

Magus Wife
3/11/2025 11:12 pm GMT

Hey Elaine!

Eat my hairy cunt and close down the thread about my husband you dirty shitter, two suicide attempts he's had due to the threads about him here.

Leave us the fuck alone.

Anonymous Coward
3/12/2025 12:03 am GMT

RE: Hey Elaine!


Anonymous Coward
3/12/2025 3:45 am GMT

RE: Hey Elaine!

Fake and cringe.

3/12/2025 4:01 am GMT

Avatar for Elaine

RE: Hey Elaine!

I have no way of knowing who you are, if you are male or female, who your husband is, or what thread you're talking about, dumbass.

Well medicated for your protection. ॐ ♡

3/12/2025 11:35 am GMT

RE: Hey Elaine!

I have no way of knowing who you are, if you are male or female, who your husband is, or what thread you're talking about, dumbass.

The obsessed aberration is merely playing out one of it's many fantasies about me as usual. Grab the popcorn if you haven't already, it's been quite a few years now.
I wish I could find employees, or really anyone for that matter, with that amount of dedication. So many people just don't care about anything or have a cause or purpose.

I'm glad I could be the light at the end of the tunnel for the abused child.

Elaine...More Bunging here
3/12/2025 5:09 pm GMT

RE: Hey Elaine!

There's a lot of Bunging on other threads, especiallt the ones at the top, including the pinned threads.

Anonymous Coward
3/14/2025 5:47 pm GMT

RE: Hey Elaine!

Elaine pretending that she doesn't know anything that goes on in the 5 threads made on her site that week is excruciatingly lame as fuck.

"Errrr durr who is this Magus person whose account I straight up deleted and whom I have allowed like 10 schizo threads about over the years? It is a real mystery!"

Lol. Fuckin dipshit.

Anonymous Coward
3/15/2025 5:00 am GMT

RE: Hey Elaine!

^ cool story bro, but Elaine is real as fooque. This enshizzlement is the real thing.

Anonymous Coward
3/15/2025 4:24 pm GMT

RE: Hey Elaine!


"Fake and cringe."

You guys must be dumb as fuck or new here?

Welcome to AE where every post is a Larp and fake and cringe.