Hundreds of Drug Convictions Overturned After Corrupt Cops Caught Framing Innocent People
Free Thought Project - Thu Dec 29, 2016
Leroy Gonzalez says that he spent over two years in jail after he was framed by crooked cops and wrongfully convicted of a drug charge. More»
Three states OK recreational marijuana
Chicago Tribune - Tue Nov 8, 2016
California, Massachusetts and Nevada voted to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, giving a huge boost to the campaign to allow pot nationwide. More»
Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People
Huffington Post - Tue Mar 22, 2016
An eye-opening remark from a former aide to President Richard Nixon pulls back the curtain on the true motivation of the United States' war on drugs. More»
5 Major Developments That Change How We Should Think About Marijuana
AlterNet - Fri Jan 22, 2016
Scientific discoveries are published almost daily rebuking the federal government's contention that cannabis is a highly dangerous substance lacking therapeutic efficacy. More»
Expert Says Ohio's Vote Against Pot Legalization Was 'Statistically Impossible'
AlterNet - Sun Nov 22, 2015
The "stolen election" controversy over this month's officially defeated Ohio pot legalization referendum has gone to a new level: the conclusion that the vote was stolen is almost inescapable. More»
Historic: Bernie Sanders Becomes First Candidate To Endorse Full Pot Legalization
Occupy Democrats - Wed Oct 28, 2015
A Gallup Poll taken last week found that nearly 60% of Americans favor the legalization of marijuana (also referred to as "pot" or "weed"), consistent with previous findings over the past couple of years. More»
National Cancer Institute Finally Concedes: 'Cannabis Kills Cancer'
Addicting Info - Sat Aug 22, 2015
For far too long we have been told about the "dangers" of cannabis: that it is an illegal drug that can cause us harm. More»
Marijuana May Help Heal Broken Bones
Tech Times - Thu Jul 16, 2015
The latest ailment to be added to marijuana's long list of medical applications is broken bones. More»
Group says it gave hundreds of veterans free pot
AP - Mon Sep 22, 2014
DENVER - Hundreds of military veterans received free marijuana during a special giveaway in Denver designed to show that pot can help ease their pain. More»
TV Reporter Makes Unbelievable Exit On Air: 'F*ck It, I Quit'
Huffington Post - Mon Sep 22, 2014
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Local Anchorage reporter Charlo Greene has decided to leave her job as a newswoman to focus on legalizing marijuana in Alaska. More»
Marijuana tied to better blood sugar control
Reuters - Fri May 24, 2013
NEW YORK - People who had used marijuana in the past month had smaller waists and lower levels of insulin resistance - a diabetes precursor - than those who never tried the drug, in a new study. More»
Zombie-like attacker used pot, not 'bath salts'
Associated Press - Thu Jun 28, 2012
The naked Florida man who chewed off the face of another man last month in a zombie-like cannibal attack used marijuana but not "bath salts" as police had suspected, authorities said Wednesday. More»
Baby soaps and shampoos trigger positive marijuana tests
Time - Wed Jun 20, 2012
Commonly used baby soaps and shampoos, including products from Johnson & Johnson, Aveeno and CVS, can trigger a positive result on newborns' marijuana screening tests. More»
Modified ecstasy "attacks blood cancers"
BBC - Tue Aug 23, 2011
Modified ecstasy could one day have a role to play in fighting some blood cancers, according to scientists. More»
Cannabis may relieve chronic nerve pain
BBC - Tue Aug 31, 2010
Smoking cannabis from a pipe can significantly reduce chronic pain in patients with damaged nerves, a study suggests. More»
Feds to stop prosecuting medical marijuana users
Associated Press - Sun Oct 18, 2009
WASHINGTON - Pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers should not be targeted for federal prosecution in states that allow medical marijuana, prosecutors were told Monday in a new policy memo issued by the Justice Department. More»
Cannabis 'could stop dementia in its tracks'
Daily Mail - Thu Nov 20, 2008
Cannabis may help keep Alzheimer's disease at bay. More»
Cannabis-Linked Cell Receptor Might Help Prevent Colon Cancer
Health Day - Sat Aug 2, 2008
A cannabinoid receptor lying on the surface of cells may help suppress colorectal cancer, say US researchers. More»
US is 'the world's leading jailer'
AFP - Sat Jun 7, 2008
The United States has 2.3 million people behind bars, more than any other country in the world and more than ever before in its history, Human Rights Watch said Friday. More»
Marines ignore Taliban cash crop to not upset Afghan locals
Associated Press - Mon May 5, 2008
GARMSER, Afghanistan - The Marines of Bravo Company's 1st Platoon sleep beside a grove of poppies. More»
Minneapolis police raid goes awry
Associated Press - Mon Dec 17, 2007
MINNEAPOLIS - Two officers who raided an innocent family's house on a bad tip were shot at and returned fire, but no one was injured, a police spokesman said. More»
Cannabis compound 'halts cancer'
BBC - Mon Nov 19, 2007
A compound found in cannabis may stop breast cancer spreading throughout the body, US scientists believe. More»
Magic mushrooms face ban in Netherlands
Associated Press - Mon Aug 6, 2007
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - The famously liberal Netherlands has been swinging toward the right, cracking down on immigration, religious freedoms and the freewheeling red light district. More»
- Thu Jan 1, 1970
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