

2/24/2025 10:01 pm GMT

I Own The Company Now

Yup yup.

Actually I've had it for a couple of years now but I'm thinking of renaming it something funny.

Let's hear 'em

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 10:02 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Magus's anus chair emporium comes to mind

The Squirrels
2/24/2025 10:05 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Who gives a fuck?


Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 10:09 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

^ U do! Or you wouldn't have replied, non business owner.
I was stuck as Vice President for over 10 years. Now I OWN

Who's the loser now? You are

2/24/2025 10:10 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Magoo's Micros. Computers and homemade buttplug store for the discerning manlet.

2/24/2025 10:13 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Shut up Kal, u will not steal my thunder you Kentucky manlet.

Suck Daddy
2/24/2025 10:17 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

I think the Moyle bit off the best part of Magus? Oy vey at this putz, this meshuga!

How many years did he suck his Dad's dick before the old coot went retarded and retired so Alex can play big boy? You inherited everything you own you Nepo douchebag hahahaha.

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 10:19 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

^ crying about owning nothing


Infinite jealousy

2/24/2025 10:24 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Imagine thinking that inheriting a family business makes you a businessman?

Magoo will never recover from the epic openings he has received here on AE which is why the poor dumb cuck keeps coming back for more.

2/24/2025 10:27 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Kal, I have a few trash cans that need emptying.
According to your resume: I don't think that "slam poetry", "basket weaving" or being an "anal connesieur" quite match what i had in mind for a technician.
Sorry bud.

Biff Butt Rentboy Review
2/24/2025 10:29 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

MGTOW Magoo's "epic openings" my asshole bigger than a canoe or your money back.

3/5 brown stars on Trust Pilot from 5 reviews.

2/24/2025 10:31 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

^ See this is exactly what I mean about not being interested in anal connesieurs

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 10:35 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Magus displaying his inflamed asshole on the board is a forum tradition.

He can't stay away, he loves being humiliated by his betters, it really gets his peepee hard. Unlike his fat wife. Hahahaha.

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 10:47 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Lmao you are still relentlessly dunked on by the lowest of the low beta trolls here like Domains and Nowie you fuckin clownshoe.

Honk Honk!

2/24/2025 10:51 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

^ still crying and mad about me like usual eh kal?
You didn't even charge me rent. Thanks for the rent free spot in your mega brain there, kalkek

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 11:03 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Magoo being perma REKT and endlessly searching for his Daddy and AE's approval never gets old.

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 11:07 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Real, I'm a big boy now, energy from Magoo as usual.

2/24/2025 11:08 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now


2/24/2025 11:11 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

It's almost like hearing a boomer unoronically say "no cap"

Hyper Masculine Toddler PC Repairs
2/24/2025 11:13 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

I'm a big boy now daddy. I'm grown!

2/24/2025 11:18 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

So, I have two teenage sons. I haven't really been here too often or thought about kal, but when I do, I think of him as a manchild. Like how a teenager or an adolescent carries himself, and the guy has to at least be our age in our late 30s early 40s.

He won't ever grow up. Poor manlet.

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 11:22 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

A reminder that Magus is like 50 so his Dad must have waited until 70 to leave the family business in Alex's ungrateful little mitts.

Ultimate nepo kid handed everything on a sliver platter. Just like Trump whose knob he slobbers.

2/24/2025 11:25 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

No im 45 and I don't even know what this Alex thing is all about. Probably a failed dox attempt.

Daily reminder that we all grow up and move on, except for kalkek the manlet of course :)

2/24/2025 11:33 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Instead of giving me grief, one oughta say: congrats dude! Any pointers?

That's what a reasonable person who isn't assblasted by me picking on them would respond. However, I didn't come here to post that for that interaction.

I came here just to rub it in your faces and point and laugh at you. Not you so much, Kal, your mere existence is a point and laugh. No, I didn't come here for any sort of validation or encouragement, I posted here merely to thumb my nose at you. And laugh, as you are quite amusing to me.

On another place in another time, I have all sorts of useful advice and experience on how to run and start a business but that would require you to have a higher education and I don't see that here LOL

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 11:33 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

"Magoo's Micros. Computers and homemade buttplug store for the discerning manlet.

"Shut up Kal, u will not steal my thunder you Kentucky manlet"

No U was all Magus was ever capable of posting. No change there, it seems?

2/24/2025 11:36 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

^ you're confused as always.

Beanus was the "no U" guy. I think even solo coined him as the "NoUtheus" ot some such thing

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 11:41 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

No U, Dipshit Magoo.

2/25/2025 12:13 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Magoo's Micros. Computers and homemade buttplug store for the discerning manlet.

Lulz, poor Magoo... Look on the bright side, butt plugs really have a future among most large city dwellers... So Magoo should have a thriving business.

I look forward to Magoo posting detecting 1970s trends early on...
How to pleasure your metrosexual buddy who really likes men...
Developing business ideas that outlast your clients, citing the Wikipedia article on gays in Ancient Rome...
Mastering the phallus, how to get men into your business...
Incel lyfe, marketing to manlets...

2/25/2025 12:14 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

I have a structured settlement and I need cash now...

Call K.G. Kalworth, 877-White-Trash!

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 12:18 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Developing business ideas that outlast your clients, citing the Wikipedia article on gays in Ancient Rome...
Mastering the phallus, how to get men into your business...

Thanks Kal, that's one of the weirdest things I've ever read. So did you come up with that all on your own or...?

2/25/2025 12:23 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

I don't understand why that freak Nowie keeps on posting his AI generated garble. It's not even AI it's ND. Nowie drivel. Lmao what a retarded fag.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 12:32 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now


A person or animal on exhibition as an example of a deviation from nature

Imagine going to only to be called a freak (and taking it as a compliment)

You have reached anus levels that have before only though of as unreachable, Nowie

Billy Bob Pro Moonshiner
2/25/2025 3:22 am GMT

Avatar for Billy Bob Pro Moonshiner

RE: I Own The Company Now

He done gone deluzonal. I wonder ifen the staff at the nut house know he is gittin online? I bet he snuck a smart phone in when he came back from the weekend pass.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 3:28 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Any Issues in here ?

2/25/2025 4:21 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Thanks Kal, that's one of the weirdest things I've ever read. So did you come up with that all on your own or...?

I sure did, isn't it great?

I don't understand why that freak Nowie keeps on posting his AI generated garble. It's not even AI it's ND. Nowie drivel. Lmao what a retarded fag.

Lulz! That's almost as good as AC's gun mittens!

Imagine going to only to be called a freak (and taking it as a compliment)

You have reached anus levels that have before only though of as unreachable, Nowie

Woot! To be recognized as an AE luminary like Ms Daisy, and I didn't have to pony up a seat!

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 4:27 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now


2/25/2025 6:58 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

kal has a neck tattoo. it's a tattoo of a beard.

2/25/2025 7:02 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

I think even solo coined him as the "NoUtheus" ot some such thing


probably his only worthy contribution on his whole 'forum resume'.

No U Magoo
2/25/2025 12:02 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Magus used the No U thing just as much as Beans, there wasn't much to separate their posting styles at all apart from Magus stealing 4chan memes and adapting them poorly to lop posters.

Beans was a narcissistic delusional dipshit blowhard who incorrectly thought he was an epic troll and Magus was exactly the same, even down to parroting "No U" when he got owned.

2/25/2025 12:09 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Yes,stumpy lil manlet Magoo was a meme theif who stole those magic the gathering things that Magoo still waffles on about like they were the highlight of his trolling career but they were all stolen valor from 4chan.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 12:38 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Lots of jealous non-business owners ITT

What now for Magoo
2/25/2025 4:25 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

^Oh look, as predicted in the Labor Day thread, Manginus has now gone anon to support himself again. What a pathetic loser, called it!

"You will probably lie and twist the truth and deny established facts. Then you will go back to being an anon and try to talk about and to defend yourself and make yourself look cool."

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 4:33 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Magus, tired of always being denied the ultimate boss position in the family business, decides to use his money and privilege to fuck over the people who gave him the wealth and privilege, by opening the exact same business type in direct competition with his family, just out of pure spite.

Tells you everything you need to know about this absolute failson.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 4:49 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Magus, tired of always being denied the ultimate boss position in the family business, decides to use his money and privilege to fuck over the people who gave him the wealth and privilege, by opening the exact same business type in direct competition with his family, just out of pure spite.

Tells you everything you need to know about this absolute failson.

Pretty good for a diaper wearing schizoid who barely gets let out of the mental institution except on good behavior eh? It's like a real-life evil genius.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 4:55 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Yes,stumpy lil manlet Magoo was a meme theif who stole those magic the gathering things that Magoo still waffles on about like they were the highlight of his trolling career but they were all stolen valor from 4chan.

that must have been like 10 years ago and you're still butthurt about that? lmao

Seethe and Cope Magoo
2/25/2025 4:55 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Looks like Magoo is utterly REKT again with no comeback other than projecting his own failings as a mentally ill human onto the posts that REKT him?

Magoo is winning at life
2/25/2025 5:12 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

"Pretty good for a diaper wearing schizoid who barely gets let out of the mental institution except on good behavior eh? It's like a real-life evil genius."

Lol. Hell no, imbecile. It's the act of a spoiled manchild who had everything handed to him on a silver platter yet still had to fuck over his own family just to say they 'win'.

It's failson capricious petulance of the most pathetic kind. Of course a total loser like you would think your actions are cool, you absolute retard. 100% demented failson behaviour.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 5:16 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Lol. Hell no, imbecile. It's the act of a spoiled manchild who had everything handed to him on a silver platter yet still had to fuck over his own family just to say they 'win'.

It's failson capricious petulance of the most pathetic kind. Of course a total loser like you would think your actions are cool, you absolute retard. 100% demented failson behaviour.

>he actually believes that the Labor Day thread is real life


i thought it was just a funny thing to read on occasion, but there are 'actual' nutjobs like yourself that believe everything they read?

not surprising in your case

2/25/2025 6:38 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

>he actually believes that the Labor Day thread is real life


i thought it was just a funny thing to read on occasion, but there are 'actual' nutjobs like yourself that believe everything they read?

not surprising in your case

I believe the Magoo Labor Day thread is real life!

I have no idea who Magoo is, but I was there for the "Gun Mittens" dummy spit and it was a glorious dummy spit!

Seethe and Cope Harder
2/25/2025 6:50 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Magoo's pathetic attempts at damage control show just how much these comments get under his paper thin skin.

And the reason we know about your failson attempts to get even with Daddy are because you have made multiple threads, like this one, bragging about it, you utter fuckin moron.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 6:53 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

lopguest makes a couple of posts and the cringe schizo becomes unhinged.

2/25/2025 6:53 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Thanks Kal, that's one of the weirdest things I've ever read. So did you come up with that all on your own or...?

I sure did, isn't it great?

The answer is no.
You: "Someone said something bad about me, therefore it's good!"

Mega cope.

I don't understand why that freak Nowie keeps on posting his AI generated garble. It's not even AI it's ND. Nowie drivel. Lmao what a retarded fag.

Lulz! That's almost as good as AC's gun mittens!


Imagine going to only to be called a freak (and taking it as a compliment)

You have reached anus levels that have before only though of as unreachable, Nowie

Woot! To be recognized as an AE luminary like Ms Daisy, and I didn't have to pony up a seat!

Yet another case of:
"someone said something bad about me, therefore it's good! I will now assign myself the title: AE LUMINARY"

ROFL wtf?

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 7:03 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

"lopguest makes a couple of posts and the cringe schizo becomes unhinged."

Oh dear, looks like Magoo is unhinged and posting about himself in the third person again? Just like he always does when his threads get REKT and destroyed by facts. This was the reason Elaine banned him on Labor Day weekend all those years ago.

Truly pathetic.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 7:07 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Oh dear, looks like Magoo is unhinged and posting about himself in the third person again? Just like he always does when his threads get REKT and destroyed by facts. This was the reason Elaine banned him on Labor Day weekend all those years ago.

Truly pathetic.

Unlike you, I'm not unhinged, and it didn't write that.

2/25/2025 7:15 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

lopguest makes a couple of posts and the cringe schizo becomes unhinged.

This. It's one crazy nutjob, probably eve. Some female poster with MDS who exaggerates with exclamation marks, rofls and such, and is so far off the mark that the unborn children of her non-functioning shriveled eggs even cringe at.

Big pharma is mad at her for not going in to take her meds.

2/25/2025 7:25 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

I did some digging and found where I stored these and uploaded them for your pleasure :D


Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 7:39 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

those are so old that it's surreal taking a trip down memory lane. and schizos are still upset about it, lmao. i totally forgot about half of that stuff.

i find it curious that the only thing i could write about distard was donation related and not much else. it just goes to show how relevant he ever was. i still think it's funny that i made him change his avatar to mine with a clown wig, after i did the same to him. talk about no u! :D

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 8:15 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

This. It's one crazy nutjob, probably eve

i doubt it's eve.
it's clearly retarded enough to be her, but it's too much about attacking you instead of portraying her as a victim, which is her wheel house.

i'd say the schizo is a kal-type. which is like an archetype, but consists entirely of cringe fractals all spinning from kal, there in indiana, kentucky or wherever he resides.

it's the same fuckwit that would insist that raymongo and i are the same person.

a paranoid schizo.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 8:18 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

I did some digging and found where I stored these and uploaded them for your pleasure :D

i gotta go post that at lunatic outhouse

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 8:23 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

"Do any of you here collect conspiracy theorist cards?"


2/25/2025 8:26 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

i doubt it's eve.
it's clearly retarded enough to be her, but it's too much about attacking you instead of portraying her as a victim, which is her wheel house.

i'd say the schizo is a kal-type. which is like an archetype, but consists entirely of cringe fractals all spinning from kal, there in indiana, kentucky or wherever he resides.

it's the same fuckwit that would insist that raymongo and i are the same person.

a paranoid schizo.

Yeah, I don't Know if it's Kal though, from what I've seen, he has more dignity than the annoying buzzer rofl schizo. He strikes me as an intelligent person also. This type of low-level trolling isn't becoming of him really. It's gotten to the point of spam-filtering because there isn't any back and forth.

Assley maybe?

2/25/2025 8:36 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

"Do any of you here collect conspiracy theorist cards?"


lmfao, 'not found'

you are opening a huge can of worms by revisiting this. it's like watching a re-run of all my children or something.

no, the really, REALLY funny stuff and the most i've been entertained in a long ass time was back when the anus and courtfrog created this incredible drama that caused my sides to go into orbit.

i think the thread was called something like "courtdude and ta cray cray a love story" or some such thing.

i don't remember the last time i laughed so hard at something, and it wasn't even made up it actually happened haha

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 8:46 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Magus is just like ta. A delusional narcisst who is incapable of understanding that it is entirely due to their terrible posts they make talking about themselves all the time that people laugh at them and troll them.

2/25/2025 8:49 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

The answer is no.
You: "Someone said something bad about me, therefore it's good!"

Mega cope.

As one of AE’s many Cringelords, I take great pride in spouting shit on the internet!


Don’t deny it, we all saw you spit the dummy over shooting gloves.

Yet another case of:
"someone said something bad about me, therefore it's good! I will now assign myself the title: AE LUMINARY"

ROFL wtf?

Over the last almost 5 years I have shown myself to be one of the most precious people on AE!

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 8:51 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Someone mentions the magic the gathering cards that he stole off 4chan and the stupid turd immediately posts them after he just happened to find the file he saved on his computer for years.

Totally desperate for any validation on the site he has been banned from and slated daily in the Labor Day thread. Now that is devotion to damage control and your shitty online persona.

Beyond pathetic.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 8:57 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Yeah, I don't Know if it's Kal though, from what I've seen, he has more dignity than the annoying buzzer rofl schizo. He strikes me as an intelligent person also. This type of low-level trolling isn't becoming of him really. It's gotten to the point of spam-filtering because there isn't any back and forth.

Assley maybe?

I didn't mean to imply that is was kal, just that he is the alpha cringe lord for that genre of posters.

you add them all up and get one 'kal'.

in this system one kal is a base unit of cringe.

much to my amusement, that unit is often considered currency here, or it was at any rate.

there was load of laughs and creativity here at one time, when the 'kal-market' was strong.
one of my favs was the mugshot of jami as the centre of a blackhole. that one didn't last long.

it could be argued that kal and the anus are the alpha and omega of cringe.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 9:00 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

"Don’t deny it, we all saw you spit the dummy over shooting gloves."

Those weren't shooting gloves, they were mittens.

Tragic Narcisst
2/25/2025 9:10 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Hi my name is Magus and I truly believe that the owner and posters on this site are a bunch of schizo cringelords since they all turned on me but I don't care anyway.

I will continue to post on a site where I am a laughing stock and don't care what you idiots think. Remember the glory days when this site was cool and people didn't laugh at meeeeeeee?

Hey, I just happen to have a bag of old hilarious 4chan memes, want to see them? It will only take a minute. I'll post them on lop since Elaine seems to have rescinded my meme posting privileges for some reason I cannot fathom?

Why won't you like meeeee?!?!

Everyone on this site is KAL or the anus and it hurts my heart.

Anyway, want to hear about the small business I opened just to spite my family?

2/25/2025 9:10 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Those weren't shooting gloves, they were mittens.

Mittens are great in cold weather, they keep your hands warm! I'm just wondering why Magoo is denying he likes to wear mittens?

Maybe Magoo's hands were cold...

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 10:35 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

one of my favs was the mugshot of jami as the centre of a blackhole. that one didn't last long.

I remember making that lol.

2/25/2025 10:40 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Mittens are great in cold weather, they keep your hands warm! I'm just wondering why Magoo is denying he likes to wear mittens?

Maybe Magoo's hands were cold...

"Nowie has entered the chat"

Aren't you late for your afternoon heroin fix? What a freak show.

Solo NLI
2/25/2025 10:59 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

i think "nowie" is the schizo and the two, equally retarded personalities, run cringe cover for the other.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 11:03 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Hi my name is Magus and I truly believe that the owner and posters on this site are a bunch of schizo cringelords since they all turned on me but I don't care anyway.

I will continue to post on a site where I am a laughing stock and don't care what you idiots think. Remember the glory days when this site was cool and people didn't laugh at meeeeeeee?

Hey, I just happen to have a bag of old hilarious 4chan memes, want to see them? It will only take a minute. I'll post them on lop since Elaine seems to have rescinded my meme posting privileges for some reason I cannot fathom?

Why won't you like meeeee?!?!

Everyone on this site is KAL or the anus and it hurts my heart.

Anyway, want to hear about the small business I opened just to spite my family?

Hi, I'm the anon schizo who makes up stories.

Nice try, scizzy. Shouldn't you be posting this in my labor day thread with all of your other absolute nonsense?

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 11:14 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

"I gotta go post that at lunatic outhouse

Awww look. HammyTrannybangerWagon has found a new fwiend!

At least we now know who always used to post "Beans is winning" in every thread? Once a perverse tard, always a perverse tard, hey Hammy?

I don't think Magoo swings with metrosexuals though so you're wasting your time. Good luck though.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 11:16 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

^ hmmmm. Sounds like SOMEONE'S name was on one of those cards.
Go be mad somewhere else, freak.

Anonymous Coward
2/26/2025 12:07 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

^ hmmmm. Sounds like SOMEONE'S name was on one of those cards.


being me mangina wagon is a low blow, though.

that lop thread is gaining traction.

the u'lani thread was a pretty funny one.

Anonymous Coward
2/26/2025 12:10 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

calling me mangina wagon is a low blow, though.

that lop thread is gaining traction.

the u'lani card was a pretty funny one.


Anonymous Coward
2/26/2025 12:16 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now


Pasta Al Dente
2/26/2025 12:21 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now


you just know he's considered necrophilia, probably a lot more lately. all grist for the wank bank.

2/26/2025 12:29 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

"being me mangina wagon is a low blow, though."

Smells like Cletus in here? Maybe Magus and Lynyrrd could run a train on my ass before I BLORT?

Hmmmm chinteresting! Thinking of some nice vistas...balls on chins.

Anonymous Coward
2/26/2025 12:39 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

there was a funny thread once where solo was being referred to as some kind of soul sucking blob that was powered by box wine and vinegar shots.
I can't remember what coinage he was annointed with for that particular episode.

I wonder if he got vaxxed?

2/26/2025 10:21 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

i think "nowie" is the schizo and the two, equally retarded personalities, run cringe cover for the other.

Hey dood!

Wait what?!?

I have doods running cringe cover for me? Who are they? Why are they running cringe cover for one of AE's cringiest Cringelords?

Anonymous Coward
2/26/2025 10:28 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

nowie has nothing on kal when it comes to cringe. "cringe cover" is to hide narcissistic schizo complex..., with oedipus issues.

you are just plain boring..."dood"

see if you can restrain yourself from retorting armed with the knowledge that i will not bother reading it.

2/27/2025 1:59 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now


nowie has nothing on kal when it comes to cringe. "cringe cover" is to hide narcissistic schizo complex..., with oedipus issues.

you are just plain boring..."dood"

see if you can restrain yourself from retorting armed with the knowledge that i will not bother reading it.

Yeah, I got rekt taking on Magoo! Magus wins again, I can see how Ms Daisy said "Magus bothered her for a decade."

I don't know what happened over the last 5 years, I used to be able to rekt people all the time, some of them not even knowing they were rekt according to Solo.

Being boring sucks! I really rooted the pooch this time!

I used to just be able to let the rekt flow, but now it's different. I remember more but, it's not as easy to rekt.

Anyway, it's about time I got rekt because everyone inevitably ends up rekt at some point.

Well done AC! Are you Magoo as an AC?

I'm not even cringy like AE's normal Cringelords. No, being a motherfucker was never on the cards, so this Kal dood sounds like he has issues.


I'll be back later to bask in my epic defeat and to take solace as a pampered pet of Mrs Elaine. So hopefully Ms Daisy will sit on her marvelous chair and give me some wisdom in how to bait the mighty Magus!

Anonymous Coward
2/27/2025 7:03 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Clicks on thread.

Sees that it is a circle jerk.

Posts this and closes the thread vowing to never remember what I saw or click again.

Great Thread Ya Moran
2/28/2025 10:20 am GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Magus thinks that his opinion matters. Still a delusional nutbag after all these years.

2/28/2025 1:33 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

“……… there was a funny thread (only) once at………”

Sound like a new thread title.

Anonymous Coward
2/28/2025 2:27 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

ERRRRRR... you all know that this is a fake magus thread?

He cannot post during the week. he's in the hospital and is allowed out on pass on weekens.

3/21/2025 9:21 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

ERRRRRR... you all know that this is a fake magus thread?

He cannot post during the week. he's in the hospital and is allowed out on pass on weekens.

That doesn't change the fact I became boring, damnit how did this happen to me... Boohoohoo

3/22/2025 1:30 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

in this system one kal is a base unit of cringe.

I see. There must be an entire economic ecosystem based off of kals in this forum then. Since this unit of cringe is so valuable in terms of intrinsic cringe value, it must be broken up into smaller units.

Like bitcoin but kalcoin (don't bring up BTC around Kal, he's still salty).

This thread is a great place to mine some cringe in here with fake lop guest!

3/22/2025 1:34 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

My buttplug business is booming, especially with those men who have the same predisposition as me. *wink* *wink*.

3/22/2025 1:58 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

My buttplug business is booming, especially with those men who have the same predisposition as me. *wink* *wink*.

I'd have to say this was quite the eyeroll of a boring dig, but I've successfully mined one kalcoin after cringing at your *wink* *wink* comment, cringelord.

Anonymous Coward
3/22/2025 3:44 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

Magus still very upset about kal too, it seems?

3/22/2025 4:06 pm GMT

RE: I Own The Company Now

I'd have to say this was quite the eyeroll of a boring dig, but I've successfully mined one kalcoin after cringing at your *wink* *wink* comment, cringelord.

It's ok to be into buttplugs now, it's 2025 and now if your buttplugs aren't rainbow coloured and powered by batteries, sadly they're obsolete!

We all understand how hard business is for small business entrepreneurs like you oh mighty Magoo!