Object leaves Earth-sized impact site on Jupiter
AFP - Tue Jul 21, 2009
WASHINGTON - Jupiter was recently struck by a large object - possibly a stray comet or a block of ice - which left a dent in its gaseous atmosphere the size of Earth, NASA officials said. More»
NASA Lost Moon Footage, But Hollywood Restores It
Associated Press - Thu Jul 16, 2009
WASHINGTON - NASA could put a man on the moon but didn't have the sense to keep the original video of the live TV transmission. More»
Evidence Found for Ancient Mars Lake
Space.com - Wed Jun 17, 2009
Several studies in recent years have claimed evidence for shorelines and other features that suggest ancient lakes on Mars. More»
Space Rock Gives Earth A Close Shave
AFP - Mon Mar 2, 2009
PARIS - An asteroid of a similar size to a rock that exploded above Siberia in 1908 with the force of a thousand atomic bombs whizzed close past Earth on Monday, astronomers said on Tuesday. More»
Mars is alive! Methane discovered
TG Daily - Thu Jan 15, 2009
Washington (DC) - NASA announced today that for the first time ever they have definitively detected methane in the Martian atmosphere. More»
Sun Induces Strange 'Breathing' of Earth's Atmosphere
Wired News - Mon Dec 15, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO, California - New satellite observations have revealed a previously unknown rhythmic expansion and contraction of Earth's atmosphere on a nine-day cycle. More»
Wind and Snow Do Strange Things on Mars
Space.com - Thu Sep 18, 2008
Planetary scientists have discovered new details to explain a mysterious seasonal asymmetry of a Martian polar ice cap. More»
Mars' Architect-in-Chief? Water, Says Study
Discovery News - Mon Aug 25, 2008
Scientists are moving closer to a unilateral opinion that water, even in relatively modern times, exists on Mars. More»
Water Ice on Mars Confirmed
Associated Press - Wed Jul 30, 2008
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has confirmed the existence of water ice on Mars. More»
Mars Lander Exposes More Ice
Space.com - Tue Jul 15, 2008
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander used its robotic arm to expose more of the hard icy layer just below the Martian surface so that it can more easily gather a sample of the material for analysis. More»
Saturn moon, Rhea, may have rings
Associated Press - Wed Mar 5, 2008
PASADENA, California - New observations by a spacecraft suggest Saturn's second-largest moon may be surrounded by rings. More»
Disabled spy satellite threatens Earth
Associated Press - Sat Jan 26, 2008
A large US spy satellite has lost power and could hit the Earth in late February or early March, government officials said Saturday. More»
Female Figure on Mars "Just a Rock"
Space.com - Fri Jan 25, 2008
The idea that there may be life on Mars has been around for centuries, but the theory got a dubious boost from recently released photos of the surface of Mars (taken by the NASA robot Spirit) apparently showing a human-like figure. More»
Venus has frequent bursts of lightning
Associated Press - Wed Nov 28, 2007
Nearby Venus is looking a bit more Earth-like with frequent bursts of lightning confirmed by a new European space probe. More»
Group renames asteroid for George Takei
Associated Press - Mon Oct 1, 2007
A piece of outer space named for George Takei is in kind of a rough neighborhood for somebody who steers a starship: an asteroid belt. More»
U.S. Astronauts reveal encounters with apparent Extraterrestrials and UFOs
The Canadian - Fri Sep 7, 2007
Rumors have persisted for years that the astronauts -- nearly all of whom are military officers susceptible to being silenced under orders -- may have seen something more on the Moon than rocks and dust. More»
Mysterious Solar Ripples Detected
Space.com - Sun Sep 2, 2007
Mysterious waves that help transport the sun's energy out into space have been detected by scientists for the first time. More»
Mounting Mysteries at Saturn Keep Scientists Guessing
Space.com - Sun Aug 26, 2007
Humanity has known of Saturn since prehistory, but enigmas about this ringed world still abound-from new mysteries concerning a baffling hexagon of clouds on the planet to perennial puzzles concerning its famous rings. More»
Meteor shower peaks this weekend
Associated Press - Thu Aug 9, 2007
LOS ANGELES - Summer's annual meteor shower promises to put on a dazzling show when it peaks this weekend - provided you're far from city lights. More»
Hexagon Cloud Spotted on Saturn
Space.com - Tue Mar 27, 2007
One of the most bizarre weather patterns in the solar system has been photographed at Saturn, where astronomers have spotted a huge, six-sided feature circling the north pole. More»
Study suggests water may be flowing on Mars
San Diego Union Tribune - Wed Dec 6, 2006
SAN DIEGO - Scientists have found what could be water flowing on Mars - now, not in the planet's distant past. More»
Moon Storms
NASA - Tue Dec 6, 2005
Every lunar morning, when the sun first peeks over the dusty soil of the moon after two weeks of frigid lunar night, a strange storm stirs the surface. More»
Mesmerized by Moondust
NASA - Sun Nov 20, 2005
Each morning, Mian Abbas enters his laboratory and sits down to examine--a single mote of dust. More»
Crackling Planets
NASA - Tue Aug 9, 2005
Have you ever walked across a wool carpet in leather-soled shoes on a dry winter day, and then reached out toward a doorknob? ZAP! A stinging spark leaps between your fingers and the metal knob. More»