Air Force Veteran, 58, Protesting Against the VA, Sets Himself on Fire in Atlanta
Daily Mail - Tue Jun 26, 2018
A 58-year-old Air Force veteran from Georgia set off a homemade explosive device strapped to his chest outside Georgia Capitol. More»
DoD admits water at U.S. military bases contains cancer causing chemicals
Popular Military - Mon May 21, 2018
If you live on a military base and only drink bottled water, you’ve probably made a good call. More»
America's show of solidarity against Kim: US deploys stealth fighters and supersonic bombers for live-fire drill
Daily Mail - Wed Aug 30, 2017
The US and South Korea conducted bombing drills along the border on Thursday, in a clear warning to North Korea following another ballistic missile launch earlier this week. More»
House committee votes to require women to register for draft
PBS - Thu Apr 28, 2016
WASHINGTON - Women would be required to register for the military draft under a House committee's bill that comes just months after the Defense Department lifted all gender-based restrictions on front-line combat units. More»
John Kerry expresses 'deep reservations' about all-volunteer military at Vietnam forum
Raw Story - Wed Apr 27, 2016
Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday he feels all Americans should find a way to serve their country, suggesting the need for a renewal in public service that could also affect the military. More»
Last Night, Donald Trump Disqualified Himself
William Astore: Writer, Professor, Retired Lt. Colonel, Air Force - Sat Mar 5, 2016
As a retired military officer, I watched last night's Republican debate from Detroit. More»
US Government Finally Admits Agent Orange Poisoned Troops
CS Globe - Thu Jun 25, 2015
Decades after the Vietnam War, the Department of Veterans Affairs acknowledged last week that Monsanto's Agent Orange-a dangerous herbicide sprayed over 4.5 million acres across Vietnam during the conflict-is responsible for health ailments in a group of as many as 2,100 veterans. More»
U.S. to Pay Benefits to Vets Exposed to Agent Orange in C-123s
NBC - Wed Jun 17, 2015
Ending years of wait, the government agreed Thursday to provide millions of dollars in disability benefits to as many as 2,100 Air Force reservists and active-duty forces exposed to Agent Orange residue on airplanes used in the Vietnam War. More»
Study: Agent Orange may have affected Air Force workers after Vietnam
Los Angeles Times - Thu Jan 8, 2015
Two dozen US Air Force planes used to spray Agent Orange during the Vietnam War remained contaminated with the herbicide at levels that likely posed a health risk to some personnel who flew on them in the decade after the conflict, according to a new report. More»
Atom bomb nearly detonated over North Carolina in 1961
AFP - Sat Sep 21, 2013
LONDON - The US Air Force came dramatically close to detonating a huge atomic bomb over North Carolina in 1961, according to a newly declassified document published by Britain's Guardian newspaper on Saturday. More»
Vets with PTSD get benefits under settlement
CNN - Sat Jul 30, 2011
Washington - Anthony Koller's squad was ambushed in Iraq. More»
Rendlesham Forest UFO airmen at Woodbridge event
BBC - Wed Dec 29, 2010
Two former USAF servicemen have returned to Suffolk, 30 years after the claims of UFO sightings in a forest. More»
Gates tells troops 'don't ask, don't tell' is still in effect
CNN - Wed Dec 22, 2010
Despite President Barack Obama's signing of a law repealing the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, Defense Secretary Robert Gates sent a memo to troops warning them that it remains in effect until 60 days after the government certifies that the military is ready for implementation. More»
Military services caution personnel against accessing WikiLeaks site
CNN - Fri Aug 6, 2010
Washington - US military personnel are being warned not to log onto the WikiLeaks website to view the tens of thousands of leaked military documents there, saying it could be considered a security violation. More»
Thousands of vets could get benefits upgrade
Associated Press - Sun Jan 24, 2010
WASHINGTON - The military has agreed to expedite a review the records of thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans discharged with post-traumatic stress disorder to determine whether they were improperly denied benefits. More»
Back from combat, women struggle for acceptance
Associated Press - Sun Dec 13, 2009
WASHINGTON - Nobody wants to buy them a beer: Even near military bases, female veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan aren't often offered a drink on the house as a welcome home. More»
As vets await checks, VA workers get $24M bonuses
Associated Press - Thu Aug 20, 2009
WASHINGTON - Outside the Veterans Affairs Department, severely wounded veterans have faced financial hardship waiting for their first disability payment; inside, money has been flowing in the form of $24 million in bonuses. More»
Did toxic chemical in Iraq cause GIs' illnesses?
Associated Press - Sat Jun 27, 2009
Larry Roberta's every breath is a painful reminder of his time in Iraq: he can't walk a block without gasping for air. More»
Vet Released from VA with IV Still in his Arm
WXPI-TV - Tue May 12, 2009
PITTSBURGH - A mother is up in arms after her son, a Vietnam veteran, is returned home from the hospital still wearing a gown and IV needle in his arm. More»
UFO incident: Shut down of nuclear missiles by UFO witnessed by USAF captain, garners media coverage
National Intelligence Examiner - Tue Apr 14, 2009
For decades a strict security oath kept captain Robert Salas of the USAF from reporting his experience of UFOs shutting down several nuclear missiles. More»
Hudson River hero is ex-Air Force fighter pilot
Associated Press - Thu Jan 15, 2009
NEW YORK - The pilot who guided a crippled US Airways jetliner safely into the Hudson River - saving all 155 people aboard - became an instant hero Thursday, with accolades from the mayor and governor and a fan club online. More»
General bucks culture of silence on mental health
Associated Press - Sat Nov 8, 2008
WASHINGTON - It takes a brave soldier to do what Army Major Geneneral David Blackledge did in Iraq. More»
Suicide hot line got calls from 22,000 veterans
Associated Press - Sun Jul 27, 2008
More than 22,000 veterans have sought help from a special suicide hot line in its first year, and 1,221 suicides have been averted, the government says. More»
E-mail from VA worker says to avoid PTSD diagnosis
Associated Press - Thu May 15, 2008
An internal e-mail written by a Veterans Affairs Department employee suggested avoiding a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder for veterans and instead considering a diagnosis that might result in a lower disability payment. More»
Number of disabled veterans rising
Associated Press - Sat May 10, 2008
Increasing numbers of US troops have left the military with damaged bodies and minds, an ever-larger pool of disabled veterans that will cost the nation billions for decades to come - even as the total population of America's vets shrinks. More»
Vets say they feel misled about GI benefits
CNN - Mon Apr 28, 2008
Cheated - Baited and switched - That's how veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan say they feel about military recruiters who sold them on how the GI Bill would benefit them. More»
UFOs are no joke, group says
AFP - Mon Nov 12, 2007
WASHINGTON - UFOs may be fodder for comedians but there was no joking Monday when a group of former pilots recounted seeing strange phenomena in the sky and demanded the US government reopen an investigation into unidentified flying objects. More»
Many soldiers get boot for 'pre-existing' mental illness
St. Louis Post-Dispatch - Sun Sep 30, 2007
Thousands of US soldiers in Iraq - as many as 10 a day - are being discharged by the military for mental health reasons. More»
Brain injuries from war worse than thought
USA Today - Sun Sep 23, 2007
Scientists trying to understand traumatic brain injury from bomb blasts are finding the wound more insidious than they once thought. More»
Female airman won't face court-martial
Associated Press - Thu Sep 13, 2007
RALEIGH, North Carolina - The Air Force has dropped a criminal indecency charge filed against a female airman who refused to testify against another airman she had accused of rape, her lawyer said Friday. More»