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Reversal of endangered species rulings
Associated Press - Mon Nov 26, 2007
The US Fish and Wildlife Service on Tuesday reversed seven rulings that denied endangered species increased protection, after an investigation found the actions were tainted by political pressure from a former senior Interior Department official. More»

Photo: Judge booted for flipping coin to decide Judge booted for flipping coin to decide
Associated Press - Fri Nov 2, 2007
RICHMOND, Virginia - A judge who ordered a woman to drop her pants and decided a custody dispute by flipping a coin was removed from the bench by the Virginia Supreme Court on Friday. More»

White House Edits CDC Climate Testimony
Associated Press - Mon Oct 22, 2007
The White House severely edited congressional testimony given Tuesday by the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the impact of climate change on health, removing specific scientific references to potential health risks, according to two sources familiar with the documents. More»

Photo: Carter says U.S. tortures prisoners Carter says U.S. tortures prisoners
CNN - Tue Oct 9, 2007
The United States tortures prisoners in violation of international law, former President Carter said Wednesday. More»

Photo: Stuck in a hole, Limbaugh keeps digging Stuck in a hole, Limbaugh keeps digging
Carpetbagger Report - Wed Oct 3, 2007
When MoveOns "Betray Us" ad drew a firestorm of attention, the progressive group stood by the advertisement, but it didnt take out another, even more provocative ad. More»

Photo: Bush threatened nations that did not back Iraq war Bush threatened nations that did not back Iraq war
AFP - Wed Sep 26, 2007
MADRID - US President George W Bush threatened nations with retaliation if they did not vote for a UN resolution backing the Iraq war, according to a transcript published Wednesday of a conversation he had with former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar. More»

Photo: Group points out O'Reilly racist comments Group points out O'Reilly racist comments
Associated Press - Mon Sep 24, 2007
NEW YORK - After eating dinner at a famed Harlem restaurant recently, Fox News Channels Bill OReilly told a radio audience he "couldnt get over the fact" that there was no difference between the black-run Sylvias and other restaurants. More»

Photo: Bush calls for expansion of spy law Bush calls for expansion of spy law
Associated Press - Tue Sep 18, 2007
FORT MEADE, Maryland - President Bush said Wednesday he wants Congress to expand and make permanent a law that temporarily gives the government more power to eavesdrop without warrants on suspected foreign terrorists. More»

Photo: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Has Resigned Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Has Resigned
Associated Press - Sun Aug 26, 2007
CRAWFORD, Texas - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has resigned, ending a months long standoff with critics over the botched handling of FBI terror investigations and the firings of U. More»

Judge Orders Bush Administration to Issue Global Warming Study
Bloomberg - Mon Aug 20, 2007
The Bush administration violated US law by failing to produce a study on the impact of global warming and must issue a summary by March, a federal judge ruled. More»

Photo: Bush signs homeland security bill Bush signs homeland security bill
Associated Press - Thu Aug 2, 2007
WASHINGTON - President Bush signed legislation Friday that intensifies the anti-terrorism effort at home, shifting money to high-risk states and cities and expanding scrutiny of air and sea cargo. More»

Photo: White House accused of meddling with EPA White House accused of meddling with EPA
Associated Press - Wed Aug 1, 2007
WASHINGTON - The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday released an analysis of its new proposal to reduce smog levels that shows higher economic costs - but potentially more lives saved - the more stringent the regulation is. More»

Dark Powers: the Sequel to Terrorism
Los Angeles Times - Thu Jul 26, 2007
"We have to work the dark side, if you will," Vice President Dick Cheney told NBCs Tim Russert, five days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. More»

Are Voter Registration Drives Being Put Out of Business?
AlterNet - Tue Jul 24, 2007
In 2004, Floridians overwhelmingly voted to raise their state minimum wage after low-income advocates collected ballot petition signatures, registered thousands of new voters and turned out the vote. More»

Bush Government to Poor Voters: We Don't Want You to Vote
AlterNet - Mon Jul 16, 2007
The Justice Department is pressuring 10 states to purge their voter rolls, while states are ignoring laws to help low-income Americans register to vote. More»

Photo: U.S. Attorney General Gonzales says the Constitution doesn't guarantee habeas corpus! U.S. Attorney General Gonzales says the Constitution doesn't guarantee habeas corpus!
San Francisco Chronicle - Tue Jan 23, 2007
One of the Bush administrations most far-reaching assertions of government power was revealed quietly last week when Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testified that habeas corpus -- the right to go to federal court and challenge ones imprisonment -- is not protected by the Constitution. More»

Photo: Bush Proposal Will Cut Medicaid Drug Payments Bush Proposal Will Cut Medicaid Drug Payments
San Francisco Chronicle - Sun Dec 17, 2006
Washington -- The Bush administration today will propose sweeping reductions in payments to pharmacies as a way to save money for Medicaid, the health program for more than 50 million poor people. More»

Photo: Right Winger Laura Ingraham Tells Listeners To Jam Voter Protection Hotline Right Winger Laura Ingraham Tells Listeners To Jam Voter Protection Hotline
Think Progress - Mon Nov 6, 2006
As FireDogLake has been reporting, right-wing radio host Laura Ingraham today urged her listeners to obstruct efforts to protect voting rights by jamming a free voter protection hotline. More»

Photo: Bush Moves Toward Martial Law Bush Moves Toward Martial Law
Toward Freedom - Sat Oct 28, 2006
In a stealth maneuver, President Bush has signed into law a provision which, according to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), will actually encourage the President to declare federal martial law (1). More»

Photo: Court Told It Lacks Power in Detainee Cases Court Told It Lacks Power in Detainee Cases
Washington Post - Thu Oct 19, 2006
Moving quickly to implement the bill signed by President Bush this week that authorizes military trials of enemy combatants, the administration has formally notified the US District Court here that it no longer has jurisdiction to consider hundreds of habeas corpus petitions filed by inmates at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba. More»

Photo: "Heartland" Americans See Cheney as a "Rock Star" "Heartland" Americans See Cheney as a "Rock Star"
New York Times - Mon Oct 16, 2006
TOPEKA, Kansas - Grace Mosier lives with her mom and dad, goes to birthday parties, takes ballet classes and is just like a lot of other 6-year-old girls - Except that she happens to be obsessed with Dick Cheney. More»

Photo: Republican Congressman Ney Pleads Guilty to Bribery Republican Congressman Ney Pleads Guilty to Bribery
Associated Press - Sat Oct 14, 2006
A senior Republican congressman linked to disgraced former lobbyist Jack Abramoff has pleaded guilty to bribery charges in Washington. More»

Photo: Rummy's North Korea Connection Rummy's North Korea Connection
CNN - Sun Oct 8, 2006
What did Donald Rumsfeld know about ABBs deal to build nuclear reactors there? And why wont he talk about it? Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld rarely keeps his opinions to himself. More»

Photo: FOX Uses Subliminal Ploy On Foley Head Shot FOX Uses Subliminal Ploy On Foley Head Shot
News Hounds - Wed Oct 4, 2006
While a former congressional page, Tyson Vivyan, was talking about the e-mails he received from Mark Foley on The OReilly Factor tonight,10/3, a photo was flashed on the screen labeled Mark Foley D. More»

Photo: Bush Admits to CIA Secret Prisons Bush Admits to CIA Secret Prisons
BBC - Tue Sep 5, 2006
President Bush has acknowledged the existence of secret CIA prisons and said 14 key terrorist suspects have now been sent to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. More»

Half of Americans Still Believe In WMDs - They Saw Them on TV
PR Watch - Mon Aug 7, 2006
A recent Harris Poll reports found that while "the US and other countries have not found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, surprisingly more US adults (50%) think that Iraq had such weapons when the US invaded Iraq. More»

Photo: Bush Sets Up Domestic Spy Service Bush Sets Up Domestic Spy Service
BBC - Thu Jun 22, 2006
US President George W Bush has ordered the creation of a domestic intelligence service within the FBI, as part of a package of 70 new security measures. More»

VA apologizes for investigating nurse on 'sedition'
Associated Press - Tue Apr 18, 2006
ALBUQUERQUE - The Veterans Affairs secretary has acknowledged his agency was wrong to investigate a nurse at the Albuquerque VA hospital on an accusation of sedition. More»

Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room
Wired News - Tue Apr 11, 2006
AT&T provided National Security Agency eavesdroppers with full access to its customers phone calls, and shunted its customers internet traffic to data-mining equipment installed in a secret room in its San Francisco switching center, according to a former AT&T worker cooperating in the Electronic Frontier Foundations lawsuit against the company. More»

Fascism in the Classroom
The Guardian UK - Wed Apr 5, 2006
University professors denounced for anti-Americanism; schoolteachers suspended for their politics; students encouraged to report on their tutors. More»

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