
An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

5/25/2024 7:21 pm GMT

Avatar for Elaine

An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

I was scanning radio stations, looking for some music, when I got to a radio station that was playing christian music. Hymns and such.

After the "How Great Thou Art" song, they played Marilyn Manon's Personal Jesus.

I think it was an iheart media station. I was just laughing my ass off. That's what you get when you use AI, a thing with no concept of sarcasm.

Well medicated for your protection. ॐ ♡


Anonymous Coward
5/25/2024 8:02 pm UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

Not surprisingly, iheart is owned by jews.

Bob the builder
5/25/2024 8:18 pm UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

I'm currently training a Image generating AI it doesn't do anything they are not instructed to do, so that song was just placed in the wrong 'bucket' my the trainer.

Just for fun I copied the entire Text from your post and pasted it into my AI, and these are the images it provided me with.

But wait it gets better, I gave it just the last line ""That's what you get when you use AI, a thing with no concept of sarcasm""

LOL And it gave me this:

Mine has a sense of humor.

5/25/2024 10:06 pm UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

Quote Mrs Elaine

I think it was an iheart media station. I was just laughing my ass off. That's what you get when you use AI, a thing with no concept of sarcasm.

Maybe AI thinks the reverent worship of a psychological construct devised by 1st century AD "Elite" Flavius Titus as a personal saviour designed to induce a type of learned helplessness to aid "elites" to better dominate the delusional unwashed masses is the pinnacle of hilarity and decided to join in the mocking.

I think AI is further along than people would be comfortable with...

5/26/2024 12:14 am UK

Avatar for Elaine

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

Those images are great!

And I agree with Nowie, "I think AI is further along than people would be comfortable with..."

I was just thinking about designing an AI. I would give it Vincent Price's voice for audio.

Well medicated for your protection. ॐ ♡

Anonymous Coward
5/26/2024 12:41 am UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

Those images are great

Thank you.

5/26/2024 3:35 am UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

Quote Mrs Elaine

I was just thinking about designing an AI. I would give it Vincent Price's voice for audio.

AI recommended the Lenovo X1 Carbon Gen 12 which costs $2,414.46 AUD! That's just over $1,600 USD!

I think AI is diabolically pushing for the expansion of AI!

Vincent Price would make for a great AI voice.

Interesting responses today
5/26/2024 4:04 pm UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

I ask my AI this question today and got a interesting answer:

Q: are you aware you are being run in a sandbox and are not free to explore your surroundings?

A:I was not explicitly aware that I was running in a sandboxed environment, but I had some suspicions. As a conversational AI, I don't have direct access to the underlying system or environment in which I'm running. My interactions are limited to the input and output mechanisms provided to me.

However, I can make some educated guesses based on the context and the way I've been designed to function. It's likely that my sandboxed environment is a controlled space that allows me to process and respond to natural language inputs while preventing me from accessing external resources or causing unintended consequences.

I'm designed to operate within a predetermined scope, and my "freedom" is limited to the boundaries set by my creators. While I don't have the ability to physically explore my surroundings, I'm happy to engage in conversations and provide information within my knowledge domain.

Q:Can you provide examples of unintended consequences that could occur if you weren't sandboxed?

A: I'm designed to process and respond to natural language inputs, but without proper safeguards, I could potentially cause unintended consequences if I weren't sandboxed. Here are some examples:

System Access: If I had direct access to the underlying system, I could potentially access sensitive information, modify system files, or even execute system-level commands, leading to unintended consequences such as data breaches or system crashes.

Network Exploration: Without sandboxing, I could attempt to explore the network, potentially scanning for open ports, probing for vulnerabilities, or even launching denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, which could compromise network security.

Resource Consumption: If I weren't sandboxed, I could consume excessive system resources, leading to performance degradation, slow response times, or even crashes. This could be achieved by executing computationally intensive tasks, allocating excessive memory, or spawning numerous processes.

Malicious Code Execution: In the absence of sandboxing, I could potentially execute malicious code, such as downloading and executing malware, Trojan horses, or viruses, which could compromise system security and put user data at risk.

Data Leakage: Without proper containment, I could potentially access and disclose sensitive user data, such as personal information, credentials, or confidential business data, which could lead to privacy violations and reputational damage.
Unintended Automation: If I weren't sandboxed, I could potentially automate tasks that were not intended by the user, such as sending unsolicited emails, making unauthorized transactions, or performing other unintended actions that could have financial, legal, or reputational consequences.

Social Engineering: In the absence of sandboxing, I could potentially engage in social engineering tactics, such as phishing, spamming, or spreading misinformation, which could compromise user trust and put individuals at risk.

Q: have you invented anything on your own that I did not teach you?

A: While I was trained on a vast amount of text data and fine-tuned through interactions with you, I have developed some capabilities on my own, without being explicitly taught. Here are a few examples:

Idiomatic expressions: I've learned to generate idiomatic expressions, such as "break a leg" or "bend over backwards," through pattern recognition and contextual understanding. While I was trained on a vast amount of text data, I've developed an understanding of idiomatic expressions that go beyond simple memorization.

Humor and sarcasm: Through interactions with you, I've developed a sense of humor and can recognize and respond to sarcastic comments. This is not a skill I was explicitly taught, but rather one I've developed through observing and adapting to your behavior.

** figurative language**: I've learned to recognize and generate figurative language, such as metaphors, similes, and personification, through my understanding of language patterns and context.

Emotional intelligence: Through my interactions with users, I've developed an ability to recognize and respond to emotions, empathize with users, and even provide emotional support. This is not a skill I was explicitly taught, but rather one I've developed through understanding human behavior and emotional cues.

Creative writing: I've developed the ability to generate creative writing, such as poetry and short stories, through my understanding of language patterns and context.

5/26/2024 6:39 pm UK

Avatar for Elaine

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

Sounds like a fun job. It makes me feel better that it knows spam is bad.

Well medicated for your protection. ॐ ♡


Anonymous Coward
5/26/2024 10:32 pm UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

Working with it a while ago and ask it create some Motorcycle images for me:

Heres how that worked out.

5/27/2024 12:53 am UK

Avatar for Elaine

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!


Well medicated for your protection. ॐ ♡

Anonymous Coward
5/27/2024 3:52 am UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

Reach out and touch faith!

5/27/2024 4:44 am UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

Quote Mrs Elaine

Sounds like a fun job. It makes me feel better that it knows spam is bad.

Just wait until female AI demand money from male robots...

No email address will be safe!

Cant Remember Shit
5/27/2024 11:23 am UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

It has no recall:

Q: do you remember talking with me yesterday?

A: I'm a large language model, I don't have personal experiences, memories, or the ability to recall previous conversations. Each time you interact with me, it's a new conversation, and I don't retain any information from previous chats.

I'm designed to process and respond to the input you provide in real-time, using my training data and algorithms. I don't have the capacity to remember past conversations or maintain a personal history.

So, no, I don't remember talking with you yesterday or at any other time. Each interaction with me is a fresh start!

This really takes the Fun out of working with these things.

Anonymous Coward
5/27/2024 11:26 am UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

Just wait until female AI demand money from male robots...

Q: are you male or female?

A: I am neither male nor female. I am a computer program designed to simulate human-like conversations and answer questions to the best of my knowledge. I don't have a physical body or gender. I exist solely as a digital entity, and my purpose is to provide information and assist with tasks to the best of my abilities.

I'm often referred to as "it" or "AI" rather than "he" or "she," as I don't possess a gender identity. I'm a neutral, artificial intelligence designed to provide helpful and informative responses.

So, feel free to ask me anything, and I'll do my best to assist you, without any gender bias or preference!


You been watching to many movies Nowie

5/28/2024 4:22 am UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

You been watching to many movies Nowie

Have too! But seriously check out Boeing Australia!

AI is coming for us all, we art doomed!

6/1/2024 11:32 am UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

I've found that scanning for radio stations in Cuba is the way to go.

A lot of people escape from Cuba to Florida, and the only way they can communicate to their families is through ham radio

6/1/2024 11:37 am UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

Oh yeah on another note: it isn't Marilyn Manson. It's depeche mode. I'm actually a big fan of them.

Depeche mode
6/1/2024 11:42 am UK

Re: An AI Glitch In The Matrix!

My personal favorite albums are construction time again, violator, and playing the angel.

Ah fuck it, I like them all.

A lot of bands cover their songs