

3/28/2025 9:26 am GMT

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What Are The Odds?

What Are The Odds:

Took a friend of mine to Traffic court in Bellevue, Washington one day back in about 1991. On the way there, I saw a wallet in the dirt median in Kirkland, about 10 miles away from Bellevue, as we were going to court on I-405..

Anyone that knows me, knows I see things on the road all of the time. Wallets, screwdrivers, hammers, cellphones, cash, iPods... The list is large.

I quickly pulled over and backed up. I picked up the wallet and looked at the ID inside. I didn't really think much of it at the time.

When we got to court, the judge called out a name. I recognize that name as I had just read it about 45 minutes earlier, on the driver's license that was in the wallet that I found.

The gentleman spoke up and said that he could not prove that it was him that he called. I then piped up and said I think I found your wallet on the way here.

Everyone in the Courtroom, including the Judge, looked at me like I was crazy. The judge asked me, "You mean to tell me that you don't know this guy but you found his wallet on the way here on the freewsy?" I told him "Yes sir". The judge just shook his head in disbelief, and I gave the gentleman back his wallet, which didn't have anything in it but his identification.

True story. My life is weird.


3/28/2025 7:37 pm GMT

RE: What Are The Odds?

I remember 34 years ago when something mildly interesting happened to me. Gee golly gosh my life sure is crazy!

Anonymous Coward
3/28/2025 7:38 pm GMT

RE: What Are The Odds?

you have seen nothing yet..