

Anonymous Coward
3/18/2025 8:52 pm GMT

The Internet Will Soon Be A Thing Of The Past

and no - not in the way aka. 'as we know it' - but completely.

on a side note, here's some entertainment

3/20/2025 8:13 am GMT

RE: The Internet Will Soon Be A Thing Of The Past

and no - not in the way aka. 'as we know it' - but completely.

No, it won't. I had this same debate with a buddy of mine.

I'd argue that "The Internet" is the greatest tool ever devised to spread propaganda and "Divide and Conquer".

Just think... An Panopticon used to isolate and confuse people in a digital prison, where thanks to psychologists and psychiatrists... A "State" can use "Big Data" to further their goals of promoting ideals to people in "Personal Echo Chambers" indefinitely.

Sure, you may believe in Trump being a "Holy Jesus King", sent by God to lead America into a "Golden Age". And sure, Mrs Elaine will post her image of Aliens talking about that being why they put things up your bum...

The two of you can argue indefinitely, and both of you may never realise that the other is heavily indoctrinated by their "Personal Echo Chamber" of "Main Stream Media" or "Alternative Media" pushing these beliefs onto you through the algorithm that you subscribe to which reinforces your beliefs.

I think it's ridiculous to think "The Elites" would throw away one of their best toys and I have every faith in them to continue their assrooting of everyone who refuses to see that their efforts to promote their favourite stance on who should run "The Panopticon" is just that...

When I think about it... It's kind of like declaring "Everyone's buttplugs should be "White" for Trump supporters and for Trump's detractors declaring that "White buttplugs are racist".

Personally, I think... That everyone should be able to have any colour buttplug they want, even rainbow coloured ones. Of course, some people will shy away from having a buttplug, and that's fine too!

I don't believe in making people shove things up their ass, and I'm convinced I don't want to shove things up my own ass!

3/20/2025 12:20 pm GMT

RE: The Internet Will Soon Be A Thing Of The Past

Imagine engaging in a debate with nowie.

Anonymous Coward
3/20/2025 3:36 pm GMT

RE: The Internet Will Soon Be A Thing Of The Past

Thank you knowie for your well layed out thoughts.. and I agree to a degree.. but Buttplugs ??


I experienced the usenet- and gopher-age. It was an age where unhinged (by government/global companies) discussions/debates took place, discussions/debates which were impossible to censor or move under the digital carpet, discussions/debates with multiple viewpoints - not just 2 or even 3 (btw: 3rd viewpoints are actually formally forbidden nowadays). It was those multiple viewpoints manifesting in the perception of those around back then which were the ultimate thorn in the eye of tptb - and fortunately - still is. Of course they tried to remove the thorn in their eye (through digital economy, through digital censorship, through digital money, through digital id etc) but their blindness - caused by the thorn itself - not only hindered them from pulling it out but pushed the thorn in even deeper. Now we're at the point in time where nothing of the eye is left - just the thorn. And with every Year, every Month, every Week, every Day, every Hour, every Minute, every Second, every instant - the thorn gets bigger and bigger and will reach a size so big that even the owner of the eye itself will in in danger to be eliminated by the thorn. One of their last attempts to save the owner of the eye will and must be the total destruction of the thorn..

a spectacle is coming which NOBODY will ever - not in this | not in the next incarnation - forget

chuckle epiclol censored pfhhhht hf hiding