With The CIA: Russia Intervened To Help Trump Win The Election
Raw Story - Thu Dec 15, 2016
Another shoe just dropped in the 2016 presidential election Russian hacking scandal: It seems the FBI and the CIA now agree that Russia's goal with the hacks of the DNC and Clinton campaign official John Podesta was to help Donald Trump win. More»
Ex-CIA officer: Trump's 'horrifying" incompetence poses worst threat to US since the Civil War
Raw Story - Tue Dec 13, 2016
Veteran CIA officer Glenn Carle said in an interview with Radio Boston that the widening rift between the intelligence agency and President-elect Donald Trump is a historic crisis. More»
Veteran who was refused free Chili's meal on Veteran's Day now getting death threats
Daily KOS - Wed Nov 30, 2016
A few weeks ago, veteran Ernest Walker's story appeared on social media and news sites: After going to a Chili's to get a promotional free Veteran's Day meal, he was refused after some old racist a**hole complained. More»
Michigan Trump staffer convicted on ten counts of felony election fraud
Raw Story - Tue Nov 29, 2016
A Grand Haven, Michigan man who worked on the Michigan Trump campaign was found guilty on ten counts of election fraud Wednesday for forging signatures on petition forms in 2012. More»
Louisiana Republican admits to sexting teen boy and buying him sexy underwear but says 'I'm not gay"
Raw Story - Thu Nov 24, 2016
A Louisiana parish president admits that he sent a then-17-year-old boy sexually charged text messages and gave him a "graduation present" pair of racy designer underwear, but insists that he was only "playing along" with the teen and that no sexual contact took place. More»
Feds find evidence Russians hacked Florida election-systems vendor
CNN - Sun Nov 20, 2016
Federal investigators believe Russian hackers were behind cyber attacks on a contractor for Florida's election system that may have exposed the personal data of Florida voters, according to US officials briefed on the probe. More»
Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He'll Now Be Trump's Attorney General
Huffington Post - Thu Nov 17, 2016
WASHINGTON - The man who President-elect Donald Trump will nominate as the 84th attorney general of the United States was once rejected as a federal judge over allegations he called a black attorney "boy," suggested a white lawyer working for black clients was a race traitor, joked that the only issue he had with the Ku Klux Klan was their drug use, and referred to civil rights groups as "un-American" organizations trying to "force civil rights down the throats of people who were trying to put problems behind them. More»
Trump Taps Anti-Muslim, Pro-Torture Tea Partier Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA
Huffington Post - Thu Nov 17, 2016
Representative Mike Pompeo (R-Kansas) announced Friday that he will accept a nomination from President-elect Donald Trump to lead the CIA. More»
'Get the f**k out": Bigots mistake lupus patient's head covering for hijab and smash her car window
Raw Story - Wed Nov 16, 2016
A California woman said that she received a threatening note and her car window was smashed all because her head covering was mistaken for a Muslim hijab. More»
Deputies Do Nothing as Young Mother Dies in Jail Begging for Help
Free Thought Project - Mon Nov 14, 2016
Macomb County, MI - A local news company's investigation into a young mother's tragic in-custody death has uncovered disturbing details and exposes, at best, criminal negligence, and, at worst, deliberate torture. More»
A Male Trump Supporter Punched A Woman Eating Dinner In The Face
Huffington Post - Mon Nov 14, 2016
A man punched a woman in the face at a popular French restaurant in Brooklyn after she expressed disappointment about the election of President-elect Donald Trump, according to reports from restaurant staff and witnesses. More»
History teacher suspended for lesson showing 'remarkable parallels" between rise of Trump and Hilter
Raw Story - Sat Nov 12, 2016
MOUNTAIN VIEW, California - Bay Area history teacher was suspended from teaching on Thursday over a lesson in which he examined parallels between the rise of Trump and German fascist dictator Adolf Hitler. More»
Anti-Trump protests turn violent: Cops clash with 6,000-strong crowd in Oakland and activists block roads in LA amid nationwide demonstrations
Daily Mail - Wed Nov 9, 2016
Violence has broken out at anti-Trump rallies across America overnight as tens of thousands marched against the President-elect before angry mobs attacked police, started fires and shut down highways. More»
One dead, multiple people shot near Azusa polling station; active shooter heavily armed, officials said
Los Angeles Times - Tue Nov 8, 2016
One person was killed and at least three others were wounded Tuesday in an active shooting near a polling place in Azusa. More»
Donald Trump wins presidential election, plunging US into uncertain future
The Guardian - Tue Nov 8, 2016
Donald Trump shattered expectations on Tuesday with an election night victory that revealed deep anti-establishment anger among American voters and set the world on a journey into the political unknown. More»
Markets plunge worldwide as Trump surges to the White House
Washington Post - Tue Nov 8, 2016
Global financial markets convulsed Tuesday night as Donald Trump was projected to claim victory in the race for the White House after a polarizing campaign that investors had largely bet against. More»
St. Louis mom wants answers after photo of officer posing with her dead son surfaces - Sat Nov 5, 2016
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Missouri - A St. Louis mother is demanding answers after a photo surfaced that appears to depict the scene of her son's death. More»
'Shut up and go home": Trump-supporting election official harasses early voters and blocks them from polling place
US Uncut - Fri Nov 4, 2016
Voter suppression is already well underway in Arkansas as early voters cast ballots, with just four days to go until Election Day. More»
Judge Issues Restraining Order Against Trump Campaign Over Voter Intimidation
US Uncut - Fri Nov 4, 2016
A US district judge in Ohio has officially issued a restraining order against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's campaign in an effort to protect voters from being harassed at the polls this Tuesday. More»
Militia groups prepare for armed revolt if Clinton wins: 'Last chance to save America from ruin"
Raw Story - Tue Nov 1, 2016
Down a Georgia country road, camouflaged members of the Three Percent Security Force have mobilized for rifle practice, hand-to-hand combat training - and an impromptu campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. More»
Mississippi black church burned and spray painted "Vote Trump"
MS News Now - Tue Nov 1, 2016
GREENVILLE, Mississippi - Tuesday night after 11 pm authorities responded to a call about a church burning in Greenville. More»
The states with the biggest Obamacare struggles spent years undermining the law
Los Angeles Times - Sat Oct 29, 2016
As insurers exit Obamacare marketplaces across the country, critics of the Affordable Care Act have redoubled claims that the health law isn't working. More»
Bundy Brothers Acquitted in Takeover of Oregon Wildlife Refuge
New York Times - Thu Oct 27, 2016
PORTLAND, Oregon - Armed anti-government protesters led by Ammon and Ryan Bundy were acquitted Thursday of federal conspiracy and weapons charges stemming from the takeover of a federally owned wildlife sanctuary in Oregon last winter. More»
Cops brutalize black off-duty officer after profiling him for crime he didn't commit
US Uncut - Wed Oct 26, 2016
An off-duty police officer based out of DC was thrown to the ground and hit in the head by Prince George's County police officers because he fit a description of a shooting suspect vaguely described as a black male wearing a hoodie and blue jeans. More»
AT&T is making 'millions' by helping the government 'spy' on its citizens with a secretive telephone surveillance program
Daily Mail - Tue Oct 25, 2016
AT&T is earning millions from taxpayers by secretly helping the government and its law enforcement organs crack cases by providing information on trillions of telephone calls. More»
Arizona sheriff and Trump ally charged with criminal contempt
Think Progress - Tue Oct 25, 2016
Maricopa County's controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio was slapped with criminal contempt charges this week that allege he willfully violated a judge's order to stop illegally racially profiling Latinos. More»
Trump explains why the First Amendment has 'too much protection' for free speech
Think Progress - Sun Oct 23, 2016
If Donald Trump is president, he'd like to make some changes to the First Amendment. More»
I feel totally betrayed": Pentagon orders soldiers to repay bonuses a decade after going to war
US Uncut - Sat Oct 22, 2016
The Pentagon is forcing veterans to repay thousands of dollars in enlistment bonuses ten years after their service, according to the Los Angeles Times. More»
'This is not how a democracy is supposed to work": Georgians already facing four hour waits to vote
Raw Story - Wed Oct 19, 2016
Thousands have headed to the polls for early voting in the weeks leading up to election day, but for some, the long lines are making it harder to exercise their right to vote. More»