

3/20/2025 11:56 pm GMT

In The Beginning.....

I knew this guy for several years.


That is what he called himself on LOP.

He told me he was on of the 6 founding members of Poo pit along with Elaine and Curmmy.

Most people think Grey is dead. It might even be true.

Elaine is it true?

Can you tell us the story of the founding of Poo-pit and who he people were?

Anonymous Coward
3/21/2025 12:06 am GMT

RE: In The Beginning.....

Thats weird I know a guy that goes by the name of Greylenman and he is/was a parnormal investigator.

This was around 2010 - 2012 that I interacted with him. Wonder if its the same guy?

Anonymous Coward
3/21/2025 1:30 am GMT

RE: In The Beginning.....

He was a mod at Lunatic Outpost who was renowned for being an anti environmentalist and was rumored to be a paid petrochemical industry shill.

He hasn't posted for years and the consensus was he died or retired.

No great loss, either way.

3/21/2025 2:43 am GMT

Avatar for Elaine

RE: In The Beginning.....

He told me he was on of the 6 founding members of Poo pit along with Elaine and Curmmy.


The first huge web site I did was way back before AOL. I met some peeps interested in UFOs on Prodigy, way back in the day. That was where I met Kento (Kent Steadman) who did Cyberspace Orbit. Kent was talking about "Lake Steadman" and "River Leah" on Mars decades before NASA finally admitted there is water there. I made him a forum, because his site was growing so fast he couldn't keep up. But the assholes showed up almost immediately, so he asked me to take the forum down.

At that point I had already done and a few other web sites. (Music production company, real estate company, worldwide shipping & receiving, etc.) After went in the shitter (the company I was working for) I had a brief lapse of income. So I made poo pit with an extra domain name I had that wasn't being used.

Kento showed up, along with other authors and radio personalities in the ufo community back then. Curmy was there from the very beginning, because we worked together (writing code) back before I went to California. So we stayed in touch for years before we finally got together.

There was so much traffic that it was one of the top 3k sites in the world. But it cost me a lot, because I was spending almost 1k/month for a dedicated server and the site was still slow because it needed an image server, database server and a web server. Plus I had written the original site with asp and .net on a microsoft server. And that was just not good enough. So when I sold poo pit to captain underpants I put AE on a linux box, and that was a LOT faster.

That was about 20 years ago.
Well medicated for your protection. ॐ ♡

Anonymous Coward
3/21/2025 2:47 am GMT

RE: In The Beginning.....

Wow, Elaine went full anus.

3/21/2025 3:17 am GMT

Avatar for Elaine

RE: In The Beginning.....

Well medicated for your protection. ॐ ♡

3/22/2025 4:12 pm GMT

RE: In The Beginning.....

That joke smells Mrs Elaine!