

Anonymous Coward
3/25/2025 7:27 pm GMT

The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

Where were we with the new forum ? Yep, user based templating - check - ...

... so another idea is a function so users can label threads. For example with the label 'interesting' or 'noise'. An option would also to create own labels. And of course - as always - the user would have the option to make their labeling decisions available to other users so they can view the site in the shoes of this particular user.

Anonymous Coward
3/25/2025 8:04 pm GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

We need an option that shoots popcorn out the speakers when we watch a video or listen to music

Anonymous Coward
3/25/2025 8:10 pm GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

I don't consider this a forum.

It more resembles an old message board..

Anonymous Coward
3/25/2025 8:43 pm GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

We need an option that shoots popcorn out the speakers when we watch a video or listen to music

.. which brings me back to the templating-subject. I like to implement a text-only-mode-option too. People could chose back-ground-color and text color(s)..

Anonymous Coward
3/25/2025 8:57 pm GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

a terminal-mode you know.. maybe a vim-mode too ?? chuckle

Anonymous Coward
3/26/2025 12:32 am GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

Elaine has been "working on" reintroducing basic features like new registration for users for about 5+ years now so I wouldn't hold my breath, retard.

Anonymous Coward
3/26/2025 12:44 am GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

yeah I also thought about the 'Registration'-Thingy. We need to make sure people cannot be identified.. chuckle..

Blockchain-'Registration' maybe ? of course non-monetary..

lots to think about

Anonymous Coward
3/26/2025 12:51 am GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

Jesus friggin Christ! Where do these^ clueless rubes come from?

Elaine ain't doing shit other than the bare minimum which is claiming she is working on the site and putting up the occasional beg thread and sob story.

Anonymous Coward
3/26/2025 12:52 am GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

^ you seem to be triggered..


think my dear think !

Anonymous Coward
3/26/2025 1:01 am GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

Putting clueless retards in their place is what AE is all about and you sure are clueless. Also claiming that someone is triggered because someone trolled your brainless post is peak cringe from last decade, moron.

Good luck getting a clue.

Anonymous Coward
3/26/2025 1:03 am GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

^ sheesh you have potential ! ^

carry on..

Anonymous Coward
3/26/2025 1:30 am GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

"Blockchain-'Registration' maybe ? of course non-monetary..

lots to think about"

Yes, if you are mentally deficienct, I'm sure it will occupy your thoughts for days?

Anonymous Coward
3/26/2025 3:19 pm GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

Yes, if you are mentally deficienct, I'm sure it will occupy your thoughts for days?

please elaborate

thank you

Anonymous Coward
3/26/2025 4:08 pm GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

She cant stop the Spammer, She cant fix sheeeeet

Anonymous Coward
3/26/2025 5:08 pm GMT

RE: The New Forum And Such .. So Many Options

Putting clueless retards in their place is what AE is all about and you sure are clueless. Also claiming that someone is triggered because someone trolled your brainless post is peak cringe from last decade, moron.

Good luck getting a clue.
