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United States - Articles

Try to report a crime, and you can feel like a criminal
Village Voice - Thu Dec 29, 2005
So there I am on the 4 train minding my own business, packed in with hundreds of other folks after the Fourth of July fireworks, when the door opens at 138th Street. More»

Sen. Robert Byrd: No President Is Above the Law
Senator Robert C. Byrd - Tue Dec 20, 2005
Americans have been stunned at the recent news of the abuses of power by an overzealous President. More»

Court: Your Social Security Can Be Seized to Pay Your Debts
Associated Press - Fri Dec 9, 2005
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Wednesday that the government can seize a person's Social Security benefits to pay old student loans. More»

The Real Price of Propaganda
Jonathan Alter - Newsweek - Thu Dec 8, 2005
If you wander into a venerable Washington men's club and glimpse the distinguished older man in the corner, trying to avoid spilling soup on his Brooks Brothers suit, chances are reasonably good that he was in the CIA back in the 1940s and 50s. More»

Photo: Ann Coulter Claims Liberals Want To Rape Her Ann Coulter Claims Liberals Want To Rape Her
News Hounds - Thu Dec 8, 2005
O'Reilly wanted to talk about the far left smear sites attacking Ann Coulter and trying to keep her off CNN on The Factor tonight. More»

Dan Burisch Story: Dr. Crain's UFO Claims Raise Questions
KLAS-TV Las Vegas - Sat Dec 3, 2005
UFO stories don't get any wilder than this one. More»

Secret Government UFO File Unveiled
MSNBC - Wed Nov 16, 2005
There is one question that persistently circles the community of Unidentified Flying Object true-believers: If the government has nothing to hide, UFO fans often ask, then why is it keeping so many UFO records under lock and key?

"Well, it turns out that the government does have something to hide, but it has nothing to do with extraterrestrials," said Steven Aftergood, director of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists in Washington, D. More»

Robert Scheer: On Leaving the LA Times
Huffington Post - Fri Nov 11, 2005
On Friday I was fired as a columnist by the publisher of the Los Angeles Times, where I have worked for thirty years. More»

Photo: Feds to library record-keeper: Tell no-one we told you to tell us everything Feds to library record-keeper: Tell no-one we told you to tell us everything
Washington Post - Tue Nov 8, 2005
The FBI came calling in Windsor, Connecticut, this summer with a document marked for delivery by hand. More»

Powerful Government Accountability Office report confirms key 2004 stolen election findings
The Free Press - Tue Oct 25, 2005
As a legal noose appears to be tightening around the Bush/Cheney/Rove inner circle, a shocking government report shows the floor under the legitimacy of their alleged election to the White House is crumbling. More»

Man Bursts into Flames after Police Use Taser
WTVD-TV - Thu Oct 20, 2005
A Fayetteville man suspected of stealing concrete from construction sites is in the hospital after bursting into flames during his arrest. More»

Man dies after shock from taser at Florida mental health center
WTSP-TV Tampa Bay - Thu Oct 13, 2005
Fort Myers, Florida - Authorities say a man struggling with staff at a Lee County mental health center died after police shocked him with a Taser stun gun. More»

Photo: Edward R. Murrow at the movies -- just when we need him most, some say Edward R. Murrow at the movies -- just when we need him most, some say
San Francisco Chronicle - Fri Oct 7, 2005
In 1958, CBS newsman Edward R Murrow admonished broadcasters to pursue serious new stories and use the airwaves to educate and inform, in spite of corporate and advertising pressures to entertain. More»

Bush will veto anti-torture law after Senate revolt
Telegraph UK - Fri Oct 7, 2005
The Bush administration pledged yesterday to veto legislation banning the torture of prisoners by US troops after an overwhelming and almost unprecedented revolt by loyalist congressmen. More»

Bush: God told me to invade Iraq
BBC - Wed Oct 5, 2005
President George W Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals. More»

Armed and dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina
The Observer UK - Mon Sep 26, 2005
It may be the oddest tale to emerge from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina - armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico. More»

Fourth Taser death since June in Sacramento
Sacramento Bee - Fri Sep 23, 2005
SACRAMENTO, California - For the fourth time since June, a Sacramento-area man has died after being shocked by a law enforcement officer with a Taser stun gun. More»

Senators Accuse Pentagon of Obstructing 9/11 Inquiry
New York Times - Wed Sep 21, 2005
WASHINGTON - Senators from both parties accused the Defense Department on Wednesday of obstructing an investigation into whether a highly classified intelligence program known as Able Danger did indeed identify Mohamed Atta and other future hijackers as potential threats well before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. More»

Prisoners in New Orleans city jail were 'abandoned'
The Independent UK - Wed Sep 21, 2005
A leading US human rights group accused prison officials in New Orleans yesterday of abandoning hundreds of men in the city jail in the run-up to Hurricane Katrina, leaving them locked up without food, water, electricity, fresh air or functioning toilets for four days as the floodwaters rose to their chests, necks and higher. More»

Mysterious 'Ball Of Fire' Seen In Fla. Skies
WKMG-TV - Tue Sep 20, 2005
Dozens of people from Jacksonville to Fort Pierce flooded the US Coast Guard late Tuesday with calls about a mysterious ball of fire seen flying in the sky, according to a Local 6 News report. More»

Photo: Tons of British aid donated to help Hurricane Katrina victims to be BURNED by Americans Tons of British aid donated to help Hurricane Katrina victims to be BURNED by Americans
Mirror UK - Mon Sep 19, 2005
HUNDREDS of tons of British food aid shipped to America for starving Hurricane Katrina survivors is to be burned. More»

Police Fortify Numbers for War Protests
Washington Post - Sun Sep 18, 2005
DC police have canceled days off and are planning to deploy several hundred officers during an antiwar demonstration next weekend that will include a march near the White House, but officials said they expect no trouble. More»

Photo: 'I could have saved her life but was denied permission' 'I could have saved her life but was denied permission'
Telegraph UK - Sun Sep 18, 2005
Refugees from New Orleans died after private doctors were ordered to stop giving treatment because they were not covered by United States government medical liability insurance, according to two American surgeons. More»

Neighbors Find Obscenity Mowed Into Lawn
KETV - Wed Sep 14, 2005
OMAHA, Nebraska - An Omaha man mowed an obscenity into his lawn, and now his neighbors are upset because they don't want their children to see the nasty language. More»

Photo: Barbara Bush: Hurricane 'working well' for refugees Barbara Bush: Hurricane 'working well' for refugees
Daily Mail - Tue Sep 6, 2005
Former First Lady Barbara Bush has come under fire from hundreds of homeless Hurricane Katrina evacuees who lost everything. More»

Photo: When the USAF Was in the UFO Business When the USAF Was in the UFO Business
Newhouse News Service - Tue Aug 16, 2005
WASHINGTON - "Rumors about the saucer mystery fly almost as fast as the strange sights themselves," pronounced the narrator of a 1952 Paramount newsreel, commenting on a rash of UFO sightings from New York to Washington. More»

Photo: Police Arrest 11 Year Old Girl with Felony Assault for Throwing a Stone Police Arrest 11 Year Old Girl with Felony Assault for Throwing a Stone
BBC - Sat Jul 16, 2005
An 11-year-old girl who threw a stone at a group of boys pelting her with water balloons is being prosecuted on serious assault charges in California. More»

Photo: Mysterious Texas Lights Draw Crowds Mysterious Texas Lights Draw Crowds
Associated Press - Sat Jul 16, 2005
MARFA, Texas - Nevada has Area 51. More»

Dog Dead After Multiple Taser Strikes: Cops Claim it Died of "Over Excitement"
Portland News Weekly - Tue Jul 12, 2005
A healthy 50-pound male pit bull died last month after Portland cops shot it repeatedly with taser stun-guns, the city's first canine fatality involving the weapons. More»

Photo: Las Vegas Coroner Says Police Justified in Taser Death Las Vegas Coroner Says Police Justified in Taser Death
KLAS-TV - Fri Jul 8, 2005
A Las Vegas man died last month after being hit three times by Metro Police tasers. More»

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