

Anonymous Coward
3/28/2025 10:25 am GMT

Former FBI Agents Implicated In Child Trafficking Industry

This article is deeply disturbing.

Former FBI agents moonlighting as enterprising child traffickers had devised a circuitous scheme to auction child abductees to overseas bidders: steal children from targets of kidnapping investigations, then put the kids up for sale instead of reuniting them with their families.

As of this writing, 162 recently fired federal agents are being held at either GITMO or Camp Blaz on a litany of charges ranging from embezzlement to treason. Facing the inevitability of military tribunals, a handful have looked to save their skin by dropping dimes on their colleagues, hoping to secure deals that might spare them the hangman’s noose.

Four incarcerated feds reportedly told JAG investigators that the bureau’s Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force abducted and sold hundreds of children during the Biden regime’s reign of terror on the American populace.

On paper, the FBI plays a paramount role in investigating missing persons; kidnapping was made a federal offense in 1932 following the abduction and murder of Charles Lindbergh’s son. Depending on the circumstances, missing person reports can fall under either state or federal authority. Still, regardless of the jurisdiction, the FBI always immediately investigates any reported mysterious disappearance or kidnapping involving a child of “tender age”—usually 12 or younger—and instances in which any person 18 years or younger has been missing for more than 72 hours.

The number of children reported missing every year is dumbfounding and disturbing; in the United States, 460,000—or 2,100 per day—children’s names are entered into the NCIS database, while an additional 500,000 annually go missing without ever being reported. That’s over 800,000 a year, a staggering and unfathomable figure seldom reported by the mainstream media. And while conspiracy theorists ascribe these vanishing to aliens plucking children off mountaintops, the truth is far more sobering.

According to JAG sources, under Biden’s and Christopher Wray’s rule, an unknown number of federal agents had lucrative side hustles marketing missing children.

In April 2022, agents at the bureau’s Seattle field office were tasked with investigating a string of alleged child abductions. Three children in a month had vanished from the Westfield Southcenter mall in Seattle, ostensibly while the parents were shopping and paying too little attention to their kids. The disappearances had commonalities: The abductees were males between 7-10 years old and went missing between 4:00-6:00 p.m. on a Saturday or Sunday. After preliminary interviews with parents, mall employees, and supposed witnesses who supplied conflicting stories yielded no leads, the FBI, believing the kidnapper(s) would strike again and adhere to their pattern, set up a sting, placing agents near stores where the children had vanished.

The FBI, we must add, had reviewed security footage from 60 cameras both in the mall and the parking lots but saw no evidence of children being taken—a seeming unfeasibility as we now live in a police state in which cameras with facial and gait recognition technology are ubiquitous. They also learned one-third of the mall’s cameras were broken, a fact possibly known to the abductors.

The feds presumed the perpetrators had surveilled the mall to determine the cameras’ blind spots.

After three weeks of surveillance, the feds finally caught a lead. Agents observed two Caucasian men stalking what appeared to be a mother and her young son in a boutique clothing store. The child seemed tired, cranky, and agitated, taking his mother’s hand and trying to lead her away from the dress rack she was browsing. The mother swatted at her son’s hands, telling him to sit on one of the benches outside the store if he couldn’t behave.

She was so in a world of her own perusing merchandise that she didn’t notice the stranger beyond the threshold palm a syringe and jab it into the boy’s neck. The boy never saw it coming; the attacker had moved with the deftness of an accomplished predator.

The feds surveilling the scene, however, saw everything, but instead of intervening, they merely shadowed the kidnappers as they led the suddenly lethargic child toward an exit, a deviation from the FBI’s playbook, which obligates agents to cease surveillance and intercede in cases involving imperiled children. Assuming the child had been given a sedative—so he wouldn’t struggle and to reduce risk to the abductors—he was unquestionably in grave danger.

The kidnappers, having reached the parking lot, put the child in a nondescript sedan and drove off.

The feds followed them discreetly. The stalkers had become the stalked.

The sedan pulled into the driveway of a two-story home only four miles from the shopping center, and the kidnappers escorted the still-sedated child inside.

Again the feds eschewed protocol: They should’ve requested backup, a SWAT team and a negotiator. Instead, they collectively decided to manage the matter themselves.

They further endangered the child by storming the house, kicking open the door and rushing forward with guns blazing, shooting dead a suspect who was making coffee in the kitchen and two others in the living room. A fourth man, who had not been at the mall, lay screaming on the floor as blood gushed from his thigh.

No one outside the house could’ve heard him screeching. The men had soundproofed the entire home with acoustic foam panels.

The boy, unconscious on a sofa, wasn’t struck by any bullets. Nor were four other young children the agents found in shackles in two upstairs bedrooms.

The surviving suspect, clasping his hands over his leg to lessen the bleeding, told the feds to fuck off and that he’d never divulge information.

“Let’s see how stupid you are,” one of the FBI agents said after pulling the bleeding man’s iPhone from his pocket and holding it up to his face, which unlocked the phone. “Yep, you’re as dumb as you look,” the agent continued.

A “Notes” file on the phone told the story: The men in the house had with impunity been trafficking children for at least two years.

“Yeah, fuck you,” the bleeding man spat. “You saved these bastards, but you’ll never get the others back.”

Then came the twist. One of the agents leered over the man and grinned manically. “We found only the missing child here, but he was dead when we entered the home,” the agent said. “If anyone’s getting paid, it’s us. Your friends died when we came through the door, and you, despite taking two to the leg, figured you’d be better off putting one in your head than going to trial for kidnapping and child trafficking,” the agent went on.

The agent, who wore gloves, removed a Glock 19 from the man’s waistband, then pressed it into the man’s hand and squeezed off a round that struck the unconscious child in the head. He then forced the man to hold the gun under his chin and squeezed off a second round, which blew out the man’s brains.

The feds abducted the other already-abducted children and sold them to a South American cartel for $165,000.

That is the story that four former feds at GITMO told JAG investigators, though only one admitted involvement.

We have omitted precise times and dates, but the abovementioned events occurred before Trump returned to power and Kash Patel was confirmed to lead the FBI.

Our JAG sources believe this type of nefarity was not an isolated incident.

3/28/2025 5:17 pm GMT

Avatar for Elaine

RE: Former FBI Agents Implicated In Child Trafficking Industry

Well medicated for your protection. ॐ ♡


Anonymous Coward
3/29/2025 6:03 am GMT

RE: Former FBI Agents Implicated In Child Trafficking Industry

How many mods are missing from poo pit?

Anonymous Coward
3/30/2025 9:48 am GMT

RE: Former FBI Agents Implicated In Child Trafficking Industry

old news...we knew about this over 10 years ago when they kick-started the programs...

we were called fascist conspiracy nutjobs and blocked on some forums...