

Anonymous Coward
3/20/2025 5:29 am GMT

TRAÑÑITY Hates Trump And Musk And Is Begging For Revenue After His USAID Funding Was Cut


Anonymous Coward
3/23/2025 1:10 pm GMT

RE: TRAÑÑITY Hates Trump And Musk And Is Begging For Revenue After His USAID Funding Was Cut

Fetid Poo Pit
The place went to the outhouse. Site owner hooked up with this Mexican maid, fired long time moderators because she was threatened by them, and he's crying the blues he needs traffic and money.

So he's allowing Neo Nazis on the platform now, heavy antisemitism, violence, spam, hookups, and what used to be a conservative platform, he hates Trump, so he bans anything pro Trump now, and has gone after his mods for their religious beliefs and political affiliations.

Anonymous Coward
3/23/2025 1:58 pm GMT

RE: TRAÑÑITY Hates Trump And Musk And Is Begging For Revenue After His USAID Funding Was Cut


Anonymous Coward
3/23/2025 3:00 pm GMT

RE: TRAÑÑITY Hates Trump And Musk And Is Begging For Revenue After His USAID Funding Was Cut

How is Scrump still there? And Jazzy? They love Trump

3/23/2025 5:21 pm GMT

RE: TRAÑÑITY Hates Trump And Musk And Is Begging For Revenue After His USAID Funding Was Cut

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Anonymous Coward
3/23/2025 6:23 pm GMT

RE: TRAÑÑITY Hates Trump And Musk And Is Begging For Revenue After His USAID Funding Was Cut

elain has referred to him as a spyware master in the past.

Anonymous Coward
3/23/2025 10:24 pm GMT

RE: TRAÑÑITY Hates Trump And Musk And Is Begging For Revenue After His USAID Funding Was Cut

Easy to get round his blocking software and see the site without ads , and I am a noob at computers lol.

WhaT he really should be scared of is some rich git like me getting InTouch with script kiddies and taking his site down for a few hundred bucks .

So so easy to unleash hell if you put your mind to it

Anonymous Coward
3/23/2025 10:54 pm GMT

RE: TRAÑÑITY Hates Trump And Musk And Is Begging For Revenue After His USAID Funding Was Cut

one of the script kiddies has been terrorizing this site for years.