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What's Your Shower Routine?

Anonymous Coward
6/23/2024 3:07 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Why are we all assholes, anus? Because you get called out on your bullshit larp?
Boo hooo

Anonymous Coward
6/23/2024 4:38 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

I don't larp, and yes, most of you are assholes.

6/23/2024 7:13 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

"Lunchtime logistics "

Holy fuck I'm dying laughing right now

6/23/2024 7:46 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

The more I thought about it, I had to put a toilet brush up my ass to scratch my roids!

Anonymous Coward
6/23/2024 7:49 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

"Herp derp, another anus post.

It's all so tiresome."

And yet here you are. Still reading and posting on a forum where you had your account deleted, got run off in shame with your tail between your legs and where most if not all posters think you are a an insane moron.

Says everything about how desperate you are for attention.

Maybe you should invest in Anusol for all that butthurt?

6/23/2024 11:40 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

How can I be desperate for attention when it's freely given to me?
I even have a 10 page thread on an obscure website, dedicated to me


Only winners will win :D

Anonymous Coward
6/24/2024 3:58 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

*Maybe you should invest in Anusol for all that butthurt?*

~ta~ approved

LOL you funny bitch.

Anonymous Coward
6/24/2024 4:04 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

*magus* donut hole.

I did post something real. On a thread about showers. It involved a towel and a bathrobe, that are somewhat relevant to the topic.

What is your relevance, other than being completely fucking annoying?

6/24/2024 11:49 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

"What is your relevance, other than being completely fucking annoying?"

Because it's funny (to me), :D

Anonymous Coward
6/25/2024 12:40 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

That doesn't make you less annoying.

Alex The Failson
6/25/2024 7:36 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

"How can I be desperate for attention when it's freely given to me?
I even have a 10 page thread on an obscure website, dedicated to me"

Narcissist is validated by the fact there is a ten page thread ALL ABOUT THEM. Pathetic.

There have been multiple variants of the 'Magus is a loser' thread over the years since Elaine bounced and deleted your dumb ass. Probably >100 pages in all and you have been compelled to read and post in every one of these threads which mock you for being an obsessive loon.

LIKE A DOG with nowhere else to go, you hang around begging for scraps of affirmation and attention.


Still photoshopping Elaine's posts and saving them in you little file as well it seems?

Sometimes days go by and nobody has posted at all except in the thread that calls you out for being demented dipshit.

Congrats on your internet fame, I'm sure your family are very proud?

6/25/2024 9:29 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Congrats on your internet fame, I'm sure your family are very proud?

Magoo achieved something, it was a momentous moment for him!

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