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Republicans in 'Oxford plot' to smear Barack Obama
Times UK - Fri Oct 31, 2008
The Republicans have made a last-minute attempt to prevent Barack Obamas ascent to the White House by trying to recruit an Oxford academic to "prove" that his autobiography was ghostwritten by a former terrorist. More»

As Election Nears, Dirty Tricks Grow More Common
Huffington Post - Tue Oct 28, 2008
As the election nears, examples of political dirty tricks are emerging with greater frequency. More»

New Mexico GOP Sued For Voter Intimidation
Huffington Post - Tue Oct 28, 2008
ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) has sent out a press release about a lawsuit against the New Mexico GOP after reports that minority voters in the state are being intimidated by party officials. More»

Photo: McCain guarantees victory McCain guarantees victory
Politico - Sun Oct 26, 2008
Senator John McCain said Sunday on NBCs "Meet the Press" that he can "guarantee" a win on November 4 in a squeaker victory that wont be clear until late that night. More»

Photo: McCain volunteer made up robbery story McCain volunteer made up robbery story
Associated Press - Thu Oct 23, 2008
PITTSBURGH - A McCain campaign volunteer made up a story of being robbed, pinned to the ground and having the letter "B" scratched on her face in a politically inspired attack, police said Friday. More»

Republicans Rain Negative Automated Calls on Voters
New York Times - Fri Oct 17, 2008
Voters in at least 10 swing states are receiving hundreds of thousands of automated telephone calls - uniformly negative and sometimes misleading - that the Republican Party and the McCain campaign are financing this week as they struggle to keep more states from drifting into the Democratic column. More»

Photo: GOP mailing depicts Obama's face on food stamp GOP mailing depicts Obama's face on food stamp
The Press-Enterprise - Fri Oct 17, 2008
The latest newsletter by an Inland Republican womens group depicts Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama surrounded by a watermelon, ribs and a bucket of fried chicken, prompting outrage in political circles. More»

Fake Michelle Obama Interview Fascinates Blogosphere
Huffington Post - Tue Oct 14, 2008
Over at The Corner, Byron York has had to post an item officially alerting the right wing of the blogosphere that an article purporting to be a genuine interview with Michelle Obama, is in fact a fake. More»

Leaked Memos tell officials to ignore global-warming impact
McClatchy Newspapers - Mon Oct 13, 2008
WASHINGTON - New legal memos by top Bush administration officials say that the Endangered Species Act cant be used to protect animals and their habitats from climate change by regulating specific sources of greenhouse gas emissions, the cause of global warming. More»

Photo: Palin: We can't let 'leftist groups .... steal this election' Palin: We can't let 'leftist groups .... steal this election'
CNN - Sun Oct 12, 2008
The McCain campaign is fundraising off embattled community group ACORN. More»

Villagers with Torches - The "Terrorist" Barack Hussein Obama
FRANK RICH - New York Times - Fri Oct 10, 2008
IF you think way back to the start of this marathon campaign, back when it seemed preposterous that any black man could be a serious presidential contender, then you remember the biggest fear about Barack Obama: a crazy person might take a shot at him. More»

Photo: Big ballot boo-boo: Osama for president? Big ballot boo-boo: Osama for president?
Times Union - Fri Oct 10, 2008
TROY, New York - Rensselaer County gaffe makes national news after absentee ballots misspell Barack Obamas name. More»

Raw anger in McCain's crowds as Obama strengthens
Associated Press - Thu Oct 9, 2008
LAKEVILLE, Minnesota - The anger is getting raw at Republican rallies and John McCain is finally acting to tamp it down. More»

Freddie Mac Paid McCain Aide's Firm
Associated Press - Wed Sep 24, 2008
WASHINGTON - Almost up until the time it was taken over by the government in the nations financial crisis, one of two housing giants paid $15,000 a month to the lobbying firm of John McCains campaign manager, a person familiar with the financial arrangement says. More»

Cheney must keep records, judge orders
CNN - Sat Sep 20, 2008
Vice President Dick Cheney must preserve a broad range of records from his time in office, a federal judge ordered Saturday, ruling in favor of a private watchdog group. More»

Palin's Book-Banning Controversy
Associated Press - Thu Sep 11, 2008
WASILLA, Alaska - The McCain campaign is defending Alaska Governor Sarah Palins much-criticized inquiry into banning books at her hometown library, saying her questions were only hypothetical. More»

Photo: Palin: Iraq War 'A Task That Is From God' Palin: Iraq War 'A Task That Is From God'
Associated Press - Tue Sep 2, 2008
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Alaska Governor Sarah Palin told ministry students at her former church that the United States sent troops to fight in the Iraq war on a "task that is from God. More»

Photo: Police fire chemical agents, projectiles at RNC protesters Police fire chemical agents, projectiles at RNC protesters
CNN - Tue Sep 2, 2008
ST PAUL, Minnesota - St Paul police fired chemical agents and projectiles into a large crowd of protesters outside the Republican National Convention on Tuesday night. More»

Bush wants some endangered species rules extinct
Associated Press - Mon Aug 11, 2008
Just months before President Bush leaves office, his administration is antagonizing environmentalists by proposing changes that would allow federal agencies to decide for themselves whether subdivisions, dams, highways and other projects have the potential to harm endangered animals and plants. More»

Photo: State Rep charged with assaulting teen State Rep charged with assaulting teen
St. Louis Post-Dispatch - Sun Aug 10, 2008
JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri state Representative Scott Muschany, R-Frontenac, was indicted today in connection with a reported sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl on May 17, the day after this years Legislative session ended. More»

Cheney wanted cuts in climate testimony
Associated Press - Mon Jul 7, 2008
Vice President Dick Cheneys office pushed for major deletions in congressional testimony on the public health consequences of climate change, fearing the presentation by a leading health official might make it harder to avoid regulating greenhouse gases, a former EPA officials maintains. More»

Gitmo detainees can challenge detention in U.S. courts
CNN - Wed Jun 11, 2008
Suspected terrorists and foreign fighters held by the US military at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have the right to challenge their detention in federal court, the Supreme Court ruled Thursday. More»

Justice Department Gives CIA the OK to Torture
New York Times - Sat Apr 26, 2008
WASHINGTON - The Justice Department has told Congress that American intelligence operatives attempting to thwart terrorist attacks can legally use interrogation methods that might otherwise be prohibited under international law. More»

Cheney, others OK'd Torture
Associated Press - Wed Apr 9, 2008
Bush administration officials from Vice President Dick Cheney on down signed off on using harsh interrogation techniques against suspected terrorists after asking the Justice Department to endorse their legality, The Associated Press has learned. More»

Water makes US troops in Iraq sick
Associated Press - Sat Mar 8, 2008
Dozens of US troops in Iraq fell sick at bases using "unmonitored and potentially unsafe" water supplied by the military and a contractor once owned by Vice President Dick Cheneys former company, the Pentagons internal watchdog says. More»

USDA Rejects 'Downer' Cow Ban
Washington Post - Thu Feb 28, 2008
Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer told Congress yesterday that he would not endorse an outright ban on "downer" cows entering the food supply or back stiffer penalties for regulatory violations by meat-processing plants in the wake of the largest beef recall in the nations history. More»

NBC reprimands employee for Obama error
Associated Press - Tue Feb 19, 2008
NEW YORK - NBC News said Tuesday it has reprimanded the employee responsible for mistakenly flashing a picture of Osama bin Laden on MSNBC as Chris Matthews talked about Barack Obama. More»

Feds stop state efforts to slash mercury pollution
Associated Press - Fri Feb 15, 2008
While arguing in court that states are free to enact tougher mercury controls from power plants, the Bush administration pressured dozens of states to accept a scheme that would let some plants evade cleaning up their pollution, government documents show. More»

Photo: Bathroom Footsie Gay Senator "Acted Improperly" says Ethics Panel Bathroom Footsie Gay Senator "Acted Improperly" says Ethics Panel
Associated Press - Tue Feb 12, 2008
The Senate Ethics Committee said Wednesday that Idaho Senator Larry Craig acted improperly in connection with a mens room sex sting last year and had brought discredit on the Senate. More»

Court strikes down EPA's plan on mercury
Associated Press - Fri Feb 8, 2008
A federal appeals court said Friday the Bush administration ignored the law when it imposed less stringent requirements on power plants to reduce mercury pollution, which scientists fear could cause neurological problems in 60,000 newborns a year. More»

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