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Photo: Brain injuries from war worse than thought Brain injuries from war worse than thought
USA Today - Sun Sep 23, 2007
Scientists trying to understand traumatic brain injury from bomb blasts are finding the wound more insidious than they once thought. More»

Injured vet stuck in limbo at Walter Reed
Washington Post - Sat Sep 15, 2007
After nearly three years as an outpatient at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Staff Sgt John Daniel Shannon had begun the wrenching process of turning himself into a civilian. More»

Female airman won't face court-martial
Associated Press - Thu Sep 13, 2007
RALEIGH, North Carolina - The Air Force has dropped a criminal indecency charge filed against a female airman who refused to testify against another airman she had accused of rape, her lawyer said Friday. More»

Photo: Thousands of GIs cope with brain damage Thousands of GIs cope with brain damage
Associated Press - Sat Sep 8, 2007
The war in Iraq is not over, but one legacy is already here in this city and others across America: an epidemic of brain-damaged soldiers. More»

Whistleblowers Treated Like Terrorists
Associated Press - Fri Aug 31, 2007
One after another, the men and women who have stepped forward to report corruption in the massive effort to rebuild Iraq have been vilified, fired and demoted. More»

Walter Reed flap puts retirement on hold
Navy Times - Thu Aug 30, 2007
The Army will not process the retirement request of its former surgeon general until completing a review of last winter's Walter Reed patient care scandal, officials say. More»

Photo: Abu Ghraib whistleblower's ordeal Abu Ghraib whistleblower's ordeal
BBC - Thu Aug 16, 2007
The US soldier who exposed the abuse of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison found himself a marked man after his anonymity was blown in the most astonishing way by Donald Rumsfeld. More»

Army suicides highest in 26 years
Associated Press - Tue Aug 14, 2007
WASHINGTON - Army soldiers committed suicide last year at the highest rate in 26 years, and more than a quarter did so while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a new military report. More»

Bush Adviser Considering the Draft
Associated Press - Thu Aug 9, 2007
WASHINGTON - Frequent tours for US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan have stressed the all-volunteer force and made it worth considering a return to a military draft, President Bush's new war adviser said Friday. More»

Photo: Gates: U.S. to keep troop presence in Iraq for "protracted period" Gates: U.S. to keep troop presence in Iraq for "protracted period"
CNN - Sun Aug 5, 2007
WASHINGTON - US forces will probably be in Iraq for a "protracted period" to support the country's year-old government, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Sunday. More»

Photo: Vets on the Street Vets on the Street
Newsweek - Fri Feb 23, 2007
Kevin Felty came back from Iraq in 2003 with nowhere to stay, and not enough money to rent an apartment. More»

Case Workers for Wounded GI's Laid Off
Army Times - Mon Jan 22, 2007
Defense Department officials have laid off most of their case workers who help severely injured service members, sources said. More»

Big Money: The Compensation Angle
The Raw Story - Tue Oct 31, 2006
Veterans' advocates fought long and hard to have Congress pass measures in 1997 that require the Department of Defense (DOD) to document the pre- and post-war health of American troops. More»

The Myth of Accessible Health Care
The Raw Story - Sun Oct 29, 2006
If you were thinking of enlisting in the military and you read the press releases from the DOD and VA public relations machine, you'd think that signing up would make you part of a body of men and women who were the nation's greatest asset -- a corps that would enjoy every possible means of care at all stages of their professional and personal lives. More»

To Hell and Back: Spinning the Downward Spiral
The Raw Story - Tue Oct 24, 2006
The same troops whose mental health issues were more or less ignored while they were active service members face numerous obstacles to proper care in the military's mental health system once they return. More»

Mental health disorders among returning troops
The Raw Story - Mon Oct 23, 2006
The same administration that many claim sent US troops overseas without sufficient intelligence, planning, numbers, or armor is equally unprepared to deal with the war's psychic toll on service members, RAW STORY has learned. More»

Photo: Air Force's Agent Orange Study Ends Air Force's Agent Orange Study Ends
Associated Press - Wed Sep 6, 2006
ROCKVILLE, Maryland - The government is taking steps to preserve data and biological specimens from a quarter-century investigation into the effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam veterans, having found an elevated risk for diabetes but no clear links to cancer from the soon-to-end study. More»

Gearing up for another wave of homeless vets
Village Voice - Fri Aug 18, 2006
On the first Tuesday in August, Thomas Mullifield, who fought with the Army in Vietnam from 1964 to 1967 and struggled with alcoholism in the 1990s, was engaged in another battle-against the overheated, leaden air filling the residence that he and 149 other vets call home on Commonwealth Avenue in the Bronx. More»

VA apologizes for investigating nurse on 'sedition'
Associated Press - Tue Apr 18, 2006
ALBUQUERQUE - The Veterans Affairs secretary has acknowledged his agency was wrong to investigate a nurse at the Albuquerque VA hospital on an accusation of sedition. More»

The US propaganda machine: Oh, what a lovely war
The Independent UK - Thu Mar 30, 2006
The Lincoln Group was tasked with presenting the US version of events in Iraq to counter adverse media coverage. More»

Gulf War Veteran Gets Placebos Instead Of Real Medicine
WSOC-TV - Tue Feb 28, 2006
A Gulf War veteran undergoing medical treatment said he was given placebos -- or sugar pills -- instead of real medicine. More»

The cost of war
CNN - Wed Feb 5, 2003
NEW YORK - Before he got the boot, former White House economic adviser Larry Lindsey said he thought a war with Iraq would cost $100 billion to $200 billion. More»

- Thu Jan 1, 1970
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