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Photo: Mass Shooting at Colo. Movie Theater, 12 People Dead Mass Shooting at Colo. Movie Theater, 12 People Dead
CNN - Fri Jul 20, 2012
A heavily armed gunman attacked an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater early Friday, tossing tear gas before opening fire on the terrified audience and killing 12 and wounding 38, authorities said. More»

Photo: Guatemalans to file appeal over STD experiments Guatemalans to file appeal over STD experiments
CNN - Sun Jun 17, 2012
The victims and heirs of US experiments involving sexually transmitted diseases and human subjects in Guatemala between 1946 and 1948 will appeal following the dismissal of their lawsuit against the US government. More»

Photo: Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich Sentenced to 14 Years Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich Sentenced to 14 Years
Associated Press - Tue Dec 6, 2011
CHICAGO - Rod Blagojevich, the ousted Illinois governor whose three-year battle against criminal charges became a national spectacle, was sentenced to 14 years in prison Wednesday, one of the stiffest penalties imposed for corruption in a state with a history of crooked politics. More»

Photo: Woman 'imprisoned' on Scientology cruise ship Woman 'imprisoned' on Scientology cruise ship
ABC News - Tue Nov 29, 2011
An Australian resident has told Lateline the Church of Scientology imprisoned her on its cruise ship The Freewinds. More»

Photo: Detective: NYPD Planted Drugs on People to Meet Drug Arrest Quotas Detective: NYPD Planted Drugs on People to Meet Drug Arrest Quotas
AlterNet - Thu Oct 13, 2011
According to a former officer who testified at trial yesterday, New York City police regularly planted drugs on innocent people to meet quotas. More»

Family of victim disputes cause of drug company CEO girlfriend's death
Reuters - Thu Sep 8, 2011
SAN DIEGO - The ex-husband and relatives of the woman found hanged, bound and nude at the mansion of a wealthy pharmaceutical executive are seeking donations for a private investigation to challenge the official ruling of her death as a suicide. More»

Dept of Defense employee arrested in Ga. on bribery charge
Associated Press - Thu Aug 25, 2011
ATLANTA - A high-ranking Department of Defense employee was charged Thursday with taking a bribe at an international conference in Atlanta to steer lucrative federal contracts for work in Afghanistan to a contractor. More»

Photo: When Prison Is Just Not Convenient for Rich People When Prison Is Just Not Convenient for Rich People
Forbes - Mon Jul 4, 2011
Both former CEOs Jeff Skilling (Enron) and Bernie Ebbers (WorldCom) received 25 year sentences and were allowed to drive to prison as if it were a first day of work. More»

Photo: Church of Scientology investigated by FBI Church of Scientology investigated by FBI
Telegraph, UK - Sun Feb 6, 2011
The Church of Scientology is being investigated by the FBI over allegations of human trafficking, it has been claimed. More»

Photo: Tom DeLay Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison Tom DeLay Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison
Huffington Post - Sun Jan 9, 2011
AUSTIN, Texas - A judge ordered former US House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to serve three years in prison Monday for his role in a scheme to illegally funnel corporate money to Texas candidates in 2002. More»

Photo: Case for inquest into David Kelly death 'unanswerable' Case for inquest into David Kelly death 'unanswerable'
BBC - Wed Dec 29, 2010
Campaigners for a full inquest into the death of government weapons inspector David Kelly say they have presented an "unanswerable" case. More»

Secret Papers Detail U.S. Aid for Ex-Nazis
New York Times - Fri Nov 12, 2010
WASHINGTON - A secret history of the United States governments Nazi-hunting operation concludes that American intelligence officials created a "safe haven" in the United States for Nazis and their collaborators after World War II, and it details decades of clashes, often hidden, with other nations over war criminals here and abroad. More»

Photo: Dr David Kelly was on a hitlist, says UN weapons expert Dr David Kelly was on a hitlist, says UN weapons expert
The Daily Mail - Fri Aug 13, 2010
A leading UN weapons inspector last night added his voice to the growing clamour for a full inquest into the death of Dr David Kelly. More»

Photo: New questions over Dr Kelly's post-mortem after pathologist 'mixed up' two servicemen's remains New questions over Dr Kelly's post-mortem after pathologist 'mixed up' two servicemen's remains
The Daily Mail - Thu Aug 5, 2010
The pathologist who carried out the post-mortem on weapons inspector Dr David Kelly is under investigation after mixing up two servicemens remains. More»

Photo: KGB man: MI5 agent told me that David Kelly had been 'exterminated' KGB man: MI5 agent told me that David Kelly had been 'exterminated'
The Daily Mail - Sat Jul 24, 2010
The mystery over the death of David Kelly took a further twist last night after a former KGB officer said he had evidence that the scientist did not commit suicide. More»

Photo: Aide: Blago hid in bathroom from budget director Aide: Blago hid in bathroom from budget director
Associated Press - Thu Jul 8, 2010
CHICAGO - Rod Blagojevich hid in the bathroom, ducked into a back room and left the office early to avoid discussing complex issues with his budget director, his former deputy said Thursday at the ousted governors corruption trial. More»

Photo: Did the CIA test LSD in the New York City subway system? Did the CIA test LSD in the New York City subway system?
New York Post - Fri Mar 12, 2010
On November 28, 1953, Frank Olson, a bland, seemingly innocuous 42-year-old government scientist, plunged to his death from room 1018A in New Yorks Statler Hotel, landing on a Seventh Avenue sidewalk just opposite Penn Station. More»

Photo: CIA 'caused French village to go mad in the Fifties by spiking baguettes with LSD CIA 'caused French village to go mad in the Fifties by spiking baguettes with LSD
Daily Mail, UK - Fri Mar 12, 2010
The CIA caused an entire French village to go mad nearly 60 years ago by spiking their baguettes with the mind-bending drug LSD, a new investigation claims. More»

Photo: David Kelly post mortem to be kept secret for 70 years as doctors accuse Lord Hutton of concealing vital information David Kelly post mortem to be kept secret for 70 years as doctors accuse Lord Hutton of concealing vital information
Daily Mail, UK - Sun Jan 24, 2010
Vital evidence which could solve the mystery of the death of Government weapons inspector Dr David Kelly will be kept under wraps for up to 70 years. More»

Louisiana ex-congressman gets 13 years on corruption conviction
CNN - Thu Nov 12, 2009
Alexandria, Virginia - Former US Representative William Jefferson was sentenced Friday to 13 years in prison followed by three years of supervised release for his conviction on 11 counts of corruption. More»

Photo: Scientology convicted of fraud in France Scientology convicted of fraud in France
Associated Press - Mon Oct 26, 2009
PARIS - A Paris court on Tuesday convicted the Church of Scientology of fraud and fined it more than half a million euros - but stopped short of banning the group as requested by prosecutors. More»

Man who threatened President Obama pleads guilty
WLBT-TV - Fri Aug 28, 2009
JACKSON, MS - A man who made internet threats in January to assassinate then President-Elect Barack Obama pleaded guilty Friday before US District Judge Henry Wingate. More»

US corruption probe nets dozens
BBC - Fri Jul 24, 2009
More than 40 people, including politicians, officials and several rabbis have been arrested in a major FBI operation in the US. More»

Photo: 13 doctors demand inquest into Dr David Kelly's death 13 doctors demand inquest into Dr David Kelly's death
Daily Mail, UK - Sun Jul 12, 2009
The death of Government scientist David Kelly returned to haunt Labour today as a group of doctors announced that they were mounting a legal challenge to overturn the finding of suicide. More»

Photo: Lisa McPherson: Scientologist had evidence destroyed Lisa McPherson: Scientologist had evidence destroyed
Associated Press - Sun Jun 21, 2009
CLEARWATER, Florida - A former high-ranking Scientology official who handled the case of a mentally ill member who died under church care ordered the destruction of incriminating evidence to cover up missteps, a newspaper reported Monday. More»

Photo: Church of Scientology on trial in France Church of Scientology on trial in France
AFP - Sun May 24, 2009
PARIS - The Church of Scientology and six of its French leaders went on trial on Monday on charges of organised fraud that could lead to an outright ban on the organisation in France. More»

Homeland Security official convicted of taking bribe
Associated Press - Mon Apr 13, 2009
GEORGIA - A former federal employee who worked with immigration services has been convicted of conspiring to encourage immigrants to enter the country illegally and accepting a bribe. More»

New 911 Evidence
The Open Chemical Physics Journal - Mon Apr 6, 2009
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe. More»

Photo: Pennsylvania rocked by 'jailing kids for cash' scandal Pennsylvania rocked by 'jailing kids for cash' scandal
CNN - Sun Mar 1, 2009
Pennsylvania - At a friends sleepover more than a year ago, 14-year-old Phillip Swartley pocketed change from unlocked vehicles in the neighborhood to buy chips and soft drinks. More»

DNA left at crime scene could be used to create picture of criminal's FACE, say scientists
Daily Mail, UK - Sun Feb 15, 2009
Forensic experts will soon be able to reconstruct facial features and skin just by reading DNA, US scientists said. More»

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