Study: Agent Orange may have affected Air Force workers after Vietnam
Los Angeles Times - Thu Jan 8, 2015
Two dozen US Air Force planes used to spray Agent Orange during the Vietnam War remained contaminated with the herbicide at levels that likely posed a health risk to some personnel who flew on them in the decade after the conflict, according to a new report. More»
Suicides Outpacing War Deaths for Troops
New York Times - Sat Jun 9, 2012
The suicide rate among the nation's active-duty military personnel has spiked this year, eclipsing the number of troops dying in battle and on pace to set a record annual high since the start of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan more than a decade ago, the Pentagon said Friday. More»
Feds say Vietnam vet not U.S. citizen
KETV Omaha - Tue May 29, 2012
PLATTSMOUTH, Nebraska - For the last 41 years, a man has been without a country even though he served in the United States military in Vietnam. More»
End of Iraq War Bittersweet for Soldiers, Vets
ABC News - Wed Dec 14, 2011
After almost nine years, the Iraq War has come to an official end, ending a chapter in US history that claimed the lives of almost 4,500 Americans, and left more than 32,200 more wounded. More»
Marine Who Received Medal of Honor Fights Allegations He is Mentally Unstable
ABC News - Tue Nov 29, 2011
In September, President Obama awarded the Medal of Honor, the nation's most prestigious military award, to Sergeant Dakota Meyer, the marine who saved 36 of his comrades during an ambush in Afghanistan. More»
My father was an "atomic vet"
Val Willingham - CNN Medical Producer - Fri Nov 18, 2011
Three weeks ago, my father, Alexander Wadas, died from stage 4 lung cancer. More»
Charges dropped against veteran
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Fri Nov 11, 2011
All of David Sturdivant's possessions fit in a paper sack he held tightly as he waited Friday in a wheelchair, with a folded walker, outside the Fulton County Jail. More»
Occupy Oakland: second Iraq war veteran injured by police
The Guardian, UK - Thu Nov 3, 2011
Kayvan Sabehgi in intensive care with a lacerated spleen after protests in Oakland, a week after Scott Olsen was hurt. More»
Oakland Police Critically Injure Iraq War Vet During Occupy March
Huffington Post - Tue Oct 25, 2011
WASHINGTON - The Oakland Police Department fired tear gas on Occupy Oakland demonstrators Tuesday night as they marched through downtown, determined to reclaim the camp that officers destroyed that morning. More»
Suicide casts long shadow after decade of war
AFP - Wed Aug 24, 2011
A soldier kills himself and his wife. More»
Vets with PTSD get benefits under settlement
CNN - Sat Jul 30, 2011
Washington - Anthony Koller's squad was ambushed in Iraq. More»
Gates tells troops 'don't ask, don't tell' is still in effect
CNN - Wed Dec 22, 2010
Despite President Barack Obama's signing of a law repealing the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, Defense Secretary Robert Gates sent a memo to troops warning them that it remains in effect until 60 days after the government certifies that the military is ready for implementation. More»
Veterans Affairs faces daunting job of reducing medical claims backlog
CNN - Sat Dec 18, 2010
Washington - Veteran claims for medical benefits are still piled high at the Veterans Affairs Department, despite a major push from the secretary of the department for quicker claims processing. More»
Hundreds of soldiers misdiagnosed & wrongly discharged
Associated Press - Sat Aug 14, 2010
WASHINGTON - At the height of the Iraq war, the Army routinely fired hundreds of soldiers for having a personality disorder when they were more likely suffering from the traumatic stresses of war, discharge data suggests. More»
Military services caution personnel against accessing WikiLeaks site
CNN - Fri Aug 6, 2010
Washington - US military personnel are being warned not to log onto the WikiLeaks website to view the tens of thousands of leaked military documents there, saying it could be considered a security violation. More»
Witness: 'Cabal' at VA Is Killing Veterans
AlterNet - Sun Aug 1, 2010
Despite the recently announced intention by Secretary Eric Shinseki and his Chief of Staff, John Gingrich, to change the "culture" of VA, the agency is in the grips of a rogue bureaucracy that bypasses congressional oversight and sabotages veterans interests and health. More»
VA hospital may have infected 1,800 veterans with HIV
CNN - Sat Jul 3, 2010
A Missouri VA hospital is under fire because it may have exposed more than 1,800 veterans to life-threatening diseases such as hepatitis and HIV. More»
When the Army Uses "Enhanced Interrogation" on an American Soldier
Huffington Post - Wed Apr 14, 2010
I had been covering veterans' issues for several years and thought I'd developed a thick skin. More»
Marine base's ex-residents, many ill, only now learning of toxic water
McClatchy Newspapers - Mon Feb 15, 2010
WASHINGTON - Paul Akers was in his oncologist's office last summer when his adult daughter handed him a magazine. More»
Thousands of vets could get benefits upgrade
Associated Press - Sun Jan 24, 2010
WASHINGTON - The military has agreed to expedite a review the records of thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans discharged with post-traumatic stress disorder to determine whether they were improperly denied benefits. More»
Homeless veteran who saved 5 in fire laid to rest
Associated Press - Sat Jan 23, 2010
ARLINGTON, Virginia - Ray Vivier had been an adventurer, a Marine veteran who explored the country from South Carolina to Alaska, the father of five children. More»
Back from combat, women struggle for acceptance
Associated Press - Sun Dec 13, 2009
WASHINGTON - Nobody wants to buy them a beer: Even near military bases, female veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan aren't often offered a drink on the house as a welcome home. More»
As vets await checks, VA workers get $24M bonuses
Associated Press - Thu Aug 20, 2009
WASHINGTON - Outside the Veterans Affairs Department, severely wounded veterans have faced financial hardship waiting for their first disability payment; inside, money has been flowing in the form of $24 million in bonuses. More»
New GI Bill sending veterans to school this fall
Associated Press - Thu Jul 30, 2009
WASHINGTON - Spc Marco Reininger started the year on the dusty streets of Afghanistan: He'll end it on the campus of Columbia University with the government picking up a large chunk of the $100,000 tab for tuition. More»
Robert McNamara, Vietnam War architect, dies at 93
Associated Press - Mon Jul 6, 2009
WASHINGTON - Robert S McNamara, the brainy Pentagon chief who directed the escalation of the Vietnam War despite private doubts the war was winnable or worth fighting, died Monday at 93. More»
Did toxic chemical in Iraq cause GIs' illnesses?
Associated Press - Sat Jun 27, 2009
Larry Roberta's every breath is a painful reminder of his time in Iraq: he can't walk a block without gasping for air. More»
Army: Suicide rate among soldiers continues on record pace
CNN - Wed Jun 10, 2009
WASHINGTON - The suicide rate among US Army soldiers jumped in May - continuing a four-month upward trend and on a record pace for a second straight year, according to Army statistics released Thursday. More»
More Medical Mistakes at VA Clinics
Associated Press - Sun May 17, 2009
Federal officials have been warning thousands of former patients they might have been exposed to infection at three Veterans Affairs facilities, yet other VA patients are not being warned about less serious mistakes with the same equipment at more than a dozen other VA centers. More»
Vet Released from VA with IV Still in his Arm
WXPI-TV - Tue May 12, 2009
PITTSBURGH - A mother is up in arms after her son, a Vietnam veteran, is returned home from the hospital still wearing a gown and IV needle in his arm. More»
Army officials claim war concussions "overdiagnosed"
Associated Press - Tue Apr 14, 2009
ATLANTA - Mild brain injuries - once considered an under-recognized problem in returning military troops - are being overdiagnosed because the government is using soft criteria instead of hard medical evidence, an Army doctor and two other officials contend. More»