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Photo: Sessions: Parents, children entering U.S. illegally will be separated Sessions: Parents, children entering U.S. illegally will be separated
NBC - Mon May 7, 2018
WASHINGTON - The Trump administration plans to take a tougher approach to some families who enter the US illegally by separating parents from their children, instead of keeping them in detention together. More»

Photo: More than 30,000 nursing home eviction notices to be sent in Louisiana More than 30,000 nursing home eviction notices to be sent in Louisiana
USA Today - Mon May 7, 2018
BATON ROUGE - Louisianas Department of Health will begin sending nursing home eviction notices Thursday to more than 30,000 residents who could lose Medicaid under the budget passed by the state House of Representatives. More»

Photo: Interior Department Tells Staff To Shut Up About Mandatory Endangered Species Permits Interior Department Tells Staff To Shut Up About Mandatory Endangered Species Permits
Huffington Post - Fri May 4, 2018
New guidelines issued by the US Department of the Interior now prohibit staff members from informing private interests when they must obtain a permit before they can develop properties where activities may affect habitats of endangered species. More»

Photo: Steve Bannon asked Cambridge Analytica to research voter suppression techniques Steve Bannon asked Cambridge Analytica to research voter suppression techniques
The Hill - Wed Apr 25, 2018
Whistleblower Christopher Wylie told House Democrats on Tuesday that former Trump campaign strategist Stephen Bannon asked Cambridge Analytica to research voter suppression techniques. More»

Photo: DNC Sues Trump Campaign, WikiLeaks, Russia Over Election Interference DNC Sues Trump Campaign, WikiLeaks, Russia Over Election Interference
Bloomberg - Thu Apr 19, 2018
The Democratic National Committee sued Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks claiming widespread interference in the 2016 election as part of a "brazen attack on American democracy. More»

Photo: Justice Dept. watchdog sends McCabe findings to federal prosecutors for possible charges Justice Dept. watchdog sends McCabe findings to federal prosecutors for possible charges
CNN - Wed Apr 18, 2018
Washington - The Justice Departments inspector general referred its findings on former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to the US attorneys office in Washington for possible criminal charges associated with lying to internal investigators, according to a source familiar with the matter. More»

Photo: Donald Trump announces retaliatory airstrikes on Syria Donald Trump announces retaliatory airstrikes on Syria
Daily Mail - Fri Apr 13, 2018
Donald Trump said on Friday evening he had ordered precision strikes on Syria in retaliation for the suspected poison gas attack that killed at least 60 people on April 7. More»

Photo: NRA's Ted Nugent Urges Republicans To Shoot Democrats: 'Every Time You See One, You Shoot One' NRA's Ted Nugent Urges Republicans To Shoot Democrats: 'Every Time You See One, You Shoot One'
TGOD - Sun Apr 8, 2018
NRA board member and pro-Trump musician Ted Nugent compared Democrats to "rabid coyotes" in a Friday discussion on gun control with InfoWars host Alex Jones, adding that they should be shot on sight. More»

Photo: Republican politician suggests that women who have an abortion should face the death penalty Republican politician suggests that women who have an abortion should face the death penalty
The Independent - Sat Apr 7, 2018
A Republican politician has said that women who have abortions should face the death penalty. More»

Photo: Laura Ingraham Announces Week Off Air As Advertisers Flee Laura Ingraham Announces Week Off Air As Advertisers Flee
Huffington Post - Fri Mar 30, 2018
Almost a dozen advertisers have dropped her Fox News show after she mocked a teenage survivor of the Florida school massacre. More»

Photo: Andrew McCabe: Not in my worst nightmares did I dream my FBI career would end this way Andrew McCabe: Not in my worst nightmares did I dream my FBI career would end this way
Washington Post - Thu Mar 22, 2018
Andrew McCabe served in the FBI from 1996 until March 16, 2018. More»

Photo: Austin bomber Mark Anthony Conditt was part of Christian survivalist group that discussed 'dangerous' chemicals Austin bomber Mark Anthony Conditt was part of Christian survivalist group that discussed 'dangerous' chemicals
The Independent - Wed Mar 21, 2018
The Austin bomber was involved in a teenage Christian "survivalist" group that discussed weapons and dangerous chemicals, according to a childhood friend. More»

Photo: Rex Tillerson: a rocky road with Trump that ended with a surprise firing Rex Tillerson: a rocky road with Trump that ended with a surprise firing
The Guardian - Mon Mar 12, 2018
Rex Tillersons last significant act as secretary of state was characteristically out of tune with the White House. More»

Photo: Sam Nunberg on Mueller, His Media Spree, and His Message for Trump Sam Nunberg on Mueller, His Media Spree, and His Message for Trump
New York Magazine - Mon Mar 5, 2018
At 11:30 on Monday night, Sam Nunberg returned a call from New York. More»

Photo: Illinois governor demonstrates diversity by drinking chocolate milk Illinois governor demonstrates diversity by drinking chocolate milk
Fox News - Thu Feb 22, 2018
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner illustrated his commitment to workplace diversity in the state Wednesday -- by drinking a glass of chocolate milk. More»

Photo: NRA Leader Warns Conservatives Of 'Socialist Wave' In Wake Of Shooting NRA Leader Warns Conservatives Of 'Socialist Wave' In Wake Of Shooting
NPR - Wed Feb 21, 2018
Just over a week after 17 people were killed at Parkland, Florida, high school, National Rifle Association executive vice president and CEO Wayne LaPierre gave a fiery, defiant speech at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, on Thursday at the National Harbor in Maryland. More»

Photo: FCC under investigation for giving special favors to Trump TV FCC under investigation for giving special favors to Trump TV
Shareblue - Sun Feb 18, 2018
After rewriting public policy at the Federal Communications Commission in order to please a major Trump supporter, the head of the FCC is now under investigation to see if he went even further and actively colluded with the telecommunications giants. More»

Photo: GOP lawmaker claims women are inferior: 'a lesser cut of meat' GOP lawmaker claims women are inferior: 'a lesser cut of meat'
Patheos - Thu Feb 15, 2018
Bible based misogyny: South Carolina State Senator Thomas Corbin insults a female colleague, claiming women are "a lesser cut of meat" because the Bible teaches Eve was created from Adams rib. More»

Photo: Lawyer for Senior White House Official Predicts Robert Mueller Will Indict Trump Within Months Lawyer for Senior White House Official Predicts Robert Mueller Will Indict Trump Within Months
AlterNet - Thu Feb 1, 2018
According to two lawyers who have clients who have been swept up in special counsel Robert Muellers investigation into the Donald Trump administration, they believe that the president may be indicted for obstruction of justice within the next few months. More»

Photo: Scientists Sue EPA Over 'Attempt To Delegitimize Science' Scientists Sue EPA Over 'Attempt To Delegitimize Science'
Huffington Post - Wed Jan 24, 2018
The Environmental Protection Agency has been sued over an October directive issued by Administrator Scott Pruitt prohibiting scientists who receive funding from the agency from serving on its advisory boards. More»

Photo: Reporter April Ryan got death threats after Fox News attacked her for questioning Trump Reporter April Ryan got death threats after Fox News attacked her for questioning Trump
Share Blue Media - Wed Jan 17, 2018
Reporter April Ryan revealed that after she was singled out by Fox News for asking Donald Trump tough questions, she began receiving death threats. More»

Photo: Steve Bannon subpoenaed to testify in Mueller's Russia investigation Steve Bannon subpoenaed to testify in Mueller's Russia investigation
The Guardian - Mon Jan 15, 2018
The House intelligence committee will on Tuesday question Steve Bannon, the one-time confidant to Donald Trump. More»

Photo: Trump Attacks Protections For Immigrants From 'Shithole' Countries In Oval Office Meeting Trump Attacks Protections For Immigrants From 'Shithole' Countries In Oval Office Meeting
Washington Post - Wed Jan 10, 2018
President Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers Thursday in the Oval Office when they floated restoring protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, according to two people briefed on the meeting. More»

Photo: The 'emperor has no clothes': 'Fire and Fury' author Michael Wolff tells the BBC his revelations will bring down President Trump The 'emperor has no clothes': 'Fire and Fury' author Michael Wolff tells the BBC his revelations will bring down President Trump
Raw Story - Fri Jan 5, 2018
The author of a book that is highly critical of Donald Trumps first year as U. More»

Photo: Trump lawyers try to halt book's release as White House fights to contain firestorm Trump lawyers try to halt book's release as White House fights to contain firestorm
The Guardian - Wed Jan 3, 2018
Lawyers for Donald Trump moved on Thursday to try to shut down the explosive new book which has exposed chaos behind the scenes at the White House. More»

Photo: Words banned at CDC were also banned at other HHS agencies Words banned at CDC were also banned at other HHS agencies
The Hill - Sat Dec 16, 2017
Multiple agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have reportedly been told by the Trump administration that they cannot use certain phrases in official documents. More»

Photo: Christians turn on evangelical leader for criticizing Trump and sends flood of death threats Christians turn on evangelical leader for criticizing Trump and sends flood of death threats
Raw Story - Sat Dec 16, 2017
A popular evangelical speaker with a string of best-selling books and a home renovation show on HGTV revealed that she has been flooded with death threats because she has been critical of President Donald Trump and supported same-sex marriage. More»

Photo: CDC Gets List Of Forbidden Words CDC Gets List Of Forbidden Words
Washington Post - Fri Dec 15, 2017
ATLANTA, Georgia - The Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the nations top public health agency from using a list of seven words or phrases - including "fetus" and "transgender" - in any official documents being prepared for next years budget. More»

Photo: U.S. regulators ditch net neutrality rules U.S. regulators ditch net neutrality rules
Reuters - Thu Dec 14, 2017
WASHINGTON - The US Federal Communications Commission voted along party lines on Thursday to repeal landmark 2015 rules aimed at ensuring a free and open internet, setting up a court fight over a move that could recast the digital landscape. More»

Photo: Michael Flynn 'prepared to testify against Donald Trump' over Russia links Michael Flynn 'prepared to testify against Donald Trump' over Russia links
The Telegraph - Thu Nov 30, 2017
Donald Trump was dragged into the FBIs investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election for the first time om Friday night. More»

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