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Brain illness similar to Mad Cow Disease kills five in Canada - 43 cases reported

The Express
Thu April 1, 2021

Health officials have reported 43 cases of the illness in New Bruswick province, Canadian network CBC reports. The unknown neurological condition is believed to have links to mad cow disease and similarities to a rare and fatal brain disorder known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) – mad cow disease is one of four forms of CJD.

Yvon Godin, the mayor of Bertrand, a village in New Bruswick, said residents were “very worried” about the disease.

He said people were speculating that it could be transmitted from consuming livestock.

Mayor Godin said: “Residents are anxious, they're asking 'Is it moose meat? Is it deer? Is it contagious?'

“We need to know, as fast as possible, what is causing this disease.”

The first known case in the area was diagnosed in 2015, according to a memo produced by Canadian health officials.

A further outbreak was detected in 2019, when another 11 cases were discovered.

Last year, the figure more than doubled to 24, and so far there have been six cases in 2021.

In total there have been five fatalities.

The memo says: “We are collaborating with different national groups and experts; however, no clear cause has been identified at this time.”

Researchers, scientists and epidemiologists have been analysing the disease for around a year.

Neurologist Dr Neil Cashman says initial research suggests it is not a prion disease, an infectious protein which causes damage to brain cells.

He acknowledged it appeared to be a new disease, but downplayed links to CJD.

A variant of CJD is likely to be caused in humans by eating meat from a cow that had bovine spongiform encephalopathy or mad cow disease.

Mr Cashman said: “'There is no evidence, not a hint, even in the three autopsies that have been performed — of a human prion disease. That came as a surprise to me, frankly.

“So in essence, this is something new, and we need to get on the stick and figure out what this is."

The medical expert added more work needs to be done to find its cause and warned it could take up to a year.

Mr Cashman said: “A lot of scientific acumen will be required to pin it down to a cause.

"It's possible ongoing investigations will give us the cause in a week, or it's possible it will give us the cause in a year.

"There's no sensible timeline I can provide on when we'll have an answer. It's just something that has to be the focus of scientific attention, and as rapidly as possible."

The UK suffered its worst outbreak of mad cow disease or Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in the late 1980s and 1990s.

It led to high-risk offal being banned for human consumption in 1989.

The epidemic reached its peak in 1993 when there were 100,000 confirmed cases.

In total, it is estimated 180,000 animals were affected and to curb the outbreak 4.4 million cattle were slaughtered.

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