10:13 pm GMT
A Thought From An Empty Head, Bird Flu... Why Can't I Stuff My Face With Roast Chicken?
There are three totally plausible reasons for the slaughter of almost 150 million chickens in the US.
Early on during Covid there was speculation that the Coronavirus was a biological weapon. If that was true its release was caused by Trump’s myopic “Trade War”. As Trump continues his policy of crippling Global Trade we can expect more “Biological Terrorism” This was the plot of the 2003 video game Deus Ex: Invisible War. (Btw I love that game despite it being panned by critics.)
The premise of “Invisible War” was an act of biological terrorism using a “Nanite Detonator” which destroyed a city. Now we’re seeing alleged “Biological Weapons” in the form of Covid and Bird Flu to cause civil distress and induce war weariness.
We can safely say there will be a lot more “Biological Terrorism” in the foreseeable future.
Contracts for mass frozen chicken.
Frozen chicken lasts for 6 months in a freezer and feeding the world from foreign owned chicken farms and processing plants means that a “Public Official” at the CDC gets bribed and announces a pandemic.
The chickens are then slaughtered and processed before being shipped off to a foreign country to feed their population as pursuant to a contract with clearly predictable results on the American domestic market.
Artificial scarcity causing people accept Kentucky Fried Cockroach.
We all know the WEF would like nothing more than having the Average Joe eat crap while the privileged poodles of the Global Elite have lavish spreads including everything from ribeye to turkey to shrimps to fresh garden vegetables.
But why, because the Average Joe consumes too many resources that would be better used by “Our Betters” to live opulent lives we can only hope to dream to aspire to.
The “Green New Deal” works really well with far fewer people and a less than magnificent life for the masses, enables our precious leaders to live the lives they deserve thanks to our moderation of our base desires and our acceptance of our lot in life underneath the Global Technocrati we can only hope deems our lives interesting enough to merit our daily Kentucky Fried Cockroach!
What does everyone else think? Am I no longer boring?
