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United States - Articles

Case Workers for Wounded GI's Laid Off
Army Times - Mon Jan 22, 2007
Defense Department officials have laid off most of their case workers who help severely injured service members, sources said. More»

Photo: FBI workers saw Guantánamo abuse FBI workers saw Guantánamo abuse
BBC - Tue Jan 2, 2007
An internal report by the FBI has catalogued a long list of abuses of prisoners held at the US detention centre in Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. More»

Betrayal of the Big Easy
The Guardian UK - Mon Jan 1, 2007
Hurricane Katrina forced out New Orleans's poor residents, and developers don't want them back. More»

Photo: Bush Proposal Will Cut Medicaid Drug Payments Bush Proposal Will Cut Medicaid Drug Payments
San Francisco Chronicle - Sun Dec 17, 2006
Washington -- The Bush administration today will propose sweeping reductions in payments to pharmacies as a way to save money for Medicaid, the health program for more than 50 million poor people. More»

Handcuffed teen said to leap to death fleeing police
Associated Press - Sun Dec 3, 2006
OCCOQUAN, Virginia - A 16-year-old boy in handcuffs escaped Saturday from a police cruiser parked on a bridge, then jumped over a concrete barrier, plunged into a river and drowned, authorities said. More»

Photo: Elderly Atlantan Shot by Police - Informant Told by Police to Lie Elderly Atlantan Shot by Police - Informant Told by Police to Lie
CNN - Mon Nov 27, 2006
ATLANTA, Georgia - An informant cited in a search warrant as having purchased narcotics at an elderly Atlanta woman's house denies buying drugs there, authorities say. More»

Photo: Apparent Voice Of Dead Woman Heard On Audiotape Apparent Voice Of Dead Woman Heard On Audiotape
WKMG-TV - Sat Nov 18, 2006
A strange voice captured on audiotape during an investigation of a home in Sanford, Florida, is believed to be that of an elderly woman who died years ago, according to a Local 6 News report. More»

Couple Faces up to 20 years in Club Fed for Smooching on Plane
AFP - Thu Nov 16, 2006
A couple's ill-concealed sexual play aboard a Southwest Airlines flight from Los Angeles got them charged with violating the Patriot Act, intended for terrorist acts, and could land them in jail for 20 years. More»

Woman Booted Off Plane for Nursing her Baby
Associated Press - Mon Nov 13, 2006
BURLINGTON, Vermont - A woman who claims she was kicked off an airplane because she was breast-feeding her baby has filed a complaint against two airlines, her attorney said. More»

Photo: Is 'Bigfoot' roaming around Holy Hill? Is 'Bigfoot' roaming around Holy Hill?
GM Today - Sun Nov 12, 2006
A mysterious sighting in Washington County has area officials and residents bewildered, bemused and amused. More»

Big Money: The Compensation Angle
The Raw Story - Tue Oct 31, 2006
Veterans' advocates fought long and hard to have Congress pass measures in 1997 that require the Department of Defense (DOD) to document the pre- and post-war health of American troops. More»

Photo: Bloggers on Campaign Payrolls Proliferate Bloggers on Campaign Payrolls Proliferate
MSNBC - Mon Oct 30, 2006
Bloggers paid by campaigns were a rarity two years ago -- so rare that their work and their ethics, whether for Republicans or Democrats, became fodder for controversy. More»

Bible-carrying teen dies after stun gun shot
Associated Press - Mon Oct 30, 2006
JERSEYVILLE, Illinois - A teenager carrying a Bible and shouting "I want Jesus" was shot twice with a police stun gun and later died at a Saint Louis hospital, authorities said. More»

The Myth of Accessible Health Care
The Raw Story - Sun Oct 29, 2006
If you were thinking of enlisting in the military and you read the press releases from the DOD and VA public relations machine, you'd think that signing up would make you part of a body of men and women who were the nation's greatest asset -- a corps that would enjoy every possible means of care at all stages of their professional and personal lives. More»

Photo: Pentagon Increases 'Media War' Unit Pentagon Increases 'Media War' Unit
BBC - Sun Oct 29, 2006
The US defence department has set up a new unit to better promote its message across 24-hour rolling news outlets, and particularly on the internet. More»

Photo: Bush Moves Toward Martial Law Bush Moves Toward Martial Law
Toward Freedom - Sat Oct 28, 2006
In a stealth maneuver, President Bush has signed into law a provision which, according to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), will actually encourage the President to declare federal martial law (1). More»

To Hell and Back: Spinning the Downward Spiral
The Raw Story - Tue Oct 24, 2006
The same troops whose mental health issues were more or less ignored while they were active service members face numerous obstacles to proper care in the military's mental health system once they return. More»

Mental health disorders among returning troops
The Raw Story - Mon Oct 23, 2006
The same administration that many claim sent US troops overseas without sufficient intelligence, planning, numbers, or armor is equally unprepared to deal with the war's psychic toll on service members, RAW STORY has learned. More»

Photo: Girl, 14, Quizzed by Secret Service About  MySpace Anti-Bush page Girl, 14, Quizzed by Secret Service About MySpace Anti-Bush page
Ananova - Mon Oct 16, 2006
A US girl of 14 was dragged out of class by Secret Service agents for calling President Bush an idiot on her MySpace page. More»

Photo: "Heartland" Americans See Cheney as a "Rock Star" "Heartland" Americans See Cheney as a "Rock Star"
New York Times - Mon Oct 16, 2006
TOPEKA, Kansas - Grace Mosier lives with her mom and dad, goes to birthday parties, takes ballet classes and is just like a lot of other 6-year-old girls - Except that she happens to be obsessed with Dick Cheney. More»

Photo: Guantanamo Abuse Boasts probed Guantanamo Abuse Boasts probed
BBC - Sat Oct 14, 2006
The Pentagon has ordered an inquiry into alleged abuses at Guantanamo Bay after reports that camp guards boasted of beating and mistreating detainees. More»

Photo: Rummy's North Korea Connection Rummy's North Korea Connection
CNN - Sun Oct 8, 2006
What did Donald Rumsfeld know about ABB's deal to build nuclear reactors there? And why won't he talk about it? Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld rarely keeps his opinions to himself. More»

Photo: FOX Uses Subliminal Ploy On Foley Head Shot FOX Uses Subliminal Ploy On Foley Head Shot
News Hounds - Wed Oct 4, 2006
While a former congressional page, Tyson Vivyan, was talking about the e-mails he received from Mark Foley on The O'Reilly Factor tonight,10/3, a photo was flashed on the screen labeled Mark Foley D. More»

US 'Cannot Allow' Nuclear North Korea
BBC - Tue Oct 3, 2006
The US will not accept a North Korea armed with nuclear weapons, a top US envoy has said, after Pyongyang announced plans for a nuclear test. More»

Bush: Criticism dovetails with 'enemy propaganda'
USA Today - Fri Sep 29, 2006
President Bush told a largely military audience Friday that critics who believe that fighting the war in Iraq has made America less safe are "buying into enemy propaganda. More»

'Alternative' CIA Tactics Complicate Padilla Case
Christian Science Monitor - Thu Sep 14, 2006
When alleged Al Qaeda sympathizer Jose Padilla landed in Chicago in May 2002, he was met by federal agents armed with a warrant authorizing them to take him into custody. More»

Photo: Air Force's Agent Orange Study Ends Air Force's Agent Orange Study Ends
Associated Press - Wed Sep 6, 2006
ROCKVILLE, Maryland - The government is taking steps to preserve data and biological specimens from a quarter-century investigation into the effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam veterans, having found an elevated risk for diabetes but no clear links to cancer from the soon-to-end study. More»

Photo: Bush Admits to CIA Secret Prisons Bush Admits to CIA Secret Prisons
BBC - Tue Sep 5, 2006
President Bush has acknowledged the existence of secret CIA prisons and said 14 key terrorist suspects have now been sent to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. More»

Disaster capitalism: how to make money out of misery
The Guardian UK - Tue Aug 29, 2006
The privatisation of aid after Katrina offers a glimpse of a terrifying future in which only the wealthy are saved. More»

Gearing up for another wave of homeless vets
Village Voice - Fri Aug 18, 2006
On the first Tuesday in August, Thomas Mullifield, who fought with the Army in Vietnam from 1964 to 1967 and struggled with alcoholism in the 1990s, was engaged in another battle-against the overheated, leaden air filling the residence that he and 149 other vets call home on Commonwealth Avenue in the Bronx. More»

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