

Anonymous Coward
3/25/2025 11:25 am GMT

The 9-11 Plotters The World Forgot. A Cell In Spain Provided The 9-11 Hijackers With

In November 2001, a Spanish judge indicted eight lowlifes for their role in the preparing the 9/11 attacks in New York and the Pentagon.
Bet you did not know of the 9/11 connection in Spain...unless you've been following @ debradelai’s now censored threads and blogs.
The lowlifes were Imad Eddin Barakat Yarkas (Abu Dahdah), Jasem Mahboule, Luis José Galán González, Bassan Dalati Satut, Mohamad Zaher Asade, Osama Darra, Said Chedadi and Mohamed Seedl Acaid.
The indictments referred to connections to Mohammed Atta, the leader of the attacks, to other 9/11 terrorists, to housing arrangements in Madrid and to intercepted phone conversations.

Much more here: