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Poll worker testifies on AZ voting problems: 'Every single time it happened - it was a Democratic voter'
Raw Story - Mon Apr 25, 2016
An Arizona poll worker testified Monday that dozens of voters - all of them Democrats - were affected by a computer glitch during last months primary election. More»

Photo: Mississippi governor signs law allowing businesses to refuse service to gay people Mississippi governor signs law allowing businesses to refuse service to gay people
Washington Post - Mon Apr 4, 2016
Mississippis governor on Tuesday signed into law a bill that allows businesses to refuse services to gay couples based on religious objections, ignoring opposition from businesses who had worried the legislation could cost the state economic opportunities in the future. More»

Photo: Bible-thumping Alabama governor expelled from church after racy phone calls go public Bible-thumping Alabama governor expelled from church after racy phone calls go public
Raw Story - Mon Mar 28, 2016
The Republican governor of Alabama is no longer a member of his church, where he was once a deacon, after admitting to inappropriate sexual conversations with a top staffer. More»

Photo: Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People
Huffington Post - Tue Mar 22, 2016
An eye-opening remark from a former aide to President Richard Nixon pulls back the curtain on the true motivation of the United States war on drugs. More»

Photo: Days after promising riots Donald Trump vows: 'We're going to win with our Second Amendment' Days after promising riots Donald Trump vows: 'We're going to win with our Second Amendment'
Raw Story - Sat Mar 19, 2016
Donald Trump, who has recently predicted riots at the GOP convention in Ohio this summer if he is denied the nomination, issued what could be interpreted as a threat at an Arizona rally on Saturday. More»

Photo: Last Night, Donald Trump Disqualified Himself Last Night, Donald Trump Disqualified Himself
William Astore: Writer, Professor, Retired Lt. Colonel, Air Force - Sat Mar 5, 2016
As a retired military officer, I watched last nights Republican debate from Detroit. More»

Photo: Trump Jr. offers to pay for blacks to leave US when President Trump is elected Trump Jr. offers to pay for blacks to leave US when President Trump is elected
Raw Story - Sun Feb 28, 2016
Don Trump Jr said he would happily pay for some of his fathers black critics to leave the United States. More»

Photo: 'I needed a BJ': Kentucky mayor admits favors-for-sex scheme - but charges are dismissed anyway 'I needed a BJ': Kentucky mayor admits favors-for-sex scheme - but charges are dismissed anyway
Raw Story - Wed Feb 3, 2016
Evidence uncovered this week showed that Kentucky prosecutors dismissed charges against Shepherdsville Mayor Scott Ellis even though he had admitted helping a parolee in exchange for sexual favors. More»

Photo: Trump says 'torture works,' backs waterboarding and 'much worse' Trump says 'torture works,' backs waterboarding and 'much worse'
Washington Post - Mon Feb 1, 2016
BLUFFTON, South Carolina - Donald Trump went even further in his support of waterboarding and other barred interrogation techniques Wednesday, saying that as president he would use torture in the fight against terrorism. More»

Photo: Trippers Document Their Experience Of Taking LSD At A Donald Trump Rally Trippers Document Their Experience Of Taking LSD At A Donald Trump Rally
True Activist - Fri Jan 22, 2016
Last week, Redditor /u/flipper8088 posted a detailed trip journal on the "psychonaut" section of Reddit, describing his experience at a Donald Trump rally while under the influence of LSD. More»

Photo: Virginia GOP bill would require schools to verify childrens' genitals before using restroom Virginia GOP bill would require schools to verify childrens' genitals before using restroom
Raw Story - Tue Jan 12, 2016
A bill filed by a Virginia lawmaker this week would require schools to be certain that children are using the restroom corresponding to their "correct anatomical sex". More»

Photo: Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship
Politico - Thu Nov 5, 2015
Ben Carsons campaign on Friday admitted, in a response to an inquiry from POLITICO, that a central point in his inspirational personal story was fabricated: his application and acceptance into the US Military Academy at West Point. More»

Photo: Kansas Mathematician Uncovers Evidence of Systematic Voter Fraud Kansas Mathematician Uncovers Evidence of Systematic Voter Fraud
The Witchita Eagle - Sat Oct 24, 2015
A mathematician at Wichita State University who wanted to check the accuracy of some Kansas voting machines after finding odd patterns in election returns said she is finding out how difficult it can be to get government officials to turn over public documents. More»

Photo: Donald Trump insults wheelchair-using columnist: He's a 'jerk' who just 'sits there' Donald Trump insults wheelchair-using columnist: He's a 'jerk' who just 'sits there'
Raw Story - Tue Jun 16, 2015
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump may not have chosen the best insult on Wednesday for a wheelchair-using conservative columnist who he said would just "sit there" and do nothing but be a "jerk". More»

Photo: Rural Georgia city council votes to fly 'Christian flag' at City Hall over objections by its own attorney Rural Georgia city council votes to fly 'Christian flag' at City Hall over objections by its own attorney
Raw Story - Wed Apr 22, 2015
Even after the city attorney told them it was a violation of church/state separation, the city council of little Cochran, Georgia, population 5,100, voted last week to fly the "Christian flag" over its City Hall. More»

Photo: Fox guest: Keep discrimination legal because Bible tells businesses not to hire atheists Fox guest: Keep discrimination legal because Bible tells businesses not to hire atheists
Raw Story - Sun Apr 5, 2015
A former Department of Justice official went on Fox & Friends over the weekend to discuss the passage of a Madison, Wisconsin city ordinance that prohibits businesses from discriminating against atheists. More»

Corporation Literally Served Inmates Trash
Think Progress - Mon Mar 30, 2015
Two weeks ago Progress Michigan uncovered emails revealing that a prison food provider served cakes nibbled on by rats to inmates. More»

Photo: Arkansas Republican Gave Adopted Girls to Rapist Because They Were 'Possessed By Demons' Arkansas Republican Gave Adopted Girls to Rapist Because They Were 'Possessed By Demons'
AlterNet - Wed Mar 11, 2015
The story of Arkansas state Representative Justin Harris (R) - whose family adopted a pair of girls then "re-homed" them to another household where one of the girls was raped - has taken a bizarre turn with allegations that the Harris family gave the girls up because they believed the children could communicate telepathically and were possessed by demons. More»

Photo: Florida officials banned from saying 'climate change' because Gov. Rick Scott doesn't think it's real Florida officials banned from saying 'climate change' because Gov. Rick Scott doesn't think it's real
Raw Story - Sat Mar 7, 2015
Administrators working for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection have been banned from using the terms "climate change" or "global warming" in any state documents, as well in meetings, on orders handed down from high-ranking officials in Governor Rick Scotts administration, reports the Miami Herald. More»

Photo: Cheney Calls Torture Report A Crock, Says He'd 'Do It Again In A Minute' Cheney Calls Torture Report A Crock, Says He'd 'Do It Again In A Minute'
Think Progress - Sat Dec 13, 2014
Before the Senate Intelligence Committees extensive report on the forms of torture used on Guantanamo Bay detainees was released this week, former Vice President Dick Cheney was already defending the CIAs actions. More»

Air traffic controllers forced to work without pay during shutdown
WSB-TV - Fri Oct 11, 2013
ATLANTA - Channel 2 Action News has learned the federal government is forcing thousands of local workers to show up for work, but theyre not paying them because of the government shutdown. More»

Right-wing radio host: I want to shoot Clinton right in the vagina
The Raw Story - Sat May 18, 2013
Fringe right-wing radio host Pete Santilli made disturbing comments about Hillary Clinton last week, calling for sexual violence against the former secretary of state because of her alleged involvement in a bizarre conspiracy theory. More»

Photo: Boehner Says Out Loud He Hopes Blacks and Latinos 'Won't Show Up' This Election Boehner Says Out Loud He Hopes Blacks and Latinos 'Won't Show Up' This Election
Atlantic Wire - Mon Aug 27, 2012
House Speaker John Boehner is the most prominent Republican to admit, out loud, that his partys strategy for winning in November doesnt suppose that the GOP can win over some black and Latino voters, but hoping they wont vote at all. More»

Photo: New Arizona Law 'Pregnancy Begins Two Weeks Before Conception' New Arizona Law 'Pregnancy Begins Two Weeks Before Conception'
Political Groove - Mon Aug 27, 2012
Like something straight out of The Onion, Arizona recently passed a new law titled the Womens Health and Safety Act that deems a woman pregnant 2 weeks before conception. More»

Photo: Ron Paul Admits He's On Social Security, Even Though He Believes It's Unconstitutional Ron Paul Admits He's On Social Security, Even Though He Believes It's Unconstitutional
Huffington Post - Wed Jun 20, 2012
Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) may rail against Social Security insolvency in the public eye, but that hasnt stopped him from accepting the government checks. More»

Photo: Newt Gingrich: Child Labor Laws Are 'Stupid' Newt Gingrich: Child Labor Laws Are 'Stupid'
Huffington Post - Sun Nov 20, 2011
Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich called child labor laws "stupid" Friday in an appearance at Harvards Kennedy School of Government. More»

Photo: Judge William Adams: Texas Police Investigate Video of Judge Beating Daughter Judge William Adams: Texas Police Investigate Video of Judge Beating Daughter
Business & Law - Tue Nov 1, 2011
A video of Aransas County Judge William Adams allegedly beating his disabled daughter is being investigated by the Rockport, Texas Police Department. More»

Right-Wing Editor Brags about "Infiltrating" DC Protest March
AlterNet - Sat Oct 8, 2011
Washington, DC saw not one but two major protest actions this weekend, and one of them, a peaceful march to the Air and Space Museum to protest an exhibit on unmanned drones, saw a confrontation with police that led to protesters getting pepper-sprayed. More»

Photo: Farmers complain about rotting crops but Sen. Scott Beason says no to immigration law changes Farmers complain about rotting crops but Sen. Scott Beason says no to immigration law changes
Associated Press - Tue Oct 4, 2011
STEELE, Alabama - A sponsor of Alabamas tough new immigration law told desperate tomato farmers Monday that he wont change the law, even though they told him that their crops are rotting in the field and they are at risk of losing their farms. More»

Photo: ANN COULTER: Don't Believe The Experts, Radiation Is Actually GOOD For You ANN COULTER: Don't Believe The Experts, Radiation Is Actually GOOD For You
Business Insider - Thu Mar 17, 2011
Last night, Ann Coulter came on to The OReilly Factor and said this: "There is a growing body of evidence that radiation in excess of what the government says are the minimum amounts we should be exposed to are actually good for you and reduce cases of cancer. More»

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