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The Fragile

The Fragile

by Nine Inch Nails

Category: Metal
Released: 1999
Label: Nothing


We're In This Together


1. Somewhat Damaged
2. The Day The World Went Away
3. The Frail
4. The Wretched
5. We're In This Together
6. The Fragile
7. Just Like You Imagined
8. Even Deeper
9. Pilgrimage
10. No, You Don't
11. La Mer
12. The Great Below
13. The Way Out Is Through
14. Into The Void
15. Where Is Everybody?
16. The Mark Has Been Made
17. Please
18. Starfuckers, Inc.
19. Complication
20. I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally
21. The Big Come Down
22. Underneath It All
23. Ripe (With Decay)

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