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United States - Articles

Hate groups riled up, researchers say
CNN - Wed Jun 10, 2009
Hate groups have intensified their rhetoric in recent months, but this new energy hasn't necessarily translated to an increase in the rate of hate crimes in the US, according to some researchers. More»

Photo: Chicago officer convicted of battery on bartender Chicago officer convicted of battery on bartender
Associated Press - Tue Jun 2, 2009
CHICAGO, Illinois - A hulking Chicago police officer who claimed he pummeled a female bartender half his size because he thought he was in danger was found guilty Tuesday of aggravated battery. More»

Photo: Passenger on airline gets relief Passenger on airline gets relief
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Tue Jun 2, 2009
A Delta passenger charged with assault over a bathroom emergency got relief in court this week in an agreement reached with federal prosecutors. More»

Photo: 'No excuse' for teen's Taser death, mother says 'No excuse' for teen's Taser death, mother says
CNN - Wed May 27, 2009
DETROIT, Michigan - Renea Mitchell said her son Robert wanted "nothing to do" with police, a feeling she said is "nothing new" among teenagers in Detroit. More»

A makeover for Pennsylvania's notorious kids-for-cash court
Associated Press - Sat May 16, 2009
WILKES-BARRE, Pennsylvania - For the first time since a jaw-dropping scandal involving crooked judges and troubled kids, voters in northeast Pennsylvania are getting a chance to assert themselves at the ballot box - and, perhaps, to start fixing the problems that have turned this former hub of coal mining into a hothouse of corruption. More»

Obama: Schools with infections may need to close
Associated Press - Tue Apr 28, 2009
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama suggested Wednesday that school closings may be necessary, in an escalating global health emergency that claimed the first death in the United States and swept Germany onto the roster of afflicted nations. More»

Officials say US deaths expected from swine flu
Associated Press - Mon Apr 27, 2009
NEW YORK - The global swine flu outbreak worsened Tuesday as authorities said hundreds of students at a New York school have fallen ill and federal officials said they expected to see U. More»

Fox sticking with schedule instead of Obama
Associated Press - Sun Apr 26, 2009
NEW YORK - The Fox network is sticking with its regular schedule over President Barack Obama this week. More»

Photo: Forgotten Franklin letters offer glimpse into U.S. history Forgotten Franklin letters offer glimpse into U.S. history
CNN - Fri Apr 24, 2009
LONDON, England - An American professor doing research in London stumbled across a series of previously unknown letters written by, to, and about Benjamin Franklin, a stunning find that sheds new light on early US history. More»

Photo: As Bush adviser, Rice delivered OK to waterboard As Bush adviser, Rice delivered OK to waterboard
Associated Press - Wed Apr 22, 2009
WASHINGTON - As national security adviser to former President George W Bush, Condoleezza Rice verbally approved the CIA's request to subject alleged al-Qaida terrorist Abu Zubaydah to waterboarding in July 2002, the earliest known decision by a Bush administration official to OK use of the simulated drowning technique. More»

Homeland Security official convicted of taking bribe
Associated Press - Mon Apr 13, 2009
GEORGIA - A former federal employee who worked with immigration services has been convicted of conspiring to encourage immigrants to enter the country illegally and accepting a bribe. More»

New Orleans Sanitation Director trashes FEMA in book
New Orleans Times-Picayune - Thu Apr 9, 2009
As City Hall continues to haggle with the Federal Emergency Management Agency over hundreds of millions of dollars for New Orleans' recovery, a top aide to Mayor Ray Nagin has published a how-to guide littered with cutting assertions about FEMA's competence and its employees' motives. More»

Ivor Van Heerden, Who Pointed Fingers In Hurricane Katrina Levee Failures, Fired By LSU
New Orleans Times-Picayune - Thu Apr 9, 2009
Ivor van Heerden, the outspoken coastal scientist who led the state's independent Team Louisiana investigation into Hurricane Katrina levee failures, has been notified by Louisiana State University that he will be terminated as a research professor in May 2010. More»

The Road to Area 51
Los Angeles Times - Sat Apr 4, 2009
After decades of denying the facility's existence, five former insiders speak out. More»

Insurers shun those taking certain meds
Miami Herald - Sat Mar 28, 2009
Trying to buy health insurance on your own and have gallstones? You'll automatically be denied coverage. More»

Government bans 'downer' cows from food supply
Associated Press - Sat Mar 14, 2009
WASHINGTON - The government on Saturday permanently banned the slaughter of cows too sick or weak to stand on their own, seeking to further minimize the chance that mad cow disease could enter the food supply. More»

FBI cited for poor freedom of information work
Associated Press - Thu Mar 12, 2009
WASHINGTON - The FBI tells two out of every three Freedom of Information Act requesters that it can't find the records they asked for - a failure rate five times higher than other major federal agencies, a private study has found. More»

One of every 13 Georgia adults are in prison or on probation
Associated Press - Mon Mar 2, 2009
The number of people on parole and probation across the United States has surged past 5 million, and Georgia leads the way, according to a new report. More»

Photo: Pennsylvania rocked by 'jailing kids for cash' scandal Pennsylvania rocked by 'jailing kids for cash' scandal
CNN - Sun Mar 1, 2009
Pennsylvania - At a friend's sleepover more than a year ago, 14-year-old Phillip Swartley pocketed change from unlocked vehicles in the neighborhood to buy chips and soft drinks. More»

Photo: Obama releases secret Bush anti-terror memos Obama releases secret Bush anti-terror memos
Associated Press - Sun Mar 1, 2009
WASHINGTON - The Obama administration threw open the curtain on years of Bush-era secrets Monday, revealing anti-terror memos that claimed exceptional search-and-seizure powers and divulging that the CIA destroyed nearly 100 videotapes of interrogations and other treatment of terror suspects. More»

Photo: Caught On Tape: Cop Attacks Teen Girl In Cell Caught On Tape: Cop Attacks Teen Girl In Cell
Associated Press - Sat Feb 28, 2009
SEATTLE, Washington - Surveillance video released in an assault case against a King County sheriff's deputy shows a deputy kicking a 15-year-old girl, slamming her to the floor of a jail cell, striking her and pulling her hair. More»

Photo: Documents reveal details in Johnston slaying, cover-up Documents reveal details in Johnston slaying, cover-up
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Sat Feb 21, 2009
Jason Smith was losing it: "I [screwed] up; I think I killed this woman," the Atlanta narcotics cop told partner Arthur Tesler in the yard behind a small brick bungalow on Neal Street. More»

Power Surge Causes Explosions In 55 Homes
WFTV-TV - Tue Feb 17, 2009
MINNEOLA, Florida - Fifty-five homeowners in Minneola were stunned Wednesday when a sudden power surge blew up appliances and caused fire to shoot out of outlets. More»

'Pull My Finger' subject of court fight
CNN - Mon Feb 16, 2009
A Florida-based company has accused a Colorado competitor in federal court of trademark infringement and unfair business practices over the phrase "Pull My Finger". More»

Widow sues over man's death at immigration center
Associated Press - Mon Feb 9, 2009
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island - A Chinese immigrant held at a privately operated detention center was denied medical care, abused and accused of faking his illness in the weeks before he died of cancer, according to a lawsuit filed Monday by the man's widow. More»

Photo: Obama reviewing ban on photos of military coffins Obama reviewing ban on photos of military coffins
Associated Press - Mon Feb 9, 2009
President Barack Obama said Monday he is considering whether to overturn a Pentagon policy that bans the media from taking pictures of the flag-draped coffins of US troops returning from the battlefield. More»

Photo: FBI raids Ga. plant at center of salmonella scare FBI raids Ga. plant at center of salmonella scare
Associated Press - Mon Feb 9, 2009
WASHINGTON - Federal agents on Monday raided a Georgia peanut processing plant linked to the nationwide salmonella outbreak that has prompted one of the largest product recalls in US history. More»

Photo: FDA: Georgia plant knowingly sold salmonella-laced food FDA: Georgia plant knowingly sold salmonella-laced food
Associated Press - Fri Feb 6, 2009
WASHINGTON - As far back as 2007, salmonella-laced products were shipped by a Georgia peanut company that knew the peanuts probably were tainted and sometimes after tests confirmed that contamination, inspection records show. More»

Photo: Car bomb critically injures head of Ark. medical board Car bomb critically injures head of Ark. medical board
Associated Press - Tue Feb 3, 2009
WEST MEMPHIS, Arkansas - A car bomb explosion critically injured the head of the Arkansas State Medical Board on Wednesday, detonating in his driveway as he was leaving for work, authorities said. More»

Folding dealers shock car buyers with unpaid liens
Associated Press - Sun Feb 1, 2009
SACRAMENTO, California - The national wave of auto dealership closures has come crashing down on thousands of people who are on the hook for used-car loans that dealers were supposed to absolve. More»

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