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Louisiana - Articles

Oil seeps into New Orleans' Lake Pontchartrain
Associated Press - Mon Jul 5, 2010
NEW ORLEANS - New Orleans, which managed to escape the oil from the BP spill for more than two months, can't hide any longer. More»

Volunteers ready but left out of spill cleanup
Associated Press - Fri Jul 2, 2010
NEW ORLEANS - BP and the Obama administration face mounting complaints that they are ignoring foreign offers of equipment and making little use of the fishing boats and volunteers available to help clean up what may now be the biggest spill ever in the Gulf of Mexico. More»

Photo: Scientists warn of unseen deepwater oil disaster Scientists warn of unseen deepwater oil disaster
Associated Press - Sun May 30, 2010
NEW ORLEANS - Independent scientists and government officials say there's a disaster we can't see in the Gulf of Mexico's mysterious depths, the ruin of a world inhabited by enormous sperm whales and tiny, invisible plankton. More»

Photo: BP: What Oil Plumes? BP: What Oil Plumes?
Huffington Post - Sun May 30, 2010
VENICE, Louisiana - Disputing scientists' claims of large oil plumes suspended underwater in the Gulf of Mexico, BP PLC's chief executive on Sunday said the company has largely narrowed the focus of its cleanup to surface slicks rolling into Louisiana's coastal marshes. More»

Photo: Scientist locates another vast oil plume in the gulf Scientist locates another vast oil plume in the gulf
Washington Post - Fri May 28, 2010
A day after scientists reported finding a huge "plume" of oil extending miles east of the leaking BP well, on Friday a Louisiana scientist said his crew had located another vast plume of oily globs, miles in the opposite direction. More»

Photo: Cleaning oil-soaked wetlands may be impossible Cleaning oil-soaked wetlands may be impossible
Associated Press - Sat May 22, 2010
NEW ORLEANS - The gooey oil washing into the maze of marshes along the Gulf Coast could prove impossible to remove, leaving a toxic stew lethal to fish and wildlife, government officials and independent scientists said. More»

Oil rig explodes off Louisiana coast; 11 missing
Associated Press - Tue Apr 20, 2010
NEW ORLEANS - An explosion rocked an offshore oil drilling platform, sending a column of fire into the sky and touching off a frantic search at sea Wednesday for at least 11 reported missing. More»

Photo: 4 Louisiana phone plot suspects have Conservative ties 4 Louisiana phone plot suspects have Conservative ties
Associated Press - Tue Jan 26, 2010
NEW ORLEANS - Four men accused of trying to tamper with Democratic US Senator Mary Landrieu's office phones shared a common experience as young ideologues writing for conservative publications. More»

Louisiana ex-congressman gets 13 years on corruption conviction
CNN - Thu Nov 12, 2009
Alexandria, Virginia - Former US Representative William Jefferson was sentenced Friday to 13 years in prison followed by three years of supervised release for his conviction on 11 counts of corruption. More»

NOPD Investigated In Post-Katrina Civil Rights Cases
WDSU-TV - Sat Aug 8, 2009
NEW ORLEANS - A federal investigation is being conducted into the New Orleans Police Department to determine if New Orleans police violated the civil rights of people killed and injured in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. More»

New Orleans Sanitation Director trashes FEMA in book
New Orleans Times-Picayune - Thu Apr 9, 2009
As City Hall continues to haggle with the Federal Emergency Management Agency over hundreds of millions of dollars for New Orleans' recovery, a top aide to Mayor Ray Nagin has published a how-to guide littered with cutting assertions about FEMA's competence and its employees' motives. More»

Ivor Van Heerden, Who Pointed Fingers In Hurricane Katrina Levee Failures, Fired By LSU
New Orleans Times-Picayune - Thu Apr 9, 2009
Ivor van Heerden, the outspoken coastal scientist who led the state's independent Team Louisiana investigation into Hurricane Katrina levee failures, has been notified by Louisiana State University that he will be terminated as a research professor in May 2010. More»

Rare snow covers south Louisiana, Mississippi
Associated Press - Wed Dec 10, 2008
NEW ORLEANS - A rare snowfall blanketed south Louisiana and parts of Mississippi Thursday, closing schools, government offices and bridges, triggering crashes on major highways and leaving thousands of people without power. More»

FEMA: Gustav to be a catastrophic storm
Associated Press - Sun Aug 31, 2008
Cartons of food, water, blankets and other supplies to sustain 1 million people for three days were ready to be distributed Monday as FEMA anxiously eyed Louisiana levees to gauge how much damage Hurricane Gustav would wreak. More»

Photo: New Orleans evacuations begin as Gustav menaces New Orleans evacuations begin as Gustav menaces
Associated Press - Fri Aug 29, 2008
NEW ORLEANS - Lines of people waiting for buses to take them out of the city grew longer Saturday and traffic grew heavier on main highways as Hurricane Gustav strengthened into a dangerous Category 4 storm on track for the Gulf Coast. More»

Photo: In New Orleans, no shelter for those who stay In New Orleans, no shelter for those who stay
Associated Press - Thu Aug 28, 2008
NEW ORLEANS - Police with bullhorns plan to go street to street with a tough message about getting out ahead of Hurricane Gustav: This time there will be no shelter of last resort. More»

Photo: Massive oil spill clogs Mississippi River Massive oil spill clogs Mississippi River
AFP - Thu Jul 24, 2008
NEW ORLEANS - The Mississippi River reopened to limited traffic on Friday, two days after a barge collided with a tanker spilling hundreds of gallons of fuel oil, the US Coast Guard said. More»

Photo: Ex-cop may be charged in case of man Tasered to death Ex-cop may be charged in case of man Tasered to death
Associated Press - Tue Jul 22, 2008
WINNFIELD, Louisiana - A police officer shocked a handcuffed Baron "Scooter" Pikes nine times with a Taser after arresting him on a cocaine charge. More»

Photo: New Orleans Levees Squeezed By Congress' Demand For Cash New Orleans Levees Squeezed By Congress' Demand For Cash
Associated Press - Thu Jun 26, 2008
NEW ORLEANS - The goal to raise levees and build large-scale flood defenses around this flood-torn city could be delayed indefinitely because of congressional demands that Louisiana chip in almost $2 billion to the effort over three years. More»

Prescription For Profit
CBS - Fri Mar 7, 2008
William LaCorte is no ordinary doctor - "It's amazing that any pharmaceutical reps call on me at all," he said. More»

Police, protesters clash in New Orleans
Associated Press - Wed Dec 19, 2007
NEW ORLEANS - Police used chemical spray and stun guns Thursday as dozens of protesters tried to force their way into a packed City Council chamber during a debate on the planned demolition of some 4,500 public housing units. More»

Photo: Effort to cut FEMA red tape knocked back Effort to cut FEMA red tape knocked back
Associated Press - Mon Dec 17, 2007
NEW ORLEANS - A week after Hurricane Katrina, a FEMA official in charge of streamlining the flow of disaster aid issued a directive that would have cut through the red tape and expedited a staggering 1,029 rebuilding projects and $5 billion. More»

Obesity 'caused by infectious virus which turns cells into fatty tissue'
Telegraph UK - Mon Aug 27, 2007
Obesity can be caught like a cold, according to a laboratory study showing that a common infectious virus can turn human cells into fatty tissue, scientists said. More»

Betrayal of the Big Easy
The Guardian UK - Mon Jan 1, 2007
Hurricane Katrina forced out New Orleans's poor residents, and developers don't want them back. More»

Prisoners in New Orleans city jail were 'abandoned'
The Independent UK - Wed Sep 21, 2005
A leading US human rights group accused prison officials in New Orleans yesterday of abandoning hundreds of men in the city jail in the run-up to Hurricane Katrina, leaving them locked up without food, water, electricity, fresh air or functioning toilets for four days as the floodwaters rose to their chests, necks and higher. More»

Photo: Barbara Bush: Hurricane 'working well' for refugees Barbara Bush: Hurricane 'working well' for refugees
Daily Mail - Tue Sep 6, 2005
Former First Lady Barbara Bush has come under fire from hundreds of homeless Hurricane Katrina evacuees who lost everything. More»

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