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United States - Articles

Photo: Border Patrol is confiscating migrant kids' medicine, U.S. doctors say Border Patrol is confiscating migrant kids' medicine, U.S. doctors say
Yahoo News - Sun Jun 9, 2019
For the past year and a half, Dr. More»

Photo: Alabama Mayor Advocates For ‘Killing’ Of LGBTQ Community On Facebook Alabama Mayor Advocates For ‘Killing’ Of LGBTQ Community On Facebook
Huffington Post - Wed Jun 5, 2019
CARBON HILL, Alabama - One day before the start of Pride Month, an Alabama mayor reportedly recommended the killing of the LGBTQ community. More»

Photo: How Monsanto manipulates journalists and academics How Monsanto manipulates journalists and academics
The Guardian - Sun Jun 2, 2019
Over the past year, evidence of Monsanto’s deceptive efforts to defend the safety of its top-selling Roundup herbicide have been laid bare for all to see. More»

Photo: Trump orders Navy not to use 'electric' because 'nobody knows' how it works Trump orders Navy not to use 'electric' because 'nobody knows' how it works
ShareBlue - Sat Jun 1, 2019
Trump wants to scrap an electric launch system for Navy ships, despite the cost savings for taxpayers and increased military power they would allow, because he thinks it's 'too much' modern technology. More»

Photo: US energy department rebrands gas 'molecules of freedom' US energy department rebrands gas 'molecules of freedom'
BBC - Thu May 30, 2019
US energy officials appeared to rebrand natural gas produced in the country as "freedom gas", in a statement announcing an increase in exports. More»

Photo: Navy Pilots Spotted UFOs Flying At Hypersonic Speeds Navy Pilots Spotted UFOs Flying At Hypersonic Speeds
New York Post - Tue May 28, 2019
Some US Navy pilots reported spotting UFOs while training over the East Coast in 2014 and 2015, they said in a recent New York Times report. More»

Photo: Women today are more likely than their mothers to die in childbirth Women today are more likely than their mothers to die in childbirth
The Hill - Thu May 23, 2019
A few weekends ago, like many Americans, we thought about the mothers in our lives. More»

Photo: Pentagon finally admits it investigated UFOs as part of secretive initiative shuttered in 2012 Pentagon finally admits it investigated UFOs as part of secretive initiative shuttered in 2012
Daily Mail - Wed May 22, 2019
A US Department of Defense spokesperson reportedly confirmed the Pentagon's interest in UFO's, citing the agency's investigation of 'unidentified aerial phenomena'. More»

Photo: North Carolina Jail Staff Accused Of Beating And Abusing Mentally Ill Veteran North Carolina Jail Staff Accused Of Beating And Abusing Mentally Ill Veteran
The Appeal - Fri May 17, 2019
GOLDSBORO, North Carolina - A civil rights lawsuit claims officers pepper sprayed him, stripped him naked, and then surrounded him and beat him to death. More»

Photo: Radioactive Contamination Found at Ohio Middle School Radioactive Contamination Found at Ohio Middle School
NBC News - Wed May 15, 2019
Ashley Day has always worried about the health risks of living a few miles from a defunct nuclear power plant in Piketon, Ohio. More»

Photo: California jury links weedkiller Roundup to cancer, awards couple $2 billion California jury links weedkiller Roundup to cancer, awards couple $2 billion
The Hill - Tue May 14, 2019
A jury ruled against chemical giant Monsanto on Monday, awarding a California couple $2 billion in damages after determining their cancer was caused by the weedkiller Roundup. More»

Photo: Teens targeted black and disabled classmates as they planned to kill as many people as possible in school shooting Teens targeted black and disabled classmates as they planned to kill as many people as possible in school shooting
Raw Story - Mon May 13, 2019
Two students charged with plotting a mass shooting at Etowah High School in Georgia, said that they were looking to specifically target African American and disabled students, according to a report from the Cherokee and Tribune Ledger-News. More»

Photo: Georgia Just Criminalized Abortion Georgia Just Criminalized Abortion
Slate - Tue May 7, 2019
On Tuesday, Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp signed a “fetal heartbeat” bill that seeks to outlaw abortion after about six weeks. More»

Photo: White Supremacists Chant ‘Six Million More’ After Crashing Holocaust Remembrance Day Event In Arkansas White Supremacists Chant ‘Six Million More’ After Crashing Holocaust Remembrance Day Event In Arkansas
Really American - Tue May 7, 2019
A white supremacist group interrupted a Holocaust Remembrance Day event in Russellville, Arkansas, over the weekend, leading anti-Semitic chants and disrupting the ceremony which featured a World War II veteran. More»

Photo: Georgia Councilman Says Interracial Marriage Is ‘Just Not The Way A Christian Is Supposed To Live’ Georgia Councilman Says Interracial Marriage Is ‘Just Not The Way A Christian Is Supposed To Live’
Raw Story - Mon May 6, 2019
HOSCHTON, Georgia - A Georgia councilman who came to the defense of the city’s mayor after she was accused of racism said that interracial marriage is “just not the way a Christian is supposed to live”. More»

Photo: Mentally ill woman gave birth alone in isolated jail cell Mentally ill woman gave birth alone in isolated jail cell
Miami Herald - Sun May 5, 2019
A jailed and pregnant mentally ill woman was forced to deliver her child alone in an “isolation cell” last month as corrections officers ignored her cries for help, Broward County’s public defender charged on Friday. More»

Seattle: 13 exposed to radiation at hazmat incident
KOMO-TV - Fri May 3, 2019
SEATTLE, Washington - Thirteen people had to be decontaminated for radiation exposure - and eight of them hospitalized - after a breach of a radioactive substance at the Harborview Medical Center Research and Training Building Thursday night in Seattle's First Hill neighborhood. More»

Photo: The Radium Girls, Whose Deaths Saved Thousands Of Workers' Lives The Radium Girls, Whose Deaths Saved Thousands Of Workers' Lives
Buzzfeed - Wed May 1, 2019
During World War I, hundreds of young women went to work in clock factories, painting watch dials with luminous radium paint. More»

Photo: Why are so many people getting rare cancers in this small Georgia town? Why are so many people getting rare cancers in this small Georgia town?
Atlanta Magazine - Fri Apr 26, 2019
In Waycross, there's a tale about a boy who got a surprise while playing outside one day. More»

Photo: Georgia district EXTENDS a middle school teacher's contract four days after he was arrested and charged with possessing child pornography Georgia district EXTENDS a middle school teacher's contract four days after he was arrested and charged with possessing child pornography
Daily Mail - Thu Apr 25, 2019
A Georgia middle school teacher reportedly had his contracted extended after he was charged with possessing child pornography. More»

Photo: US 'border militia training to assassinate Obama' - FBI US 'border militia training to assassinate Obama' - FBI
BBC - Wed Apr 24, 2019
The suspected leader of a New Mexico militia group allegedly boasted of plans to assassinate former President Barack Obama, the FBI has said. More»

Photo: High Turnout For Annual 420 Pot Festival On Golden Gate Park’s Hippie Hill High Turnout For Annual 420 Pot Festival On Golden Gate Park’s Hippie Hill
San Francisco Chronicle - Sat Apr 20, 2019
Smokers passed cone-shaped joints, cradled glass pipes of all sizes and worked to keep blazing blunts alive amid strong winds on the grassy fields of Golden Gate Park as part of the annual 420 celebration at Hippie Hill. More»

United States added to list of most dangerous countries for journalists for first time
NBC News - Sat Apr 20, 2019
PARIS - The murder of the Saudi columnist Jamal Khashoggi - in a year when more than half of all journalists who were killed around the world were targeted deliberately - reflects a hatred of the media in many areas of society, a free-press advocacy group said Tuesday. More»

Photo: St. Louis Jailed a Pregnant Woman for 39 Days for Refusing a Paternity Test St. Louis Jailed a Pregnant Woman for 39 Days for Refusing a Paternity Test
The Appeal - Fri Apr 19, 2019
Adrianna Thurman said she was informed by jail staff after her release that she had "slipped through the cracks. More»

Photo: Today's Doom! The Rapture Is April 23 Today's Doom! The Rapture Is April 23
Patheos - Wed Apr 17, 2019
Fox News reports the end of the world is April 23, according to prominent Christian numerologist David Meade. More»

Photo: Four prisoners dead in six weeks: the crisis unfolding in San Diego county jails Four prisoners dead in six weeks: the crisis unfolding in San Diego county jails
The Guardian - Wed Apr 17, 2019
On 18 March, Maria Palacios Escalera got a call from a doctor at the UC San Diego hospital in southern California. More»

Photo: Louisiana patrolman charged with 20 counts of sex abuse against police dog Louisiana patrolman charged with 20 counts of sex abuse against police dog
KUTV - Mon Apr 15, 2019
BOSSIER CITY, Louisiana - A police officer in Louisiana has been arrested after he turned himself in on charges that he filmed himself having sex with an animal. More»

Photo: Incel thows child off 3rd floor balcony "as revenge for years of being rejected by women" Incel thows child off 3rd floor balcony "as revenge for years of being rejected by women"
Daily Mail - Mon Apr 15, 2019
BLOOMINGTON, Minnesota - A man who 'threw five-year-old boy off a balcony at Mall of America' tells police he went there intending to kill as revenge for years of being rejected by women at the shopping center. More»

Photo: Alabama man, baby accidentally shot when loaded gun fired from inside diaper bag in Chuck E. Cheese parking lot Alabama man, baby accidentally shot when loaded gun fired from inside diaper bag in Chuck E. Cheese parking lot
New York Daily News - Sun Apr 14, 2019
VESTAVIA HILLS, Alabama - An adult man and a baby girl were accidentally shot outside an Alabama Chuck E. More»

Photo: 11-year-old asylum seeker ordered to return to El Salvador without family 11-year-old asylum seeker ordered to return to El Salvador without family
WSB-TV - Fri Apr 12, 2019
HOUSTON, Texas - An immigration court in Texas has ordered an 11-year-old girl to be deported to El Salvador alone, and now her family is fighting to have the order suspended. More»

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