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United States - Articles

South Korea suspends US beef imports again over banned bones
Associated Press - Wed Aug 1, 2007
SEOUL - South Korea has again suspended US beef imports after inspectors discovered banned bones in a recent shipment, officials said Thursday. More»

Photo: Teen Jailed Over Ticket He Had Already Paid Teen Jailed Over Ticket He Had Already Paid
WSB-TV - Wed Aug 1, 2007
ATLANTA - An error by police caused a teenager to be briefly jailed over a traffic ticket he had already paid the fine for. More»

Kroger Milk Dumps Hormone
Cincinatti Enquirer - Tue Jul 31, 2007
Kroger will sell only milk certified to be free of a bovine growth hormone by February 2008, the Cincinnati-based grocer said today. More»

Bovine gelatin spray "used to extend meat shelf life"
Food Quality News - Tue Jul 31, 2007
Sheryl Barringer and a researcher team at Ohio State University conducted the study by spraying a 20 per cent bovine gelatin solution onto beef tenderloins, pork loins, salmon fillets, and chicken breasts. More»

Sightings of mysterious giant bird continue in San Antonio
San Antonio Express News - Tue Jul 31, 2007
Loch Ness has its monster - Does San Antonio have one, too? Strange sightings of a huge flying creature have been reported as recently as six months ago. More»

'There Is No Law Here'
Nat Hentoff - Village Voice - Tue Jul 31, 2007
When military lawyer Lt Commander Charlie Swift was assigned by the Pentagon in 2003 to defend terror suspect and Guantánamo prisoner Salim Hamdan, his orders-as Swift later told me-were to represent his client by obtaining a confession from him. More»

Father upset Taser used on son before fatal jump
Associated Press - Mon Jul 30, 2007
SPOKANE - The father of a man who jumped to his death off the Monroe Street Bridge is wondering why police shocked his son seconds before the fall. More»

GA sheriff charged with cover-up in shooting
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Mon Jul 30, 2007
The Towns County sheriff has been released on $250,000 bond on charges he tried cover up for his chief deputy, who is accused to shooting up the house of his wife's lover. More»

US 'dirty bomber' is a trial for CIA
Times Online UK - Sun Jul 29, 2007
IT WAS a terrorist trial that seemed to have everything - including a CIA agent testifying in disguise and a mysterious reference to a female donkey. More»

California e-voting machines have more holes than Swiss cheese
The Register - Sun Jul 29, 2007
Hackers hired to evaluate the security of e-voting machines used in California found serious flaws that could allow for vote tampering in all three systems studied. More»

Polish Euro MP Seeks Removal Of Name From CIA Prisons Report
AFP - Sun Jul 29, 2007
BRUSSELS - Polish socialist euro MP Marek Siwiec has brought court action in Poland demanding Swiss senator Dick Marty removes his name from a report about secret CIA prisons in Europe. More»

MI5 Betrayed Me To CIA, Says Former Guantanamo Detainee
The Hindu News - Sun Jul 29, 2007
LONDON - An Iraqi resident of Britain has accused British intelligence agencies of "betraying" him to the CIA and implicating him in terror charges which led him to spend four years in the notorious US detention centre in Guantanamo Bay. More»

Dark Powers: the Sequel to Terrorism
Los Angeles Times - Thu Jul 26, 2007
"We have to work the dark side, if you will," Vice President Dick Cheney told NBC's Tim Russert, five days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. More»

Photo: Oscar the Cat Predicts Patients' Deaths Oscar the Cat Predicts Patients' Deaths
Associated Press - Wed Jul 25, 2007
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island - Oscar the cat seems to have an uncanny knack for predicting when nursing home patients are going to die, by curling up next to them during their final hours. More»

Bush Government to Poor Voters: We Don't Want You to Vote
AlterNet - Mon Jul 16, 2007
The Justice Department is pressuring 10 states to purge their voter rolls, while states are ignoring laws to help low-income Americans register to vote. More»

How a hospital death became a cause celebre
Los Angeles Times - Thu Jun 14, 2007
It might have gone down as the death of a "quasi-transient" woman with a history of abusing drugs. More»

60th anniversary UFO fest in Roswell
Associated Press - Mon Jun 11, 2007
ROSWELL, New Mexico - Is "The Truth" located in this remote city in New Mexico? Driving alone down a stretch of desolate highway en route to Roswell, I begin to understand why conspiracy buffs have long argued that aliens crash-landed in the desert here a half-century ago. More»

Will Electronic Voting Reform Create New Ways to Steal Elections?
AlterNet - Sun Jun 3, 2007
This week, the House is expected to pass the first-ever bill regulating electronic voting. More»

Photo: Mad Cow USA - The Coverup Continues in Washington Mad Cow USA - The Coverup Continues in Washington
Associated Press - Mon May 28, 2007
The Associated Press notes that the Bush administration "will fight to keep meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease. More»

Photo: Juvenile Prison Abuse - Records show boss ignored abuse warnings Juvenile Prison Abuse - Records show boss ignored abuse warnings
Associated Press - Sat Apr 28, 2007
DALLAS - A Texas Youth Commission administrator charged with sexually abusing teenage inmates got continuing support from a supervisor despite recurring allegations against him, a newspaper investigation has found. More»

Pilot Orders Coughing Student Off Flight
WSB-TV - Wed Mar 28, 2007
HONOLULU - An airline pilot on Tuesday ordered a 16-year-old student from Hawaii off an East Coast flight after a coughing fit. More»

Photo: Girl's death stirs debate over psychiatric meds Girl's death stirs debate over psychiatric meds
Associated Press - Thu Mar 22, 2007
HULL, Massachusetts - In the final months of Rebecca Riley's life, a school nurse said the little girl was so weak she was like a "floppy doll. More»

Police Use Taser Gun On Woman Having Diabetic Seizure
KPTV - Mon Mar 12, 2007
A local family is questioning why a woman having a diabetic seizure would have to be tackled and shocked by police. More»

US mortgage crisis goes into meltdown
Telegraph.co.uk - Tue Feb 27, 2007
Panic has begun to sweep the sub-prime mortgage sector in the United States after the bankruptcy of 22 lenders over the past two months, setting off mass liquidation of housing loans packaged as securities. More»

Photo: Vets on the Street Vets on the Street
Newsweek - Fri Feb 23, 2007
Kevin Felty came back from Iraq in 2003 with nowhere to stay, and not enough money to rent an apartment. More»

Photo: State Farm: No new home policies in Mississippi State Farm: No new home policies in Mississippi
MSNBC - Tue Feb 13, 2007
State Farm Insurance is suspending sales of any new commercial or homeowner policies in Mississippi starting Friday, citing in part a wave of litigation it has faced since Hurricane Katrina, a company official said Wednesday. More»

Woman, 69, Tasered and Arrested for Honking Horn
Associated Press - Sat Feb 10, 2007
KANSAS CITY, Missouri - A 69-year-old woman who was shocked with a stun gun after she honked her car horn at a police cruiser has been convicted of resisting arrest for sparking a quarrel with officers. More»

Farmer, 74, Charged with Felony After Chasing Thief
Associated Press - Thu Feb 1, 2007
CAMBRIDGE, Minnesota - A farmer who chased down a thief and held him at gunpoint until authorities arrived now faces a more serious charge than the thief himself. More»

Photo: UFO's Seen Over Hawaii UFO's Seen Over Hawaii
WLTX-TV - Wed Jan 31, 2007
HONOLULU, HI - Surfers at Hawaii's Kewalo Bay got an unexpected light show Friday night. More»

Photo: U.S. Attorney General Gonzales says the Constitution doesn't guarantee habeas corpus! U.S. Attorney General Gonzales says the Constitution doesn't guarantee habeas corpus!
San Francisco Chronicle - Tue Jan 23, 2007
One of the Bush administration's most far-reaching assertions of government power was revealed quietly last week when Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testified that habeas corpus -- the right to go to federal court and challenge one's imprisonment -- is not protected by the Constitution. More»

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