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United States - Articles

Photo: Border guards are sending BABIES and toddlers to 'tender age' immigrant detention centers after being separated from their mothers Border guards are sending BABIES and toddlers to 'tender age' immigrant detention centers after being separated from their mothers
Daily Mail - Tue Jun 19, 2018
Trump administration officials have been sending babies and other young children forcibly separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border to at least three 'tender age' shelters in South Texas, The Associated Press has learned. More»

Photo: Keep driving and get out! Billboard on a remote Texas highway tells Liberals to 'continue on the I-40 until you have left our GREAT STATE' Keep driving and get out! Billboard on a remote Texas highway tells Liberals to 'continue on the I-40 until you have left our GREAT STATE'
Daily Mail - Tue Jun 19, 2018
A billboard on a Texas highway has quite the message for those with liberal views. More»

Photo: Sessions: Building a wall will end family separations at border Sessions: Building a wall will end family separations at border
New York Post - Sun Jun 17, 2018
WASHINGTON - Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday that Congress could end the practice of separating children from their parents at the border if lawmakers give President Donald Trump his wall and new immigration legislation. More»

Photo: Doctors Concerned About 'Irreparable Harm' To Separated Migrant Children Doctors Concerned About 'Irreparable Harm' To Separated Migrant Children
NPR - Sat Jun 16, 2018
In South Texas, pediatricians started sounding the alarm weeks ago as migrant shelters began filling up with younger children separated from their parents after they crossed the US-Mexico border illegally. More»

Photo: Trump Says Separation Of Families At Border Is A Negotiating Tool Trump Says Separation Of Families At Border Is A Negotiating Tool
CNN - Fri Jun 15, 2018
President Donald Trump suggested Saturday that he is using his administration's separation of families at the US border as a negotiating tool to get Democrats to cave on his immigration demands, which include funding for a border wall, curbing legal immigration into the US, and tightening the rules for border enforcement. More»

Photo: Hurricane Maria 'killed 4,600 in Puerto Rico' Hurricane Maria 'killed 4,600 in Puerto Rico'
BBC - Tue May 29, 2018
Hurricane Maria killed more than 4,600 people in Puerto Rico, 70 times the official toll, according to estimates in a Harvard University study. More»

Photo: She came to the US for a better life. Moments after arrival, she was killed She came to the US for a better life. Moments after arrival, she was killed
CNN - Sat May 26, 2018
Claudia Patricia Gomez Gonzalez traveled 1,500 miles to the United States, hoping to find a job and a better future. More»

Photo: DoD admits water at U.S. military bases contains cancer causing chemicals DoD admits water at U.S. military bases contains cancer causing chemicals
Popular Military - Mon May 21, 2018
If you live on a military base and only drink bottled water, you’ve probably made a good call. More»

Photo: 'Explosive Eruption' at Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Sends Ash Into Air 'Explosive Eruption' at Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Sends Ash Into Air
NBC New York - Wed May 16, 2018
Hawaii's Kilauea volcano experienced an "explosive eruption" before dawn Thursday, shooting a steely gray plume of ash from its summit about 25,000 feet into the sky that began raining down on a nearby town, officials said. More»

Photo: 'I hated myself after abuse at Abu Ghraib' 'I hated myself after abuse at Abu Ghraib'
BBC - Tue May 15, 2018
Gina Haspel has paved the way for her confirmation as new CIA director, after repudiating torture tactics used in the past. More»

Photo: U.S. Fighter Jets Intercept Russian Bombers off Alaskan Coast U.S. Fighter Jets Intercept Russian Bombers off Alaskan Coast
Newsweek - Fri May 11, 2018
Two US fighter jets intercepted two Russian bombers in international airspace off the coast of Alaska on Friday, in the latest in a series of encounters between US and Russian warplanes. More»

Photo: Shocking video shows a Miami cop slapping, punching and whipping his DAUGHTER, 14, with a belt Shocking video shows a Miami cop slapping, punching and whipping his DAUGHTER, 14, with a belt
Daily Mail - Fri May 11, 2018
Shocking video shows the moment a police officer slapped, punched and pulled his teenage daughter's hair because she misbehaved in school. More»

Photo: More than 3,500 Facebook ads created by Russians is released More than 3,500 Facebook ads created by Russians is released
NPR - Fri May 11, 2018
WASHINGTON - Democrats on the House intelligence committee have released more than 3,500 Facebook ads that were created or promoted by a Russian internet agency, providing the fullest picture yet of Russia's attempt to sow racial and political division in the United States before and after the 2016 election. More»

Photo: NRA Boss Oliver North Says Parkland Teenagers Are "Criminal Civil Terrorists" NRA Boss Oliver North Says Parkland Teenagers Are "Criminal Civil Terrorists"
Newsweek - Fri May 11, 2018
McLEAN, Virginia - The newly elected president of the National Rifle Association has claimed that gun control activists, like those who have emerged following a deadly shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, in February, are "civil terrorists. More»

Photo: At FDA, TVs now turned to Fox News and can't be switched At FDA, TVs now turned to Fox News and can't be switched
CBS News - Thu May 10, 2018
SILVER SPRING, Maryland - Attention viewers at the US Food and Drug Administration: Televisions will now be tuned to Fox News. More»

Photo: More than 30,000 nursing home eviction notices to be sent in Louisiana More than 30,000 nursing home eviction notices to be sent in Louisiana
USA Today - Mon May 7, 2018
BATON ROUGE - Louisiana's Department of Health will begin sending nursing home eviction notices Thursday to more than 30,000 residents who could lose Medicaid under the budget passed by the state House of Representatives. More»

Photo: Sessions: Parents, children entering U.S. illegally will be separated Sessions: Parents, children entering U.S. illegally will be separated
NBC - Mon May 7, 2018
WASHINGTON - The Trump administration plans to take a tougher approach to some families who enter the US illegally by separating parents from their children, instead of keeping them in detention together. More»

Photo: Interior Department Tells Staff To Shut Up About Mandatory Endangered Species Permits Interior Department Tells Staff To Shut Up About Mandatory Endangered Species Permits
Huffington Post - Fri May 4, 2018
New guidelines issued by the US Department of the Interior now prohibit staff members from informing private interests when they must obtain a permit before they can develop properties where activities may affect habitats of endangered species. More»

Photo: Steve Bannon asked Cambridge Analytica to research voter suppression techniques Steve Bannon asked Cambridge Analytica to research voter suppression techniques
The Hill - Wed Apr 25, 2018
Whistleblower Christopher Wylie told House Democrats on Tuesday that former Trump campaign strategist Stephen Bannon asked Cambridge Analytica to research voter suppression techniques. More»

Photo: Ex-Cop Arrested in Golden State Killer Cold Case: Updated Ex-Cop Arrested in Golden State Killer Cold Case: Updated
WNBC-TV - Tue Apr 24, 2018
The FBI said the killer is responsible for approximately 45 rapes, 12 homicides, and multiple residential burglaries between 1976 and 1986 in San Francisco, Sacramento and Los Angeles area. More»

Photo: Neo-Nazis Hold Swastika Burning In West Georgia Town After Newnan Rally Neo-Nazis Hold Swastika Burning In West Georgia Town After Newnan Rally
WAGA-TV - Sun Apr 22, 2018
TEMPLE, Georgia - Hours after a planned white supremacist rally in Newnan Georgia brought around only two dozen participants, the neo-Nazi group that organized the event gathered together under the cover of dark night in a town about 50 miles away. More»

Photo: Gulf Residents Deserve The Full Truth About Oil Cleanup Chemicals Gulf Residents Deserve The Full Truth About Oil Cleanup Chemicals
Huffington Post - Fri Apr 20, 2018
TJ Johnson remembers the day he and his cousins were sprayed. More»

Photo: Teacher suspended for making pancakes for students during state tests Teacher suspended for making pancakes for students during state tests
WSB-TV - Thu Apr 19, 2018
LANCASTER, Pennsylvania - A Pennsylvania teacher was suspended last week after he cooked breakfast for his students as they took state assessments. More»

Photo: US government accidentally sends a strange conspiracy theory file describing 'remote mind control' and 'forced memory blanking' US government accidentally sends a strange conspiracy theory file describing 'remote mind control' and 'forced memory blanking'
Daily Mail - Thu Apr 19, 2018
The US government may have been secretly collecting documents on 'remote mind control' and 'forced memory blanking', accidentally leaked files suggest. More»

Photo: Throw It All Away: CDC Expands Warning on Romaine Lettuce Throw It All Away: CDC Expands Warning on Romaine Lettuce
NBC - Thu Apr 19, 2018
Federal officials expanded a romaine lettuce warning on Friday to cover all types of romaine lettuce from the Yuma, Arizona, growing region. More»

Photo: DNC Sues Trump Campaign, WikiLeaks, Russia Over Election Interference DNC Sues Trump Campaign, WikiLeaks, Russia Over Election Interference
Bloomberg - Thu Apr 19, 2018
The Democratic National Committee sued Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks claiming widespread interference in the 2016 election as part of a "brazen attack on American democracy. More»

Photo: One Dead After Southwest Airlines Jet Engine Explodes One Dead After Southwest Airlines Jet Engine Explodes
Daily Mail - Mon Apr 16, 2018
One dead in Southwest flight horror after woman was almost sucked out of a plane window at 32,000ft when the engine exploded and smashed it before she was dragged back in by passengers. More»

Photo: More than 200 million eggs sold in nine US states are recalled over salmonella More than 200 million eggs sold in nine US states are recalled over salmonella
Daily Mail - Sat Apr 14, 2018
More than 200 million eggs sold in nine US states are being recalled over salmonella fears. More»

Photo: Donald Trump announces retaliatory airstrikes on Syria Donald Trump announces retaliatory airstrikes on Syria
Daily Mail - Fri Apr 13, 2018
Donald Trump said on Friday evening he had ordered 'precision strikes' on Syria in retaliation for the suspected poison gas attack that killed at least 60 people on April 7. More»

Photo: NRA's Ted Nugent Urges Republicans To Shoot Democrats: 'Every Time You See One, You Shoot One' NRA's Ted Nugent Urges Republicans To Shoot Democrats: 'Every Time You See One, You Shoot One'
TGOD - Sun Apr 8, 2018
NRA board member and pro-Trump musician Ted Nugent compared Democrats to "rabid coyotes" in a Friday discussion on gun control with InfoWars host Alex Jones, adding that they should be shot on sight. More»

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