Books - Alien Earth   
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Out of Time and Place

Out of Time and Place

by Fate Magazine

Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Year: 1999


Follow in the footsteps of real versions of Indiana Jones, as you discover evidence for things that traditional science and history will not acknowledge, in Out of Time and Place.

Edited by Terry O'Neill, Out of Time and Place features 35 articles by influential and important writers such as Frank Joseph, Barry Chamish, Ivan T. Sanderson, L. Sprague de Camp, and others. Just look at the strange things these stories describe:

*When the skies rained blood
*America's giants
*Fossils that came alive
*An ancient electrical battery
*The unbelievable columns of Aksum
*Nan Matol, lost city of the Pacific
*Proof that Lemuria did exist
*Vanishing islands of the Arctic
*The discovery of Atlantis

Explore these fascinating mysteries of history, archaeology, and the paranormal in this collection of amazing reports published over the past half-century in FATE magazine. These strange falls from the sky, extraordinary creatures, and misplaced artifacts call into question our entire view of human history. Although historians and scientists from many fields have tried to debunk or explain them, they remain unexplained.

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