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United States - Articles

Georgia Students Wear Ku Klux Klan Outfits To School
WSB-TV - Sun May 23, 2010
DAHLONEGA, Georgia - School officials said a Lumpkin County High School teacher went too far with a class project. More»

Photo: Cleaning oil-soaked wetlands may be impossible Cleaning oil-soaked wetlands may be impossible
Associated Press - Sat May 22, 2010
NEW ORLEANS - The gooey oil washing into the maze of marshes along the Gulf Coast could prove impossible to remove, leaving a toxic stew lethal to fish and wildlife, government officials and independent scientists said. More»

Caught On Tape: Officers' Convenience Store Rant
WSB-TV - Sat May 22, 2010
CHEROKEE COUNTY, Georgia - A local police officer is captured on security video threatening to use his Taser on the owner of a Shell Gas station in Cherokee County, while also threatening to "Send him back to India. More»

Photo: Atty: Video shows police fired into Detroit home Atty: Video shows police fired into Detroit home
Associated Press - Sun May 16, 2010
DETROIT - Police who carried out a raid on a family home that left a 7-year-old girl dead over the weekend were accompanied by a camera crew for a reality television show, and an attorney says video of the siege contradicts the police account of what happened. More»

Photo: 'Shocking' conditions at Tylenol plant 'Shocking' conditions at Tylenol plant
CNN - Thu May 13, 2010
NEW YORK - The quality and safety violations that led to the shutdown of a Tylenol plant were extremely serious, and could lead to tough action by regulators on drugmaker Johnson & Johnson. More»

Fannie Mae asks for another $8.4 billion
CNN Money - Sun May 9, 2010
NEW YORK - Fannie Mae requested another $8.4 billion from the federal government on Monday, saying that it expects its losses to continue because of trends in the housing and financial markets. More»

Lettuce Recall due to E.Coli - FDA investigating
Associated Press - Thu May 6, 2010
WASHINGTON - A food company is recalling lettuce sold in 23 states and the District of Columbia because of an E. coli outbreak that has sickened at least 19 people, three of them with life-threatening symptoms. More»

Photo: Lisa Hofstra Settles With City For $78K: Nurse Handcuffed By Cop For Not Drawing Blood On Command Lisa Hofstra Settles With City For $78K: Nurse Handcuffed By Cop For Not Drawing Blood On Command
Huffington Post - Mon May 3, 2010
A nurse who was handcuffed by a Chicago Police Officer when she refused to draw blood from a drunk-driving suspect fast enough for him in August settled her lawsuit against the officer for $78,000. More»

Photo: May 4 group still asking who gave order to shoot May 4 group still asking who gave order to shoot
Akron Beacon Journal - Fri Apr 30, 2010
It has been nearly 40 years and yet members of the May 4 Task Force are still looking for the truth behind the May 4, 1970, shooting at Kent State. More»

Banks can collect on a loan and wipe out your account
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Thu Apr 29, 2010
When Hope and Matt Hughes stopped for supplies at a pet store last month, they thought the trouble with their debit card was just a glitch. More»

Photo: When the Army Uses "Enhanced Interrogation" on an American Soldier When the Army Uses "Enhanced Interrogation" on an American Soldier
Huffington Post - Wed Apr 14, 2010
I had been covering veterans' issues for several years and thought I'd developed a thick skin. More»

Photo: White House, CIA "angry at tape destruction" White House, CIA "angry at tape destruction"
Associated Press - Wed Apr 14, 2010
WASHINGTON - White House counsel Harriet Miers was "livid" and CIA counsel John Rizzo was "clearly upset" that the spy agency destroyed interrogation videos showing waterboarding in 2005, newly released CIA documents show. More»

Oklahoma Tea Parties And Lawmakers Envision Militia
Associated Press - Mon Apr 12, 2010
OKLAHOMA CITY - Frustrated by recent political setbacks, tea party leaders and some conservative members of the Oklahoma Legislature say they would like to create a new volunteer militia to help defend against what they believe are improper federal infringements on state sovereignty. More»

The Criminalization of Natural Play
Psychology Today - Mon Apr 5, 2010
It's time for a National Conference on Children, Nature and the Law. More»

Photo: Obama signs historic $938 billion overhaul Obama signs historic $938 billion overhaul
Associated Press - Mon Mar 22, 2010
WASHINGTON - A beaming President Barack Obama on Tuesday signed a historic $938 billion health care overhaul that guarantees coverage for 32 million uninsured Americans and will touch nearly every citizen's life, presiding over the biggest shift in US domestic policy since the 1960s and capping a divisive, yearlong debate that could define the November elections. More»

Photo: GOP leader's skinny-dip confession stuns Utah GOP leader's skinny-dip confession stuns Utah
Associated Press - Fri Mar 12, 2010
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah - A late-night confession by Utah's House majority leader about sitting nude in a hot tub with a minor 25 years ago has shocked this conservative state's political establishment but has not prompted calls from party leaders for him to resign. More»

Photo: CIA 'caused French village to go mad in the Fifties by spiking baguettes with LSD CIA 'caused French village to go mad in the Fifties by spiking baguettes with LSD
Daily Mail, UK - Fri Mar 12, 2010
The CIA caused an entire French village to go mad nearly 60 years ago by spiking their baguettes with the mind-bending drug LSD, a new investigation claims. More»

Photo: Court Says Thimerosal Did Not Cause Autism Court Says Thimerosal Did Not Cause Autism
Associated Press - Thu Mar 11, 2010
WASHINGTON - The vaccine additive thimerosal is not to blame for autism, a special federal court ruled Friday in a long-running battle by parents convinced there is a connection. More»

E-mail compares first lady Michelle Obama to Tarzan's Cheeta
Associated Press - Sat Mar 6, 2010
NASHVILLE, Tennessee - The CEO of Tennessee's hospitality association is apologizing for sending an e-mail to a group of public figures that compares first lady Michelle Obama to a chimpanzee. More»

Photo: SoCal "Family Values" Senator Gets DUI Leaving Gay Bar SoCal "Family Values" Senator Gets DUI Leaving Gay Bar
KTLA-TV - Fri Mar 5, 2010
SACRAMENTO, California - The county district attorney says Republican state Senator Roy Ashburn's blood-alcohol level was .14 percent when he was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving after leaving Faces, a gay bar and nightclub. More»

Photo: Leaked documents reveal GOP plan to use scare tactics Leaked documents reveal GOP plan to use scare tactics
Yahoo News Blog - Thu Mar 4, 2010
National GOP leaders are doing damage control today after a Politico scoop lifted the curtain on the party's plan to tap voters' "fear" in the coming campaign season. More»

Photo: Whale that killed its trainer at SeaWorld 'must be stoned to death', says American religious group Whale that killed its trainer at SeaWorld 'must be stoned to death', says American religious group
Daily Mail, UK - Tue Mar 2, 2010
A whale that killed its trainer at the SeaWorld tourist attraction should be stoned to death, according to an American religious group. More»

Photo: Republican Senator Says "Tough Shit" to Unemployment Extension Republican Senator Says "Tough Shit" to Unemployment Extension
CNN - Thu Feb 25, 2010
Washington - The Senate adjourned Friday without approving extensions of cash and health insurance benefits for the unemployed after a lone senator blocked swift passage due to his insistence that Congress first pay for the $10 billion package. More»

Tea Baggers try to put blame on Woodstock hippies for financial crisis
Christian Science Monitor - Thu Feb 25, 2010
Chicago - A new film is gaining traction among tea-party followers for suggesting that the collapse of the US financial system has roots dating back 40 years to the Summer of Love. More»

Marine base's ex-residents, many ill, only now learning of toxic water
McClatchy Newspapers - Mon Feb 15, 2010
WASHINGTON - Paul Akers was in his oncologist's office last summer when his adult daughter handed him a magazine. More»

Student detained over Arabic flashcards, lawsuit says
AFP - Tue Feb 9, 2010
WASHINGTON - Federal agents handcuffed, detained and "abusively" interrogated a US student at Philadelphia International Airport because he was carrying Arabic flashcards, a lawsuit claimed Wednesday. More»

FBI wants records kept of Web sites visited
CNET - Tue Feb 9, 2010
WASHINGTON - The FBI is pressing Internet service providers to record which Web sites customers visit and retain those logs for two years, a requirement that law enforcement believes could help it in investigations of child pornography and other serious crimes. More»

Photo: "How's that hope-y, change-y stuff workin' out for ya?" "How's that hope-y, change-y stuff workin' out for ya?"
Associated Press - Sun Feb 7, 2010
NASHVILLE, Tennessee - Sarah Palin, in a speech that was short on ideas but big on enthusiasm, took aim at President Barack Obama and the Democrats, telling a gathering of "tea party" activists that America is ripe for another revolution. More»

U.S. soldier 'waterboarded his own daughter, 4, because she couldn't recite alphabet'
Daily Mail, UK - Sat Feb 6, 2010
A US soldier has been accused of 'waterboarding' his four-year-old daughter because she couldn't recite the alphabet. More»

Photo: Did Clean-Room Chemicals Cause Birth Defects? Did Clean-Room Chemicals Cause Birth Defects?
KPHO-TV - Fri Feb 5, 2010
PHOENIX, Arizona - The picture of Bob and Janice Numkena's wedding day is old and faded, but Bob's memory of the day is clear. More»

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