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United States - Articles

Officer Suspended For Mailing 'Homewrecker' Flyers
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Fri Feb 8, 2008
DEKALB COUNTY, Georgia - A mother got a shocking flyer in the mail calling her daughter a homewrecker. More»

Mexico Tries to Help Deportees
Time - Fri Feb 8, 2008
Carlos Martinez was in a state of total panic after being deported from the United States to the Mexican border city of Matamoros - he had no money, nowhere to go, and, worst of all, he didn't speak Spanish. More»

Children treated with Botox died
Associated Press - Thu Feb 7, 2008
The popular anti-wrinkle drug Botox and a competitor Myobloc have been linked to some deaths and other severe side effects suggestive of botulism, the government warned doctors Friday. More»

East Texans Shares "Family Secret" Of UFO Sighting
KLTV - Tue Feb 5, 2008
TYLER, Texas - "I was not a big UFO person, didn't know much about it other than my own experience. More»

U.S. acknowledges use of waterboarding
Associated Press - Mon Feb 4, 2008
Senate Democrats demanded a criminal investigation into waterboarding by government interrogators Tuesday after the Bush administration acknowledged for the first time that the tactic was used on three terror suspects. More»

Navy Tests Incredible Sci-Fi Weapon
Live Science - Sun Feb 3, 2008
The US Navy yesterday test fired an incredibly powerful new big gun designed to replace conventional weaponry aboard ships. More»

Photo: Mercury in Childhood Vaccines "Excreted Quickly" Mercury in Childhood Vaccines "Excreted Quickly"
Health Day - Sat Feb 2, 2008
The latest chapter in the debate over whether childhood vaccines can cause autism was written Wednesday with release of a study that showed the controversial mercury-containing preservative thimerosal is rapidly excreted from babies' bodies and can't reach toxic levels. More»

Police Officers Exchange Gunfire With Each Other
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Fri Feb 1, 2008
GWINNETT COUNTY, Georgia - Officials say two officers were shot in Gwinnett County Friday afternoon: One officer is accused of trying to assault a woman and then opening fire on another officer who tried to stop it. More»

Chicago study calls Taser's safety claims into question
CBC News - Fri Feb 1, 2008
Taser stun guns may not be as safe as their manufacturer claims, according to a study carried out by Chicago researchers, CBC News has learned. More»

Video captures jailhouse struggle
Associated Press - Wed Jan 23, 2008
Santa Ana, California - A man who was arrested by Orange County deputies was stripped of his pants, strapped to a chair, Tasered repeatedly while in handcuffs and slammed to the floor with a knee to his head, a newly released videotape shows. More»

US moves to avert economic meltdown
Associated Press - Mon Jan 21, 2008
Jolted by global recession fears, the Federal Reserve slashed interest rates Tuesday, and President Bush and leaders of Congress joined in a rare show of cooperation in promising urgent action to pump up the economy with upwards of $150 billion in tax cuts and government spending. More»

Photo: Florida Grandma Arrested At Fast Food Drive-Thru Florida Grandma Arrested At Fast Food Drive-Thru
Associated Press - Sun Jan 20, 2008
CLEARWATER, Florida - A 75-year-old woman was arrested at a Clearwater McDonald's drive-thru because police said she wouldn't pull her car forward. More»

Photo: Why does Johnny come marching homeless? Why does Johnny come marching homeless?
Associated Press - Fri Jan 18, 2008
LEEDS, Massachusetts - Peter Mohan traces the path from the Iraqi battlefield to this lifeless conference room, where he sits in a kilt and a Camp Kill Yourself T-shirt and calmly describes how he became a sad cliche: a homeless veteran. More»

Photo: Colbert portrait hangs at Smithsonian Colbert portrait hangs at Smithsonian
Associated Press - Wed Jan 16, 2008
Stephen Colbert was denied when he tried to run for president this year in South Carolina. More»

Feds agree to recognize fallen 9/11 EMT
Associated Press - Mon Jan 14, 2008
NEW YORK - After a five-year fight, the US government has dropped its effort to prevent a volunteer firefighter killed at the World Trade Center from receiving a federal death benefit for public safety officers who die on the job. More»

Dozens in Texas town report seeing UFO
Associated Press - Mon Jan 14, 2008
STEPHENVILLE, Texas - In this farming community where nightfall usually brings clear, starry skies, residents are abuzz over reported sightings of what many believe is a UFO. More»

Bush, Cheney arrests sought in Vermont town
Associated Press - Fri Dec 28, 2007
MONTPELIER, Vermont - President Bush may soon have a new reason to avoid left-leaning Vermont: In one town, activists want him subject to arrest for war crimes. More»

Police academy class slogan: Cause PTSD
Associated Press - Mon Dec 24, 2007
BOISE, Idaho - A state police academy leader has disavowed the slogan of the most recent graduating class urging one another to "go out and cause" post-traumatic stress disorder. More»

Photo: Colbert chosen AP Celebrity of the Year Colbert chosen AP Celebrity of the Year
Associated Press - Sat Dec 22, 2007
While most TV characters remain boxed inside the frames of our sets, Stephen Colbert has routinely injected his on-screen persona into everything from the presidential race to ice cream. More»

FBI chief Hoover proposed mass arrests in 1950
AFP - Sat Dec 22, 2007
Former FBI director J Edgar Hoover proposed imprisoning 12,000 Americans in 1950 and suspending their right to habeas corpus because they were "potentially dangerous," the New York Times reported on Sunday. More»

Police, protesters clash in New Orleans
Associated Press - Wed Dec 19, 2007
NEW ORLEANS - Police used chemical spray and stun guns Thursday as dozens of protesters tried to force their way into a packed City Council chamber during a debate on the planned demolition of some 4,500 public housing units. More»

Minneapolis police raid goes awry
Associated Press - Mon Dec 17, 2007
MINNEAPOLIS - Two officers who raided an innocent family's house on a bad tip were shot at and returned fire, but no one was injured, a police spokesman said. More»

Clerk's Error Keeps Freed Atlanta Man In Prison For 7 Months
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Mon Dec 17, 2007
An Atlanta man sentenced to four months in jail languished in state prison nearly a year because a clerk made an error recording the sentence and no one noticed. More»

Photo: Effort to cut FEMA red tape knocked back Effort to cut FEMA red tape knocked back
Associated Press - Mon Dec 17, 2007
NEW ORLEANS - A week after Hurricane Katrina, a FEMA official in charge of streamlining the flow of disaster aid issued a directive that would have cut through the red tape and expedited a staggering 1,029 rebuilding projects and $5 billion. More»

Preemptive Terror Trials: Strike Two
Time - Fri Dec 14, 2007
If you were watching the movie version of the terrorism trial that ended Thursday in Miami, Florida, you might walk out around the time the seven suspects take an oath to al-Qaeda in a warehouse. More»

Ex-Worker: Air Firm Aided CIA Renditions
Associated Press - Fri Dec 14, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO - A Boeing subsidiary accused of helping the CIA secretly fly terrorism suspects to be tortured in overseas prisons openly acknowledged its role in the "extraordinary rendition" program, a former employee of the smaller company said in court papers Friday. More»

Photo: Judge Urged Not To Ask About CIA Tapes Judge Urged Not To Ask About CIA Tapes
Associated Press - Fri Dec 14, 2007
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration told a federal judge it was not obligated to preserve videotapes of CIA interrogations of suspected terrorists and urged the court not to look into the tapes' destruction. More»

Did UFO encounter cost woman her life?
McDowell News - Thu Dec 13, 2007
Could a UFO sighting not only be frightening but deadly as well? Some researchers into the strange phenomenon think so and hold up Betty Cash's incredible story as an example. More»

Hearing Impaired Man Tased by Police
KWCH-TV - Mon Dec 3, 2007
WICHITA, Kansas - Donnell Williams had just gotten out of the bath tub, wearing only a towel around his waist, when he turned the corner to see guns pointing right at him. More»

Millions of tax refunds could be delayed
Associated Press - Sat Dec 1, 2007
WASHINGTON - Silena Davis had counted on an early tax refund to pay for getting her teeth fixed. More»

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