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Don Jose Campos

Don Jose Campos


Don Jose Campos lives in Pulcallpa, Peru. He studied with over 120 master curanderos throughout South America including Don Salon of Iquitos. He travels internationally conducting ceremonies. A CD of his icaros (ceremonial songs) is in distribution.

Don José Campos is a gifted healer, a free spirit with a generous heart that inspires everyone with great charisma, enthusiasm and joy. He teaches from experience, and champions simplicity and humility.

Don José illuminates and guides participants with his deep knowledge through the practice and benefits of Ayahuasca with grace and gentleness and much respect and gratitude for the gifts Ayahuasca has bestowed on him throughout the 25 years he has been a practicing shaman.

Author of the book The Shaman and Ayahuasca: Journeys to Sacred Realms, Don José suggests a path back to understanding the profound healing and spiritual powers that are here for us in the enigmatic plant world of the Amazon jungle.

BOOKS (1 Item)