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What's Your Shower Routine?

6/18/2024 2:04 am GMT

What's Your Shower Routine?

Do you have a shower routine, or do you just wing it?

I tend to get in, then apply shampoo first(baby shampoo for the win).

Then wash my body(Irish Spring bar). Followed by brushing my teeth with Sensodyne toothpaste.

After brushing my teeth, I scrub my body up with some Sasquatch soap using a loofah..

I then use a wash-cloth on my face with Noxzema clear cleansing bar.

When you're done "cleansing" rinse off from head to toe, thoroughly.

Exit the shower. Dry off, or run around naked.. Your choice.

Pajamas are optional.

Billy Bob Pro Moonshiner
6/18/2024 4:49 am UK

Avatar for Billy Bob Pro Moonshiner

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

I stand out in the rain once in a while.

6/18/2024 6:12 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

The same as everyone else!

Stand in running shower, rub soap all over me while rinsing soap off.

What's this beauty bar shit?

6/18/2024 8:53 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

This is complex, so listen closely.

Step 1, piss

Step 2, what was the question?

Anonymous Coward
6/18/2024 12:57 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Wait. You brush your teeth in the shower?

Anonymous Coward
6/19/2024 12:58 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Take it to Facebook you tedious boomer.

Pvt. Parts
6/19/2024 3:05 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

In the army I learned to wash my face first and my asshole last.

Thank you, SSG Brothers.

"Bravo, Bravo, Bravo 2-3!
The best damn company in all BT!
We wash our face first and assholes last!
Because they know damn well we are the best!"


6/20/2024 5:02 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

"Bravo bravo two three!"

Makes no sense. You typically say something like "echo 3 bravo" as in, e-3 ,so you know what rank you're talking with, and your company.

I can tell none of you are ex military. And are all retarded. It's funny.

6/20/2024 5:16 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

So I just take an Epsom salt bath for 10 minutes and then I shower off for a few minutes later to clean the salt off. Afterwards, I take a nice nap next to my wife, and my whole body feels like a sponge.

It's pretty awesome my bros.

6/20/2024 5:30 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?
In the army I learned to wash my face first and my asshole last.

Thank you, SSG Brothers.

"Bravo, Bravo, Bravo 2-3!
The best damn company in all BT!
We wash our face first and assholes last!
Because they know damn well we are the best!"


This is the anusust of the most of anust posts I have read in a very long time, Hahahahaha

6/20/2024 8:28 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Pvt parts: what was your MOS?

6/20/2024 8:33 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Great mistakes wasn't bad, but I had to stay up for so long. Like, I had zero rest forever and all I ever wanted to do was sleeep.

6/20/2024 8:53 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

I have a funny anecdote for anyone who's interested:
So when I was in basic: my RDC said to us all YYOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES TO SHOWER. I replied, how am I supposed to do that? He said: wwash your feet, your pits, and your ass

6/20/2024 1:37 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

I install a homemade buttplug to prevent the bigger lads from attempting to cornhole my sinkhole.

The anus wants to fist me because I am a chad chud and she is a gay lib.

I am warning you I am navy trained and will use the soap on a rope like a nunchuck to stove your evil head in.


Anonymous Coward
6/20/2024 3:45 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

I thought the soap thing was for prison and not military dudes?

Pvt. Parts
6/20/2024 3:53 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Pvt Parts: what was your MOS?

My MOS was killing people, I did that for six years, while you were in a crib playing with the inside of your diaper. You still are from the looks of it. And I went to numerous command schools, so don't try to tell me how to call cadence, dipshit.

6/20/2024 4:28 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Just Jami larping again, being a moron like usual

6/20/2024 4:34 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

"Numerorous command schools"
Hahahahaha, what does that even mean?

Pvt. Parts
6/20/2024 9:02 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

"Numerorous command schools"
Hahahahaha, what does that even mean?

It means I command men, whereas you command a toilet bowl brush.

6/20/2024 9:12 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

You don't command shit, not even your own hahaha

R Lee Ermery
6/21/2024 1:22 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

"I thought the soap thing was for prison and not military dudes?"

You are dumber than a bag of dicks, n00b. Learn your AE lore before posting like a clown, you moran.

Magoo was in the navy years ago and by his own admission he mostly jerked off in his bunk before he was dishonorably discharged for his many retardations and staring at his squad mates dicks in the shower.

Now, after Elaine REKT him and deleted his account, he spiralled into insanity and now resides in a mental institution where he makes butt plugs from tin cans to protect his inflamed butthole from being violated by staff and inmates and squirrels.

6/21/2024 2:55 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Now, after Elaine REKT him and deleted his account, he spiralled into insanity and now resides in a mental institution where he makes butt plugs from tin cans to protect his inflamed butthole from being violated by staff and inmates and squirrels.

Thus we all fear the "Banhammer of the admins"!

To be "Rekt" is the most horrendous of punishments!

Anonymous Coward
6/21/2024 1:28 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

The only jpost I made on this thread was the question about brushing teeth in the shower.

I've started to embrace the concept that everyone who annoys anyone here is called the anus. triple A

Yesterday, I had to host a lunch for 150 construction workers. Posting here is not on my list of priorities.

Anonymous Coward
6/21/2024 1:31 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?


Professor Sarcasm
6/21/2024 3:01 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

"Yesterday, I had to host a lunch for 150 construction workers. Posting here is not on my list of priorities."

Thanks for reminding the forum how very important you are. It must be such a huge weight on your mind 24/7? Thinking about those sandwiches and sausage rolls in your free time, unable to post your amazing updates on your incredible life or converse with your dear sick friend Elaine. Oh the humanity!

I would just like to take the time out to thank you for all you do for humankind. You're a saint, Jami Anus, and the world would be a far worse place without you in it.

Wishing you every success with your dinner party and I do hope that the cops are not called and that nobody gets arrested.


Anonymous Coward
6/21/2024 3:53 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

The anus sticks out like her head is on fire.
Who is she trying to fool?

The Danish Inquisition
6/21/2024 6:46 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Yesterday, I had to host a lunch for 150 construction workers. Posting here is not on my list of priorities.

Are you the young woman who posts about the construction site porta potty? If so, please let us know how they exploded it the next day in the poop thread, thanks.

6/21/2024 8:47 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

The only jpost I made on this thread was the question about brushing teeth in the shower.

I've started to embrace the concept that everyone who annoys anyone here is called the anus. triple A

Yesterday, I had to host a lunch for 150 construction workers. Posting here is not on my list of priorities.

Yay! The Munchie Mistress has been upgraded to Lunchtime Logistics. Does her mastery of the Fridge know no bounds?

Anonymous Coward
6/22/2024 3:09 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

LOL, you assholes.

I'll update the poop thread.

Damn. You have no idea the amount of food that was left in the fridge. I smell like brisket and need to take a shower...tomorrow.

6/22/2024 5:41 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Holy fuck I almost spit out my drink when I read: "tomorrow "
I'm still chuckling

6/22/2024 3:06 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Retarded anus doesn't even know what an MOS is.

6/22/2024 4:42 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Insert tin can up my butthole, ask the staff to ensure there are none of my demons in the room. Get them to double check again before I enter shower room.

Piss. Wash my nutsack.

Remove butt plug and take a giant deuce. Waffle stomp my turd down the plughole.
Reinsert buttplug and wash my foot.

Eventually they will have to replace the drains due to my dirty protest.

I win.

shower master
6/22/2024 5:39 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

I live in a place with a water shortage. I took one on Thursday. Pre-party. Usually 3x per week. I was exhausted and wanted to chill.

The real bitch is that I have long hair, and it is unprofessional to show up with it still wet. Hair dryers are not good. But a 25 minute commute with the AC on in the car seems to work well.

In the winter, I turn on the space heater for about an hour before I take a shower because there is no heat in the bathroom. It is still cold when I get out. Thick towels and a good terry robe are your friends.


6/22/2024 8:13 pm UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Anus, can you tell us something real for once instead of larping?

Actually Nevermind. That would be scary as fuck.

6/23/2024 2:09 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

"Insert tin can up my butthole, ask the staff to ensure there are none of my demons in the room. Get them to double check again before I enter shower room.

Piss. Wash my nutsack.

Remove butt plug and take a giant deuce. Waffle stomp my turd down the plughole.
Reinsert buttplug and wash my foot.

Eventually they will have to replace the drains due to my dirty protest.

I win."

Herp derp, another anus post.

It's all so tiresome.

6/23/2024 3:41 am UK

Re: What's Your Shower Routine?

Herp derp, another anus post.

It's all so tiresome.

Wow, you must think there's only one person here that thinks you're a small business owner specialising in butt plugs.

Your creative flair and knowledge of safe insertion makes you the premier source of all things anal!

Go ahead and claim I too mastered lunchtime logistics and moved my way up the hierarchy of the fridge!

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