Georgia's Top Court Reins In Private Probation Firms For Illegally Extending Sentences
Think Progress - Mon Dec 1, 2014
While all eyes were on Ferguson last week, the Georgia Supreme Court issued an important ruling on another element of the criminal justice system. More»
Off-duty cop shot woman in the head because she honked at him
Raw Story - Sat Nov 29, 2014
A Houston woman was shot in the head by an off-duty police officer after she honked at him for cutting her off, KHOU 11 reports. More»
Pentagon Review Says America's Nukes Are FUBAR
Mother Jones - Sun Nov 16, 2014
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is ordering a massive overhaul of America's nuclear weapons program after finding that "we've taken our eye off the ball," he said at a press conference on Friday morning. More»
Alabama Jailers Let Prisoners Die From Easily Treatable Illnesses to Save Money
AlterNet - Mon Oct 20, 2014
Three lawsuits recently filed in federal court accuse the state of Alabama of denying prisoners with easily treatable illnesses or injuries proper medical care resulting in the prisoner's death. More»
Pictured: First Ebola patient diagnosed on American soil
Daily Mail - Wed Oct 1, 2014
Texas governor Rick Perry reveals schoolchildren from FOUR different schools have been exposed and 18 Americans could be infected. More»
10-Year Old Tasered By Police On Career Day
Crooks and Liars - Sat Sep 27, 2014
What the hell? The days of friendly Officer Pete and career day fun are long gone - Now the cops bring tasers to teach kids. More»
Three 9/11 firefighters die of cancer in one day
AFP - Sat Sep 27, 2014
New York - Three New York firefighters who worked at the World Trade Center ruins after the September 11 attacks died within hours of each other from cancer, fire officials said Thursday. More»
Police Caught On Video Throwing Pregnant Woman To The Ground
Think Progress - Wed Sep 24, 2014
Sandra Amezquita, a pregnant woman shown on video being thrown, belly-down onto the street by a New York police officer says she fears that the incident could have damaged her baby. More»
Group says it gave hundreds of veterans free pot
AP - Mon Sep 22, 2014
DENVER - Hundreds of military veterans received free marijuana during a special giveaway in Denver designed to show that pot can help ease their pain. More»
TV Reporter Makes Unbelievable Exit On Air: 'F*ck It, I Quit'
Huffington Post - Mon Sep 22, 2014
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Local Anchorage reporter Charlo Greene has decided to leave her job as a newswoman to focus on legalizing marijuana in Alaska. More»
The Deadly Disease in Meat That Health Officials Are Ignoring
AlterNet - Tue Jun 24, 2014
When the first US mad cow was found in late 2003, 98 percent of US beef exports evaporated overnight. More»
U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
Time - Tue Jun 17, 2014
The US health care system has been subject to heated debate over the past decade, but one thing that has remained consistent is the level of performance, which has been ranked as the worst among industrialized nations for the fifth time, according to the 2014 Commonwealth Fund survey 2014. More»
Mad cow disease death confirmed in Texas
CNN - Thu Jun 5, 2014
Mad cow disease has caused a fourth death in the United States, health officials say. More»
Virginia Court Official Tells Atheist Couple They Have No Right To Get Married Because They Don't Believe In God
Addicting Info - Fri May 30, 2014
Marriage is a right that belongs to any consenting adults. More»
Georgia police threw a stun grenade in a 19-month-old's crib
Vox - Fri May 30, 2014
A SWAT team raiding a home in Habersham County, Georgia at around 3 am Thursday, May 29th, threw a stun grenade into the crib of a 19-month-old toddler, Bounkham Phonesavanh, critically injuring him. More»
Chemical-Related Hospital Admissions In West Virginia Have Doubled Since Water Deemed Safe
Think Progress - Sun Jan 19, 2014
It took nearly five days after a major chemical spill in West Virginia for residents to receive the go-ahead to start using their water again. More»
Incarcerated To Death: How The Mentally Ill Are Abused, Neglected, And Humiliated In South Carolina's Prisons
Think Progress - Tue Jan 14, 2014
Jerome Laudman, a schizophrenic, intellectually disabled inmate in South Carolina, was placed in solitary confinement, although he was neither aggressive nor threatening. More»
Conservative group ALEC pushes stealth tax on homeowners who install solar panels
The Guardian - Wed Dec 4, 2013
An alliance of corporations and conservative activists is mobilising to penalise homeowners who install their own solar panels - casting them as "freeriders" - in a sweeping new offensive against renewable energy, the Guardian has learned. More»
Air traffic controllers forced to work without pay during shutdown
WSB-TV - Fri Oct 11, 2013
ATLANTA - Channel 2 Action News has learned the federal government is forcing thousands of local workers to show up for work, but they're not paying them because of the government shutdown. More»
California Bans Indefinite Detentions
Huffington Post - Thu Oct 3, 2013
Governor Jerry Brown (D) signed a statewide ban on indefinite detentions into law Tuesday, prohibiting compliance with provisions of federal law. More»
Texas experimenting with secret execution drugs
Reuters - Thu Oct 3, 2013
SAN ANTONIO, Texas - Three Texas death row inmates claim the state plans to execute them by experimenting with new drugs, never used for such a purpose, that were obtained under false pretenses, attorneys told Reuters on Wednesday. More»
Atom bomb nearly detonated over North Carolina in 1961
AFP - Sat Sep 21, 2013
LONDON - The US Air Force came dramatically close to detonating a huge atomic bomb over North Carolina in 1961, according to a newly declassified document published by Britain's Guardian newspaper on Saturday. More»
13, including suspect, killed in Navy Yard shooting
Daily Mail, UK - Mon Sep 16, 2013
Terror visited Washington DC this morning as at least one heavily armed gunman calmly opened fire inside a building at the Washington Navy Yard killing at least 11 people and injuring at least 12. More»
Former Scientologist and wife 'have been stalked by church for 4 years since they left Scientology
Daily Mail, UK - Sat Sep 14, 2013
A Texas couple have told a court they were subjected to harassment by a group of Scientologists, who allegedly taunted them in the street, pointed cameras at their home and sent a sex toy to their office. More»
Insurer moves to drop Scientology's Narconon for fraud
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Sun Sep 8, 2013
NORCROSS, Georgia - A local drug rehab facility that's been the subject of a year-long Channel 2 Action News investigation is facing new trouble. More»
Report: US military cracked most online encryption
Associated Press - Fri Sep 6, 2013
WASHINGTON - The National Security Agency, working with the British government, has secretly been unraveling encryption technology that billions of Internet users rely upon to keep their electronic messages and confidential data safe from prying eyes, according to published reports Thursday based on internal U. More»
NH patient likely died of rare brain disease
Associated Press - Wed Sep 4, 2013
CONCORD, New Hampshire - Public health officials believe one person in New Hampshire has died of a rare, degenerative brain disease, and say there's a remote chance up to 13 others in multiple states were exposed to the fatal illness through surgical equipment. More»
CIA acknowledges Area 51, but not UFOs or aliens
Associated Press - Sun Aug 18, 2013
LAS VEGAS, Nevada - UFO buffs and believers in alien encounters are celebrating the CIA's clearest acknowledgement yet of the existence of Area 51, the top-secret Cold War test site that has been the subject of elaborate conspiracy theories for decades. More»
Halliburton pleads guilty to destroying Gulf oil spill evidence
Reuters - Fri Jul 26, 2013
Halliburton Co has agreed to plead guilty to destroying evidence related to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the US Department of Justice said on Thursday. More»
The Post Office Is Spying On You Too!
AlterNet - Wed Jul 3, 2013
The NSA isn't the only federal agency collecting your metadata. More»