

Pedon Musk
2/24/2025 9:27 pm GMT

Hey Fuckwits, Elaine And I Were Just Discussing...

Some of the great deals at Canadian RTX pharmacies on all your boner pills, delivered straight to your door with hassle or fuss. 100% genuine products guaranteed or triple your money back if you are dissatisfied for ANY reason.

Use code "Elaine's Rusty Cunt Bucket" for 20% off your first order of genuine boner pills.

Verified Boner Pill Fiend
2/24/2025 9:39 pm GMT

RE: Hey Fuckwits, Elaine And I Were Just Discussing...

So, Elonaine decided to create a directory of worksafe links of Canadian RTX Online pharmacy for red blooded boner pill database for horny heterosexual American male that will not infect your internet machine with glorious Chinese Communist Party Malware.

It's 1000% safe and your boner is protected by the Financial Services Authority of Manitoba's, hey?

I wish to God that some kind sole would make such a links here for convenience and great abundance of boners for Belaine.

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 10:05 pm GMT

RE: Hey Fuckwits, Elaine And I Were Just Discussing...

Ur gay and this thread is fake and gay, pajeet. Now go shit in the street!

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 10:20 pm GMT

RE: Hey Fuckwits, Elaine And I Were Just Discussing...

Magus still the number one cringiest cringe poster on the forums.

2/24/2025 10:22 pm GMT

RE: Hey Fuckwits, Elaine And I Were Just Discussing...

Kentucky Kal is crying and mad, upset, and is flailing around like usual incel-kal fashion.

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 10:57 pm GMT

RE: Hey Fuckwits, Elaine And I Were Just Discussing...

Magoo seems mad that people can get cheap boner pills direct from Canada's online pharmacies?

Maybe he is too invested in the big prices he pays in the U.S big pharma friendly system? Magoo, don't be a laughing stock all your life, Google sunk cost phallacy and start earning big savings every time you pop a boner pill.

Your wallet will thank you even if your fat hound of a wife doesn't.

2/24/2025 11:05 pm GMT

RE: Hey Fuckwits, Elaine And I Were Just Discussing...

Kal, you are off your rocker again because of how insanely upset and mad you are at my presence here. It's causing your already wobbly state of thinking to spin out of control.

You are the epitome of "because I say it, it must be true!"

Anonymous Coward
2/24/2025 11:46 pm GMT

RE: Hey Fuckwits, Elaine And I Were Just Discussing...

Weird how the only kal threads here get made by you?

The Magus is a clown who melts down thread is always front page with people mocking your dumb deluded narcissist ass though. Funny stuff, huh?

2/25/2025 12:36 am GMT

RE: Hey Fuckwits, Elaine And I Were Just Discussing...

What are you talking about? I didn't make any kal threads. He just likes to hump my leg for some reason.

Anonymous Coward
2/25/2025 3:21 am GMT

RE: Hey Fuckwits, Elaine And I Were Just Discussing...

Who gave you the right to call yourself fuckwit ?

Do you have approval from the Ministry of Fuckwit

If so - we need PROOF !